Finally, a court day for Reiner, after a break of over two months. Day 40. And an interview with Katja Woermer, Reiner’s main lawyer. Plus a list of further scheduled court days, going to the end of April.
I will give the Youtube link to the interview.
But first, here is my translation.
Peter - Interviewer: So have you been able to bring anything to completion?
Katja - Reiner’s main lawyer: It’s still not completed. I’ve been able to read out further written submissions that were handed in by us, some as early as at the end of 2023. And there are more. Because they deal with the criminal charges and a claim to get the money back from Marcel Templin. There is also a lot that the 2 lay judges do not know.
[Note: there is the main judge, Schindler, and then there are the 2 lay judges.)
Peter: How is Reiner?
Katja: He looks a bit battered. There was a situation this week, a stabbing, by an African, who wanted to attack Reiner and also others. He threw food around and spat at everyone. Then the guards intervened and removed him, but that had an effect on Reiner. And of course there is the length of time since early October 2023 that Reiner has been in prison. Also, while he is now allowed to talk with the other prisoners, he is in a transit station, a reception station, so the others are always changing.
Peter: Is there a way that it has changed, how he is coming to the court?
Katja: I was not there when he came in. I will see tomorrow. But there has been no formal decision that the leg irons will be dispensed with, so I presume they were still used, but I will see tomorrow. In fact, I hadn’t considered it. No one mentioned anything.
Peter: So the trial is proceeding normally. What is planned for the next trial day? Can you give us an overview?
Katja: The next meeting which was to be on on the 13th cannot take place, as I have not completed my plea. One or two other colleagues also can not appear on that day. Anyway it was supposed to only start at 2 pm. So we will forego that day.
The next meeting is planned for Monday, the 17th.
That week there are supposed to be 3 court days.
It has not been decided if it will be entirely me speaking, or if one of the others will also be making pleas. We’ll have to plan that.
Peter: I know you are exhausted and also have a headache.
Katja: It shows! I have no idea how many hours I was speaking and I’m not used to that. I believe it was 6 hours. I don’t know exactly.
I hope I was able to achieve something.
There were 2 different public prosecutors in attendance today, two ladies. That was pleasant, two pleasant young ladies.
If that changes anything, I don’t know.
But the trial observers found it interesting.
In any case, there was some information presented that had not been known. That was reflected back to me.
Toward the end I was told that I was reading too many documents. This extensive reading is not usual, but in this case, there were already so many written documents submitted so this fits with the other readings.
Peter: I hear a bit of optimism in your voice. Is that right.
Katja: I can’t say, especially after the reprimand at the end about reading too much. But who knows. Maybe we are reaching one person or the other from the public prosecutor’s officer. Maybe the previous prosecutors are on new cases because of the overly long pause.
Anyway we will hope for the best with the 2 new ladies and let things be.
Peter: Yes, let’s leave it at that. Rest well. Recuperate. Sweet dreams. And thank you, that, despite the circumstances, you made the time to give this statement to the lovely viewers who are waiting for it.
THE INTERVIEW ON YOUTUBE. (Note: at the end you will find instructions on how to get the subtitles auto-translated nto English.)
LIST OF FURTHER SCHEDULED TRIAL DATES, which go to the end of April, just a week before Reiner’s birthday on May 5.
- information for letters to Reiner,
- information to donate,
- excellent overviews of Reiner’s case,
- previous and scheduled court dates.
Note: if you are new to the ongoing updates on Reiner’s case, or just want a refresher, please go to the links to excellent recent overviews.)
Here is the address to write to Reiner:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects - not permitted,
nothing to be mentioned about the case - though now, according to the latest information, his mail is no longer scanned,
put your name of each page of the letter, just in case - though at present letters are no longer taken out of the envelops.
To donate, here is the link for donations for legal and other expenses:
2 MUST-READ PIECES. 2 EXCELLENT OVERVIEWS OF "The Unjust and Evil Prosecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich"
Sept 5, 2024
MORE SUPPORT FOR REINER! Including from one of the last people he interviewed
Sept 6, 2024
EVEN MORE SUPPORT FOR REINER! Including a fabulous detailed timeline
Sept 7, 2024
6 further trial dates have been scheduled
starting January 21, 2025
until the end of February 2025
Day 01 Wednesday 31.01.2024
Day 02 Friday 02.02.2024
Day 03 Wednesday 07.02.2024
04th day Tuesday 27.02.2024 instead of Wednesday 14.02.2024
05th day Friday 01.03.2024 instead of Tuesday 20.02.2024
06th day Tuesday 05.03.2024 instead of Friday 23.02.2024
07th day Friday 08.03.2024
08th day Tuesday 12.03.2024
09th day Tuesday 02.04.2024
10th day Wednesday 03.03.2024
11th day Friday 19.03.2024
12th day Wednesday 24.03.2024
13th day Friday 03.05.2024
14th day Tuesday 07.03.2024
15th day Friday 17.05.2024
16th day Monday, June 10, 2024
17th day Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - cancelled due to KW’s illness
supposed to be the 18th day: Thursday, June 20, 2024 - not as scheduled due to non-appearance of both of Reiner’s lawyers
18th day - Wednesday, July 10, 2024
19th day, Friday, July 12, 2024 (half day)
20th day, Friday, July 19, 2024 (half day)
21st day, Thursday, July 25, 2024
22nd day, Wednesday July 31, 2024
23rd day, Tuesday August 6, 2024
24th day, Wednesday August 14, 2024
25th day, Tuesday August 20, 2024
26th day, Friday August 23, 2024
27th day, Wednesday August 28, 2024
28th day, Friday August 30, 2024
29th day, Tuesday Sept 3, 2024 - cancelled, to give Reiner some time to grieve
29th day, Friday Sept 6, 2024 (half day)
30th day, Wednesday Sept 11, 2024
31st day, Friday Sept 20, 2024 (half day)
32nd day, Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024
33rd day, Friday Oct 18, 2024 (half day)
34th day, Friday, Oct 25, 2024 (half day - less as Reiner was not well)
35th day, Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 (interrupted by judge)
36th day, Friday, Nov 1, 2024 (Reiner very ill - plus Lawyer Siemund made ill by seeing the treatment of Reiner, and how Reiner’s condition is visibly deteriorating)
37th day, Thursday, Nov 7, 2024
38th day, Thursday, Nov 14, 2024
Nov 25 - cancelled - a judge is ill
39th day, Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024 - not cancelled though Reiner is ill
Cancelled allegedly due to the illness of a Chamber member
Monday, 02.12.2024, 09:15 am
Wednesday, 04.12.2024, 09:15 am
Monday, 09.12.2024, 09:15 am
Wednesday, 11.12.2024, 09:15 am
Monday, January 6, 2025, 09:15 am
Thursday, January 9, 2025, 09:15 am
Friday, January 17, 2025, 09:15 am
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Posted February 4, 2025
OMG that poor man, after all he has done for humanity! I think of Mr. Reiner often, he really opened my eyes to what has become the nightmare we all never seen coming! My blessings to all involved in helping to get him free! Praying for Mr Reiner and his family.
Thank you for the update, Elsa. I am sending Reiner and Katja a constant stream of healing energies. This will be long remembered as one of the world's most extreme cases of political persecution and cruelty. A good man and natural born leader who has no case to answer but remains unlawfully detained by infantile creatures who can't handle the truth.