I believe we’ve all been waiting for this. An update from Reiner. (From Bittel tv.)
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Jan 3, 2025Dear friends,
Happy New Year. This is it. This, 2025, is our year. This is the year when the positive outlook that we've been somehow sensing through the fog is materializing into a positive reality.
And once again, the synchronicity of events is astonishing. Both in my fake case, the bad actors are now standing with their backs against the wall, and the same is true with the bad actors beyond these prison walls.
Some say, “God helps those who help themselves”. Others say, “We're the cavalry”. And both amounts to the same. This is finally, I believe, the time for us to rise up, rid ourselves of the monsters and take control of our own lives.
Because the monsters have lost control, both in my case and outside of these prison walls. They've run out of ammunition. Their desperate but feeble attempts at starting another plandemic have all failed, just like their attempts at starting World War 3 via the proxy war in Ukraine has run into a dead end.
Let me give you a summary of why I believe this is so, both in my case and in the real world beyond these walls. Then I'll go into detail about how my fake trial is now collapsing. And then I'll tell you about the case of a new friend of mine, a 75-year-old fellow inmate who has been in pretrial detention for four weeks now. You won't believe what you hear.
Everywhere, people are now demanding justice. It is not enough to stop the genocide, and there can be absolutely no doubt whatsoever in my mind that that's what's going on there in Gaza.
It's not enough to stop the genocide there, and it is not enough for the people in Syria to have freed themselves out of nowhere of the mass murderers who held them captive. No, they all want justice. And that's what they'll get, justice by the people and for the people.
Because without justice, there can be no peace. And peace is what you need in order to put humanity back on track and give each community a chance to decide for themselves to create their own custom-made health care system, their own custom-made system of education, economy, justice, et cetera. There's absolutely no way, I believe, that anything can be achieved without justice.
And that's for one simple reason. Those who've been pulling the strings, but also many of the willing puppets, have no empathy whatsoever. They're either psychopaths or sociopaths.
And if we do not bring them to justice, if we do not hold them accountable, they'll do it again as soon as they get a chance to do so. I will not forget how they forced old people in nursing homes to die in bathrooms, completely isolated from their loved ones. And I will not forget how they knowingly and willingly destroyed businesses with their crazy lockdowns, and knowingly and willingly killed and maimed millions, even billions of people with their poisonous experimental shots.
And I do not think that anyone in Gaza will forget how children, health care workers, hospitals, and journalists, hundreds of them, thousands of children, 17,000 in the meantime, were deliberately targeted, destroyed, and killed in Gaza. And how the regime in Syria tortured and killed more than 200,000 people and then put them in mass graves. Justice will be done, and none of the monsters will escape it.
Unless, of course, they take the one and only way out they have left, the Herman Goering way. Didn't that crazy attempt of the South Korean president at imposing martial law on his country look, at least figuratively speaking, suicidal? Well, his secretary of defense did indeed, not just figuratively, but literally try to attempt to commit suicide. And that's the only choice the monsters now have: either face justice or choose that Herman Goering way of escape.
I'm not a criminal lawyer, as you know, even though over the past now 15 months of pretrial detention in this hellhole, I've learned quite a bit about criminal law.
No, I'm a tort lawyer. I'm a tort lawyer, and what I do as a tort lawyer is I specialize in getting damages for those who suffer damage because of a wrongful act of another, a wrongful act that was committed either negligently or intentionally. If that wrongful act, the lockdowns, the experimental shots, if those acts were committed intentionally, the victim who suffered damage because of this can ask not only for actual damages, for example, to get paid $100,000 because his business went bankrupt because of the lockdowns, but they can ask in addition to being awarded actual damages for punitive damages.
That may well be 10 times or more the actual damage that he suffered. That is why I believe that tort law is going to be much more effective for our purposes than criminal law. We can take everything from them and leave them with nothing.
They will not even have a pension plan left in the end. That, I think, is much more effective than criminal law.
It was only when the plandemic struck and I decided to follow not just my rational thinking, but also my instincts, eventually, and started the Corona Investigative Committee, and then after that had been taken over by what we now know as the Deep State, ICIC, that I began to understand how utterly corrupt the entire system was, not just politics and the media, but also the judiciary, which in a democracy is the last line of defense, the last line of defense when the legislative branch has sold out to lobbyists and the executive branch is reduced to a mere extension of mafia-style run corporations through which the monsters believe they can run the world.
