Apr 9Liked by Elsa

The soulless are attacking on all fronts. We are no more than bugs smashed on windshields to them. Collaterall damage waiting to happen.


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Yes ,you found the interview.Now every government that signed up to Agenda 2030 needs to understand what it is really all about and on whose behalf the central bankers are batting for .

You have hit the nail on the head 100% .

The origin of our troubles is non human .

Specifically the race of Draco that cobtrol the uderground bases are the enemy .

They hate us Noahites and also the loved ones that Noah rescued on the Ark .

The squirrels ,dogs,cats and elephants instinctively warm to us because of their ancestors whi were on the Ark .

The reptilian race of Draco however were definitely not invited on biard and they have been angry with us ever since!!

Our governmemts have mostly unwittingly entered into a pact with an infernal subterranean species of such evil who through their minions who control the central banks are actively facilitating the ruination of Earth"s life support systems .

Unbelieveable but almost certainly the truth.

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Thanks for confirming that is the interview. I have the sense that I've actually watched it - but now I know ever so much more.

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Listen to Philip Schneider"s last interview that he gave in 1995 not long before he was killed in 1996 presumably for revealing what he knew about the underhrpund cities and Deep Underground Military Bases that he himself had been working on as an egineer for Continuity of Government .He stated that the non human species that control the NWO from deep underhrund had planned to use biological chemical war against the surface populations of the planet to reduce by 5/6ths the overall numbers in the last years prior to 2029.There is our exolanation for what is happening.The Illuminati ""bloodline families""have made their deals with the infernal ones that were never invited onto Noaha"s Ark and hence why the war is against the life support system of the planet at the behest of those who have been hidden deep underrpund for hundreds of thousands of years ,according to Philip Schneider the invasion pf America was planned long ago as also was WW3.

We have quite literally arrived at the time that Jesus stated these days would be cut short for the sake of the elect lest all flesh be destroyed in Mathew 24 vs22.

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Now have found the YT link - and it's no longer there. Not a surprise. NOT THERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjc5Uux2hfk

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Please send the link to the interview. I've just been searching, could only find an Amazon book and a film.

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Mar 31Liked by Elsa

I consider this website to be the best of the best,here is human aspect of it.

https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Power_Elite and this is the alien aspect of it.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Alien_Hybridization. So i've been reading her newsletters for months.

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Thank you

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You're welcome,if we can raise our consciousness to understand Alien satanism,so important now to control our thoughts.I just immediately question all dark thoughts.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Satanic

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Yes--the telepathic unification within collective "human-consciousness" has brought many of us to the same conclusion re: they're not human. Whether one wishes to accept the idea that Princess Diana was not using this statement in a literal sense or not,i.e., 'they're not human' is not purposeful. I've been on the case for at least a decade as far as an acceptance that humankind has been 'interfered' with(by aliens) for many thousands of years. Zecharia Sitchin's research(although hotly debated for its pros and cons), and various translations of the Sumerian tablets struck an intuitive chord por moi. Also, John Lamb Lash's Gnostic interpretations re 'Archons' corresponds with ideas such as 'demonic' possession, or Alien mind control. At this time as we assess the damage to our health and planet and the A.I. infection at large--perhaps it may be useful to consider the acronym A.I. as: Alien Intelligence; or Archontic Intelligence. Re Icke--When I first heard him discuss shape-shifting reptilians I had to drop every vestige of resistance and rote judgments re what is possible vs the impossible. And today?...shape-shifting seems plausible; and considering the limitations imposed via the limits of our human eye-brain connection...well? ...I cannot see a molecule and yet I accept the premise that they and other subatomic elements exist. I have one other observation that keeps showing up on the radar, re the new headlights on autos--why do these new LEDs hurt my eyes when driving at night? I feel like we are being blinded...is this some paranoid fantasy? I appreciate your work Elsa, and thank you for bringing up the ideas re aliens among us (and probably working within the governments around the world.) The film-"They Live" was possibly non-fiction.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Author

They live - mentioned by someone else as well (at least I believe it was someone elsa) so I went and looked it up. Listed as horror. I avoid horror films, prefer the stuff in print form - but images add quite something. I will see if I watch.

