from JVA Soldorf



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Apr 2Author

Hi Dan, it is a great update. Here it is as well - I posted it s it would reach as many people as possible: https://truthsummit.substack.com/p/update-reiners-most-recent-statement

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Apr 1Liked by Elsa

dpn ....

Thank you.

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Apr 1Liked by Elsa

Oh no! Having received links before without issues it never occurred to me to look in Spam!

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thank you for your posts and efforts for Ed Wackerman .

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Elsa

I am certainly interested in the ongoing vigil concerning Reiner .. with many things on my mind .. some squeeze under the door. It's 4:30 am .. and can't sleep any more .. so was laying here thinking about Reiner's situation. I am curious about this VF lie .. it is like a sore muscle that needs some deep tissue massage. I have a left shoulder that needs attention!

If VF had a history of being untruthful .. why would Reiner be satisfied with her partnership?

Dr. Phil likes to say .. "Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior."

I am wondering how "original" VF is? Does she make stuff up all the time .. or is it unusual?

Reiner is accused by the Prosecution & Court of "Embezzlement" .. but who has really stolen or misappropriated the Corona Committee funds?? It is rather obvious that Reiner doesn't have hands-on control of either the money or the gold. Whoever is holding the money and gold .. should be the ones facing prosecution! Visually .. it seems to me that the ones who are in possession of the money and gold are the ones who have defrauded the donors to the Corona Committee.

VF seems to take the responsible role in collecting the gold and transferring it to Berlin .. however, RC was with her and seems to have urged her on? Are we to imagine that Bonnie is the one who hatched this original idea .. is there no "aiding and abetting" by Clyde? Or do we have this backwards .. was Clyde the one responsible .. and Bonnie was aiding .. because of her partnership position with the Corona Committee?

"Security is extremely important to her, as witness her "Bonnie and Clyde” act with the gold, which she picked up from Füllmich family friend, at whose home she spent the night with Robert Cibis before taking it across the country in an unsecured car from Göttingen to Berlin, to deposit it with the accountant, Jens Kuhn."

There is the saying, "Possession is 9/10's of the lore/law!"

Who is accountant, Jens Kuhn?? .. how do VF and RC know JK ?? .. why did they specifically take the gold to JK ??

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Apr 1Author

One of VF's university classmates wrote a letter to Reiner about VF during their university days. Very telling portrait. Reiner sent it to me to post, along with the interview I did with him.After Reiner's arrest, VF demanded I take down the letter. I was advised it was better for Reiner to do this. So I did. Otherwise I would advise you to read that letter.

Then, about Reiner and the statement: "Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior." YES - unless, if it's destructive and/or self-destructive, we choose to intervene and deal with the broken part. (Note: good past behavior is also a good indicator of future behavior.)

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I have no idea what went wrong, but I did not receive the link which would have enabled me to join the meditation group.

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Apr 1Author

I sent to everyone who emailed me. If you emailed me, I suggest you check your spam box. Maybe my email landed there. Please answer with the first 3 letters of your email address (in other words, no one will see your full email address), and I will see if I received an email from you.

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