However, it is now clear that the monsters can no longer run the world because they've been forced to overplay their hand, so that more and more people are wide awake now. The curtain behind which the tiny little “Wizard of Oz” is hiding is so threadbare now that he's now in the spotlight. The curtain can no longer protect him from the sunlight, the sunlight that is still the best of disinfectants and is exposing the truth.
And the truth is all it takes to become visible for justice to zero in on the monsters. We do not need the system. We do not need the system's judiciary for justice.
We can do it all by ourselves. But believe me, there are still a few good men and women inside the system, inside the system's judiciary, who are coming to our help. Even at this very moment, some of them are helping our team from behind the scenes, of course.
Do you know the story about the truth meeting the lie, and the lie telling the truth that because it's such a beautiful day they should go swimming? The truth agrees, they take off their clothes and go swimming. Then the lie suddenly dashes out of the water, takes the truth's clothes, puts them on and runs off. That's why it's been so hard to detect their lies, because they hide them by dressing them in some truth, so that the lie sounds and looks plausible to us.
In the meantime, we pretty much know who's on the other side of the fence. But it has taken us a while to understand that some of those who pretend to be on our side are in reality working for the other side, the dark side. That is why it took me so long to understand that the three attorneys from Berlin who filed the criminal complaint against me were working for the German Inland Intelligence Service, the infamous and highly criminal Constitutional Protection Agency, and were getting paid with my money, money they stole from me, to the tune of more than 1.5 million euros, plus 400,000 of my client's money, were paid with this money to help getting me kidnapped in Mexico and arrested in Germany. I knew these guys were strange losers, but the fact that they were the prodigies of a friend of mine, a famous and brilliant law professor, made me look the other way and not listen to my intuition or my wife's intuition. But now we know how easy it was to bribe these losers and turn them into agents for the CPA.
It is always either bribes or extortion that they use on weak people to make them work for them. We are now, by the way, in the process of finding out what it is they have on the chief judge in my case. What kind of dark secret he and they are trying to hide from us and from the public so that we will not know how they keep him under control.
Another whistleblower from the German Intelligence Service is now helping us. He too confirms that this is a fake trial and that the CPA, the Constitutional Protection Agency, is responsible for the whole show. My kidnapping, their attempts to make it look like first a deportation and then an extradition, and the fact that by the end of April of 2024, when it was clear that their criminal case against me had collapsed, they approached the judge and he then, at their direction, invented those utterly ridiculous new charges of me not having violated loan agreements, but a secret agreement which no one knows who entered into it, what it says and who was bound by it. And this is bordering on legal insanity. He then ordered, because he was ordered to do so, that one, the prosecution does not have to prove these ridiculous new charges. That's standing basic rules of criminal procedure, the burden of proof on its head. And two, the defense will not be allowed to reflect the charges. We cannot question any of our witnesses in order to show the very obvious: There were never any other agreements but the written loan contracts, which of course were perfectly fine and legal, and served the very legitimate purpose of protecting some of our donation money from getting seized by the authorities. And it was also legal because I had always, even the court agrees with that, I had always been both willing and able to pay back the loan. There wasn't even a motive, because all of the information that we gathered through my interviews had turned into evidence. And I was about to use all this evidence together with our international colleagues for the follow-up judicial trials.
Oddly enough, their efforts of finding me guilty of whatever crime and sentencing me to a long prison term have stalled since May 3, 2024. And even their subjecting me to all kinds of what is called “white torture” to break me and stop me from defending myself have failed.
Not only that, but all of these efforts have backfired. Despite their best efforts to keep everything under the lid, their refusal to conduct a medical examination, let alone have me examined by an expert from outside the prison, we now have an expert opinion by a medical doctor with extensive experience in psychology and psychiatry, who examined me. And in his expert opinion, he comes to the conclusion that despite the fact that I seem to be very resilient – I guess so –, I am now so badly traumatized that I'm no longer fit to stand trial.
Of course, they're going to continue to try and cover everything up, but it is too late. We now have eight or nine cases of very serious crimes that have been and are being committed in this totally lawless prison. You already know about a couple of them, but there are more. There's far more, including numerous suicides that are being covered up. And here's the latest example of a crime in process. Under the direction of the two women who, claiming that they're psychologists, act as the director and deputy director of this prison, it is the case of a new friend of mine, a 75-year-old man who has been in pretrial detention for a month now.