About the headlights - shocking that these got past safety testing. Like you - and like everyone I've heard - they feel blinding, in fact dangerously painfully bright. Maybe they want us to stop night driving.

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In my view of the film genre (an avid cinephile am I) I consider Carpenter's film, "They Live" in the category of 'Speculative Fiction.' In terms of the horror genre I consider the pLandemic as a real life horror show! Re the head lights: what if the harsh light frequency inhibits the human ability to perceive subtleties in light frequencies--and thereby aids shape shifting entities in maintaining their cloak? [ a context for a sci fi film perhaps...even if it's a crazy idea.]

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

We have two major elephants in the room. evidence that continues to confirm a geomagnetic excursion or reversal is underway, and the obvious alien connection to our patterns of human crises.

To believe there is no alien connection is to believe that self-toxification is genetically wired into our species, in order for us to survive.

Self-toxification can be defined as intentional harm to another.

In all of nature, there is no evidence of a species that self toxifies, unless acted upon by an outside force, instigating toxification in the species.

The Third Elephant is the central banking system. All the ways that any alien civilization may be toxifying our activities are being financed and controlled through the system of global central banks. If we stop the central banks from printing one more digit of debt currency in the US and other nations, the immediate mechanism of toxification is disarmed by our pulse weapon of directed consciousness action.

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The person I most recently interviewed - Cal Washington - has set up a system which he believes will drain them of all financial resources. https://truthsummit.substack.com/p/must-see-interview-cal-washington-drain-money

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

I like his interviews and videos, but I can't get any useful info on his site unless I pony up $15 a month for it. So I'm thinking of budgeting 3 months' worth of time, not knowing if I can apply it now or later, and writing an article or two about what you get when you join with Cal. Are you a subscriber?

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I'm not a subscriber. My sense is that he is doing something excellent, but I would not give it time. I'm always searching, at this point.

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

I sense something excellent as well, but like Thomas, I must touch it to proclaim it.

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

I humbly submit that investigating the claims that space is fake as outlandish as it sounds, can yield a profound shift in one's paradigm. I agree, they are not human. Jeran's channel on youtube "jeranism" presents well articulated arguments based on empirical proofs & logic to support the assertion that the deception is of astronomical scale.

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

Gregg Braden has been saying the same thing!! He even made a dedicated video where he explains in detail how the UN and WEF's climate/CO2-agenda will put the planet back into the Pleistocene age! This is obviously NOT a human agenda.

(The great thing about this: Gregg's audience is generally more mainstream than we in the Truther community - that means many many people are waking up to this realization!)

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Great to hear.

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If they’re not human and they hate humanity so much, nothing would bother them more than to treat them like they’re human. Be kind and caring and give them a respectful honest trail in a court of l and make them watch Star Trek to learn how humans can cope with fear of the unknown, bigotry and runaway technology.

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Would this bother them? I imagine they would be feeling contempt for the incredibly stupid humans doing this.

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They love violence, so don’t do that. They love chaos, so don’t give them that. The hate peace, love and understanding. The hate people who aren’t afraid of being murdered by them. Find their weakness and exploit it.

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Absolutely. On Sunday, a meditation for Reiner and others. Love, caring.

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An interesting post - stimulating many well-reasoned comments. Let's not forget that 2 of the names mentioned - David Icke and Mike Adams have had opportunities to reveal more about some of the technology used for terraforming - the tech that was used on 9/11. Why won't folks talk about it? Why? Is it because by us knowing about it, these inhuman types are made less powerful? As we become more knowledgeable, their power over us decreases - that's my take anyway... Our strength is our humanity... the more compassionate and kind we are, the more their power over us is reduced.... The more we understand that the tech they own can be used for healing and care, the less power they have. David Icke and Mike Adams - and all - take note - properly of what is in Dr Judy Wood's book - and what she writes about "magic of the heart."

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Oh, she talks about magic of the heart too? I had no idea! Seems it's time for me to move beyond having watched all videos with her and actually find a copy of her book!

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Agreed: "Our strength is our humanity... the more compassionate and kind we are, the more their power over us is reduced.... The more we understand that the tech they own can be used for healing and care, the less power they have..." Much to explore here: how much we need to know, break mind control - how much we need to develop our caring - and more.

