Why are all these people associated with cults and military intelligence? Rima Laibow's husband was general Albert Stubblebine who was the commanding general of the US army intelligence and security command.

Matthew Crawford (who writes here in substack - RoundingtheEarth) also asserts that Albert Stubblebine was involved with a super-soldier program in conjunction with the Association for Research and Enlightenment - which was a Virginia beach cult (with links to Theosophy and other occult groups) which praticed large scale child abuse where children were raped and then forced to "forgive" and "accept" their rapists.

I have not been able to confirm the association with ARE outside of Matthew's assertion based on his own experience as a child growing up within the cult.

However Stubblebine definitely does appear to have been part of an MKUltra style program to create super-soldiers (he ended up resigning after a scandal) and was involved with UFOs and remote viewing - two more signature occult programs. He was also heavily involved in psychological warfare.

See https://ordoabchao.ca/volume-five/psychic-warriors for an account of these efforts and a number of people involved with them including Maj Aquino who also, simultaneously, headed up the Satanic temple of Set.

Again - why are all these people involved with the occult? Can anyone with such a background be trusted?

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Oh - and Leigh Dundas is a Scientologist.

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Do you have any evidence re Leigh Dundas?

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A quick search should give you plenty to go on. Here is one article that covers some of the background.


Or here (although many of the linked videos from the thread are no longer accessible):


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Thank you.

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Here's her list of courses:


Also appears she was booted off the freedom convoy for "undisclosed reasons" at the same time as money was stolen.

And here is a comment written in response to one of the articles I linked:

"As an ex-Scientologist, I can attest that.the cult of Scientology is fully controlled and owned by CIA, so is its leader David.Miscavige and his buddy Tom Cruise. Scientology has a section, called The Office of Special Affair (OSA). They trained some of their hand picked scientologists and have the infiltrate different group and organization in order to collect informations for OSA and CIA. Every single scientologist who has entered into Trump team, convoy, Patriots, reawakening America and more, are there to collect data and create a big blow to our movement. Leigh Dundas is a great example.

For example, She used over $10K of the movement donation and gave it to her scientology cult and forced one of the Patriots to take scientology courses and told her that if she refuses to take these courses she’s going to destroy her life. When the Patriot realize that this is the donation money she was trying to protect herself and her group from.Leigh’s.lies and told Leigh this is not right but Leigh badmouthed her to every Patriot she possibly could.

If Trump’s Camp,.Patriots and our movement is not going to spot these scientologist criminals and expose , we will never free our country.

BTW, if you’ve never watched the TV documentary by Leah Remini- actress and Mike Rinder (ex-.scientology top executive for 40 year) exposing the crimes, sex trafficking and child abuse in the hands of its leader and Tom Cruise. I strongly suggest that you do watch all the seasons and the truth where some of its victims speaking out.

Also watch “Going Clear” true.documentary.

If Leigh Dundas was truly a human right activist and wanted to help mankind, she should have stood against her own Scientology cult’s corruption, se. Trafficking and human trafficking first. But she never had. Scientology has informant in CIA and in FBI. That’s why thousands of ex- cult members reported corruption and trafficking to FBI which has been buried and no action has ever been taken.

Expose Leigh Dundas and all the scientologists who are infiltrating in our movements and stop them NOW before it is too late."

Perhaps she is being framed. Or perhaps she used to be a scientologist, and no longer is. Or perhaps she is stll part of the group. Who knows?

But why oh why does almost everyone one comes across at every turn, wind up being part of, or have links to, some occult group?

Where are the normal people?

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I don't like most of what is called occult. And I had heard too much negative re Scientology to want to get near it. But . . . where are the normal people? I consider myself normal.

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Excellent - relieved my sceptic mind. Also see: 'The Genocidal Plot - Full Interview' with Rima Laibow


[contains a HUGE AMOUNT OF DETAIL which I am partly transcribing, what a lady - it really helped me sort out the origins of 'training medical pill pushers'.

The investigators for 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' magazine investigated pill-pushing 'What Happened to 'Do No Harm'? October 2019... just in time for us who read their articles to resist the vaccination in 2020. I researched the CDC for all of 2020 and found nothing over the 20 previo8us years of development of mRNA to convince me there was anything that was going to deal with flue viruses, nothing in the fake test, nothing but trouble...so I never bought it and survived with essential oils. Now we have to promote our own 'internal pharmacy' of self healing through Nature's cures.

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Well said Dr Laibow ......... marries in well with THIS! Please circulate far and wide.

The World’s Major Problems Due to ‘Stakeholder Communism’: Richard Jeffs


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I also recommend highly Stephen Coughlin;s work:



Fabulous for understanding. Rima Laibow has immediate quick action steps.

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