He is an electrician who some 35 years ago decided to step out of the rat race, not buy yet another car and yet another home, but to do what he really enjoyed: spend his time in nature and watch birds. He's extremely well-read, knows everything about birds, and of course immediately understood in early 2020 that corona was just a criminal and deadly hoax. He understood it right from the start.
He had been living in a fully-equipped motorhome and told me that even though his pension was only 580 euros per month, he was doing fine. He was growing his own food, for example. This may sound ridiculous, but this is typical for the pensioners in Germany. Many of them have no more money than my new friend Bodo does because they're siphoning off all of the taxpayers' money in order to pay for stupid wars in Ukraine, genocide in Gaza, and of course for chasing CO2. Well, despite enjoying his life, he did have a problem because at one point, this is five weeks ago, he needed 2,000 euros to get some work done on his motorhome, 2,000 euros which he didn't have. Not being able to get a bank loan, he had a stupid idea and he decided to rob a bank.
That's what he attempted to do in early December 2024: using a toy gun. However, the bank employees realized immediately that this was an old man and that he only had a toy gun in his hand, and they overwhelmed him and turned him over to the police. In his holding cell, a public defender who, as we now know, works for the courts and the prosecution, quite arrogantly told him that he could expect to receive a prison sentence of at least seven or eight years.
That shocked my new friend and he tried to commit suicide on that same night by hanging himself in his cell. It was sheer luck that an officer checked on him, cut him loose, and saved his life at the very last moment. How do I know him, despite all the measures? Well, despite the fact that all these measures are being upheld and I'm still not allowed to talk to anyone, I can at least do my own one-hour rounds per day with four or five other prisoners in this special security ward who choose to leave their cells for an hour each day to catch some fresh air.
This is how I got to know Bodo two weeks ago. He told me about his case and that he had tried to get rid of that infamous public defender and wanted to hire someone who is known for not just being a very good criminal defense lawyer, but also for being an activist who, together with his father, has for many years been trying to alert the public's attention to the very serious crimes that are routinely, routinely being committed inside the criminal justice system. However, the now infamous social worker first tried to talk him out of this and then, believe it or not, destroyed the written request my friend Bodo had filed to get this private lawyer to work for him.
He has the money to pay for him because he says he doesn't need his pension anymore. Bodo told me that for him, each day in prison is like torture. He misses the outdoors and his birds.
And that with that prospect of seven or eight years of prison, he would definitely take the next opportunity and commit suicide. In the meantime, however, I and another inmate were able to talk him out of this and join our fight against the prison system. He understands now that one man alone cannot do anything, but we're now eight or nine plus their attorneys.
And the crimes that have been committed here, including the cover-ups, which both the prison directors and the judges who use them are responsible for, are so serious that I have decided “to roll with the punches to get to what's real”, as David Lee Roth sings in “Jump” with Van Halen. That means I'll turn their cover-up into a warm-up exercise for me. Sure, no one and nothing would keep me and our group of international attorneys from making sure that the monsters who are responsible for the crimes against humanity committed during the plandemic bring them to justice.
But why not take this golden opportunity and expose what's going on here in this very special prison to bring the prison system and, while we're at it, the entire criminal justice system down? We know what we're doing. I have had lots of experience, especially in tort law. So this story is to be continued, and I and my attorneys will keep you updated.
While we're at it, currently the court in my case is of the opinion that by taking the loan, or now they don't call it a loan anymore, but they invented this secret trust agreement, by doing this I caused the three criminals who stole more than 1.1 million euros of my money and another 400,000 euros of my clients' money, that I caused them damages of 350,000 euros. Now, even if this was not just a fabrication ordered by the Constitutional Protection Agency, there's no way that the court can keep me in prison any longer than the almost 15 months that I've spent here in pretrial detention already. Why is that? Well, listen to this, because a colleague of the criminal assistant DA who was transferred from Hanover to Göttingen to bypass that veteran district attorney who had refused to even start a criminal investigation of this case.
A colleague of this highly criminal district assistant district attorney was given a prison sentence of one year and seven months on probation. For what you're asking? For raping his seven-year-old son over many, many months. One year and seven months on probation.
Well, it certainly looks like the system gives special protection to child molesters and especially prosecutors who rape their own children. And he appealed that sentence, that very lenient sentence, he appealed it.