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Yes, they are not human. Our names for them have changed over the decades, and our understanding of what they are is still pretty primitive (even David Icke is wrong about what they really are), but they are most certainly NOT us. They are not three dimensional beings. Living humans need extensive training and have to to work through ritual to make some primitive level of contact. They learn how to do this through the occult and mystery schools. But contact the other way round is easy for them. They can act as "symbiotes" where they take up residence in our bodies, and with permission, control what that body says and does. In this way they appear to be human. Willing human bodies change over time to accommodate their "symbiote" (and some bodies are more suitable for this than others) but don't shape shift as such, at least not permanently.

And as they are not human, it can be hard for us to see their logic for why they do what they do. We are so anthropocentric that we are challenged to see another perspective.

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There are beings under the Earth surface with high technology. I saw this in the the early 1950's when taken there again and again as a very small child. The removal was from my bedroom in my parents' house in the early hours of the night. A blue light would appear through my curtained windows. A sudden rushing through the air would occur and I would next find myself seated on a stool on the stage of a vast underground auditorium filled with 'people' being displayed and discussed as an exhibit of apparent scientific curiosity. One entire vast wall comprised what I now know to be a flat screen display, showing in realtime in bright clear technicolour the goings-on of our lives on the surface of the Earth cities. Their faces, gestures, and comments were unkind. Afterwards I would be literally slammed back down hard into my body in the bed, hurting me badly each time they did this, and I grew quickly to abhor and dread these awful repeated occurrances.

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Thank you for telling of the experience. I'm sorry. Very disturbing, as well as painful.

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Mar 28Liked by Elsa

Princess Diana said that very phrase, "They're not human"....at this stage, I think she meant it literally. Did any of you see Kate in her red dress and little white collar when the youngest was born? Did you see Rosemary's Baby????? Right now, they are all in favor of the WEF/WHO and whatever other cartel is in power at the moment, but I often think that those behind the Matrix Leela will be happy to say goodbye to the royals as soon as they can get away with it.

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I've often wondered if the "powers that be" are taking a bribe from otherworld inhabitants with the promise of eternal life or some other BS. Because you're right. It makes no sense even for total idiots to destroy the very planet they live on. After all, they have to breath the same air, drink the same water and walk under that same sky. Mike Adams talked about "terra forming" for whatever is behind a lot of this insanity. And just think...if they can just get us to wipe each other out, they won't have to. Remember the Matrix when Agent Smith told Morpheus that humans were like a virus?

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Please see what Prof Dr David Jacobs of NY Temple University has published on this very subject from his many years of research, investigation, and conclusion.

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I like what you've written - but I don't "Remember the Matrix when Agent Smith told Morpheus that humans were like a virus" - because somehow I actually missed watching that movie!!!

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deletedMar 28Liked by Elsa
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I have picked up the red pilled-blue pilled thing. I believe that clip, where someone is given that choice, is actually one I've seen.

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Mar 27Liked by Elsa


The illuminated are aware of an upcoming cataclysmic event that will alter the surface of the earth, and thus, it really doesn't matter what that do to it. And what they're doing is gathering wealth and using it to build and stock bunkers underground to survive the cataclysm.

They cannot afford repeated attacks from above ground survivors, so they're ensuring that those that do survive, are weakened and die off from what's been injected into them.

The last ice age was ending when a cataclysmic event, the Younger-Dryas event occurred, some 12,800 years ago, thrusting the world back into ice age temperatures for 1200 years. The human population barely survived. When the population regrew and reorganized, humans, for unknown reasons built large pyramids all over the world. All of those civilizations are gone too. No one really knows how they were built, or why, or why they all died out. But it was likely due to a sudden change in climate all over the world. Now a fake climate change is being created with the spraying of the atmosphere, farmers are being put out of business, and the largest individual owner of farmland in the world, currently cutting down a forest and burying the logs, and flying around the world sterilizing unsuspecting populations, is planning to force us all to eat bugs for protein instead of animal meat.

WTF? Bill Gates either knows something we dont, or he's insane. Or both.

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