Then there's the case of the former CEO of the German Postal Service. He was found guilty, this was a few years ago, guilty of tax evasion to the tune of two million euros. No pretrial detention for him and only two years on probation. Not a day spent in prison.
And a couple of months ago, the chief judge in my case, Judge Schindler, sentenced three Israeli citizens, I know each and every one of them, to go to prison for between 3.5 and 5 years. For what? For committing international internet fraud, defrauding people in Israel, Germany, Bulgaria, and other parts of the world, and thereby causing damage to the tune of 90 million euros. That is why I'm saying that the monsters have run out of ammunition in my case.
And I cannot wait to find out what it is exactly that they have on Judge Schindler that they do not want us to know. I expect it to be a very dark secret, but I don't think I'll be surprised. But why am I saying that the monsters have run out of ammunition everywhere else too? It's not just that they cannot even get another plandemic started, or that no one wants to be dragged into World War 3.
No. Something went very wrong for them in the U.S. elections on November the 5th. And now the EU is coming apart at the seams. Spain, Norway, and Ireland all broke ranks with the supporters of the Gaza genocide and recognized Palestine as a sovereign country. More and more of the Eastern European countries are on the verge of leaving the totally corrupt EU and maybe even join the BRICS countries. There's Georgia, there's Romania, there's Hungary, Slovenia, for example.
The outrageous attempts of the EU to reign in Georgia and force them into the EU by interfering with the Georgian elections have all failed. This time, unlike in Kiev in 2014, their attempt at another color revolution didn't work. They went even further in Romania, where my friend Călin Georgescu won the presidential elections and had them annulled.
That, too, backfired, though. I watched a panel discussion on that Turkish news station TRT on this very subject, and they all agreed, just like later on in similar discussions on BBC and Sky News, they all agreed that this infuriates the voters in Romania and that Călin Georgescu will get even more votes next time around. Now, I'm not just calling him a friend because I think this is politically correct or something, though.
Remember, I made this interview with him in December of 2021 when he explained to us about how utterly corrupt the United Nations are. He and his wife invited me and my wife to dinner, and I had an entire evening to understand that this man is absolutely authentic, honest, a man of integrity. Of course, I've been with him for a couple of days, watching how he was in the process of getting started with his campaign for the presidency. I think he's a good man.
The EU is now dead man walking, or to be more precise, with reference to the president of the EU, dead woman walking. People have not forgotten that this EU president is embroiled in a huge corruption scandal involving the purchase of the deadly corona shots.
The most interesting case, though, could be that of Syria. There, some four weeks ago, out of nowhere, the people themselves ripped themselves of the monsters who tortured and killed more than 200,000 of them. Sure, the West is nervously interfering both in northern Syria and in southern Syria.
But thus far, it seems quite possible that the Syrians, of all people, will show us, even provide us with the blueprint on how to start a truly human society from scratch, after they have brought the monsters to justice.
So, where are we at now? Well, we don't have to sing Bill Withers' song, “Ain't No Sunshine”, and we don't have to sing the Status Quo song, “You're In The Army Now”, either, even though I like both songs. It is time for Johnny Nash's song, “I Can See Clearly Now”, and maybe even for Cher's song, “Believe”, and it's time for my own version of the movie “Shawshank Redemption” with Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.
Let's see what I can do. Because they have run out of ammunition and out of options, and they're now left with only one choice, either face justice or take the Herman Goering way out. I do, however, have a feeling that there will be one more cataclysmic event, an event that will open everyone's eyes, that'll even force those on the other side of the fence to finally see what's really going on and make the right choice.
Everything else I've told you is fact-based. This is just a feeling. It's not really fact-based.
But even some of the prison guards who have told me that they expect something big to happen and that they think that this is a totally crazy situation where everything has been stood on its head, even those prison guards think that this cannot go on for much longer. So let us stay focused. I like the approach of “Don't get mad, get even”.
Happy New Year. I'll see you in a bit.
Reiner Fuellmich
For comments on what I agree is a problem in Reiner’s position regarding Gaza and Syra, please see Rima Laibow’s post (below). She posts Reiner’s update and then gives extensive comments. I made many similar points in response to another of Reiner’s updates.
Note: I have had numerous anti-Khazarian and anti-Zionist comments - plus personal insults - in response to my recent and ongoing exploration of what happened with the USS Liberty (about which I knew nothing until recently). Why mention this here? I see that Jew-hatred often comes out under the cover of being anti-Khazarian and anti-Zionist. About Reiner’s comments re Gaza and Syria, I see that it matters not to let them pass without response. So again, I suggest people look at Rima’s extensive post.
- information for letters to Reiner,
- information to donate,
- excellent overviews of Reiner’s case,
- previous and scheduled court dates.
Note: if you are new to the ongoing updates on Reiner’s case, or just want a refresher, please go to the links to excellent recent overviews.)
Here is the address to write to Reiner:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
postcards and cards allowed,
no glitter on the envelops,
no stamps or money in the envelops,
no books or other objects - not permitted,
nothing to be mentioned about the case - though now, according to the latest information, his mail is no longer scanned,
put your name of each page of the letter, just in case - though at present letters are no longer taken out of the envelops.
To donate, here is the link for donations for legal and other expenses: https://www.givesendgo.com/GBBX2
2 MUST-READ PIECES. 2 EXCELLENT OVERVIEWS OF "The Unjust and Evil Prosecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich"
Sept 5, 2024
MORE SUPPORT FOR REINER! Including from one of the last people he interviewed
Sept 6, 2024
EVEN MORE SUPPORT FOR REINER! Including a fabulous detailed timeline
Sept 7, 2024
Monday, January 6, 2025
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Friday, January 17, 2025
Day 01 Wednesday 31.01.2024
Day 02 Friday 02.02.2024
Day 03 Wednesday 07.02.2024
04th day Tuesday 27.02.2024 instead of Wednesday 14.02.2024
05th day Friday 01.03.2024 instead of Tuesday 20.02.2024
06th day Tuesday 05.03.2024 instead of Friday 23.02.2024
07th day Friday 08.03.2024
08th day Tuesday 12.03.2024
09th day Tuesday 02.04.2024
10th day Wednesday 03.03.2024
11th day Friday 19.03.2024
12th day Wednesday 24.03.2024
13th day Friday 03.05.2024
14th day Tuesday 07.03.2024
15th day Friday 17.05.2024
16th day Monday, June 10, 2024
17th day Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - cancelled due to KW’s illness
supposed to be the 18th day: Thursday, June 20, 2024 - not as scheduled due to non-appearance of both of Reiner’s lawyers
18th day - Wednesday, July 10, 2024
19th day, Friday, July 12, 2024 (half day)
20th day, Friday, July 19, 2024 (half day)
21st day, Thursday, July 25, 2024
22nd day, Wednesday July 31, 2024
23rd day, Tuesday August 6, 2024
24th day, Wednesday August 14, 2024
25th day, Tuesday August 20, 2024
26th day, Friday August 23, 2024
27th day, Wednesday August 28, 2024
28th day, Friday August 30, 2024
29th day, Tuesday Sept 3, 2024 - cancelled, to give Reiner some time to grieve
29th day, Friday Sept 6, 2024 (half day)
30th day, Wednesday Sept 11, 2024
31st day, Friday Sept 20, 2024 (half day)
32nd day, Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024
33rd day, Friday Oct 18, 2024 (half day)
34th day, Friday, Oct 25, 2024 (half day - less as Reiner was not well)
35th day, Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024 (interrupted by judge)
36th day, Friday, Nov 1, 2024 (Reiner very ill - plus Lawyer Siemund made ill by seeing the treatment of Reiner, and how Reiner’s condition is visibly deteriorating)
37th day, Thursday, Nov 7, 2024
38th day, Thursday, Nov 14, 2024
Nov 25 - cancelled - a judge is ill
39th day, Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024 - not cancelled though Reiner is ill
Cancelled due to the illness of a Chamber member
Monday, 02.12.2024, 09:15 am
Wednesday, 04.12.2024, 09:15 am
Monday, 09.12.2024, 09:15 am
Wednesday, 11.12.2024, 09:15 am
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Posted January 5, 2025
This is wonderful to hear from Reiner himself. He and all of our Truthers here, including you, Elsa, are in my prayers every day. Blessings! Stay strong, Reiner. Humanity loves you. 🙏
This letter is an example of why I fell “in love” with Reiner when first hearing him at the CIC in early Covid! His intelligence, warmth and strength had me try to find him whenever I could! This travesty against him must end! Hopefully the PTSDfrom this ordeal will not prevent him from having a wonderful and fulfilling rest of life with his wife. I wish him the best always.