I see that it takes all of us doing what we can. You knew of this brilliant article and sent it. That benefits all of us. I now have the definitive answer about Corbett.
Not only do I have the definitive answer re Corbett. My sense is that very many people - readers - have been given the answer, through this article from close to a decade ago, which likely otherwise most people would never find.
Elsa, I know Daisy filled you in on Dennis Prager’s serious injury. I had been hearing for a while from Charlie Kirk that Dennis had a very serious accident. I had no idea until last night when I heard his son speaking about Dennis and his progress that it was a spinal cord injury. I believe his name is David. At any rate he said that Dennis can speak sometimes and that mostly his spirits are good. I know everyone is rooting for Dennis and keeping him in prayer. I believe his son said Dennis was now moving to Phase II of recovery.
I was so shocked - and very saddened - to hear of his near-fatal injiry. Just a few days ago I watched his 5-minute piece on the command to honor our parents (no demand that we love them). Thank you for this extra information.
Else, you want to know which "fact" is true. Why? I'm sincere, because I notice how little is really necessary to think about, I don't feel this knowledge you pursue brings peace. Truth is found within, not in the ever-changing world, which is too complex. With affection.
To access the rest of my work, which is top secret history that's internationally acclaimed, and free to the world, click on the icon that says Magazine.
With apologies fer what'll be looooong comments...here's my 2 cents plain on it...
Of course yer right Elsa, as always there's MORE ta any of these "stories" an' I got skin in the game so I'll take a whack at it. I'm sharin' all I got now on this... FIRST I'll summarize my "pernts" an' share links an' info. Folks are FREE ta discount anythin' I share or the sources. It's bascially which folks find more credible...if yer want'in' ta believe Hamas nothin' I share will change this as there is ALWAYS a way ta discount all pernts made one way 'er an'nuther so here goes:
A. US Intelligence in 2024 did its on investy-gay-shun an' wuz shown classified documents & AGREED that Hamas used the hoss-spit-all as a command source
B. Captured Hamas terrorists claim the same an' add in details about WHY (safest spot fer them) an' HOW it wuz used. I share one viddeyo in a link--there are others on the innertubes but I didn't git ta look fer 'em--this one wuz credible ta me
C. LOGIC--why would ya waste ammo on targettin' the sick & injured who pose not risk ta ya? NO you'd go lookin' fer military aged men an' command centers, not sick folks. The ONLY reason ya'd do this is b/c the hoss-spit-all wuz a command center. Otherwise it's a dumb place ta target.
D. VISUALS -- actual footage--15 min video of the tunnels--duzn't look like AI or fake ta me an' they would not serve medical use--they are dirty. You don't store medical supplies there. Why the bathroom? An' (we'll later hear) a computer room...
E. MOSQUE--the tunnels open up on a Mosque--Mosques are not just house of worship, they are political AND military centers. Nobuddy has "debunked" this phenomenon but if yer a hoss-spit-all WHY would ya have a secret tunnel to a mosque if it were NOT fer it bein' a command center? Patients that needed to attend their mosque would not be taken underground on narrow steps to a religious service...clergy would (I guess) come see THEM... so this makes no sense otherwise...
F. NY TIMES which as been super anti-zionist (an' anti-jooish too, just ask Bari Weiss who quit over that) CAME AROUND havin' doubted the story at first... they cite NEW EVIDENCE of Classified Docs shown to 'em... "According to classified images reviewed by The Times, Israeli soldiers found underground bunkers, living quarters and a room that appeared to be wired for computers and communications equipment along a part of the tunnel beyond the hospital — chambers that were not visible in the video released by the Israeli military." (understandably)
G. PRECEDENCE -- in both 2008 an' 2014 there were incidents of Hamas usin' the hoss-spit-all as a command center an' the 2014 incident had 'em doin' a press conference IN the hoss-spit-all! (WHY of all places THERE?)
H. Hamas RETURNED ta the Al Shifa command center in 2024 an' Israel had ta go in AGAIN an' kill the militants & one important commander. Why would you go DOWN UNDER a hoss-spit-all inta a tunnel if you DENY it exists an' never were there before? No, ye return ta yer command if ya think you can sneak in again (they counted on Israel not suspectin' they'd "retake" their fort / tunnel") this is old civil war tactics...
I. Other info--like the fact that back in 2008 there were boys--not men but boys--interviewed on HOW they dig the tunnels fer $$$ an' like the money too much ta stop. So if they dug tunnels fer Gee-Hawd THEN why is so hard ta believe in this tunnel?
OK that's NINE pernts towards say'in the tunnels are REAL an' showin' links an' more info. READ IT if yer interested 'fore sayin' just dumb ad-hominem attacks like "joos lie"... whatevah but just LOOK at what I'm sharin'--that's my own quick but deep-ish dive. Not 'spectin' ta change any minds but imho the story checks out ta me (an' I know ALL sides lie in war but this one would be illogical otherwise) Yer Experience May Differ :-)
Well, Daisy Moses, you have outdone yourself!! One thing that stuck out for me, on top of all the massive knowledge regarding the tunnels, is that like me, you have appreciated much that Corbett has done, but note his blind spots, including of Judy Wood and the dustification of the World Trade Center buildings as well as anything relating to Israel and Jews. A question: How does Corbett, such a fact-hound generally, miss knowing so much info about the tunnels? Also, thank you as usual. PS. I am curious if Dennis Prager will respond in one of his fireside chats.
shucks an' thx as always... SO...first, I have no idear WHY Corbett has biases, blindspots, 'er downright ornery aspects but I'm not so quick ta write off folks blindly as "controlled opposition" either... it's too facile by far. I truly dunno... an' wouldn't know how ta speculate...
Now as fer Dennis Prager, I'mma fan but he'll not be replyin' ta ya anytime soon. He's been in hoss-spit-all (that's whut I think've them insty2shuns!) after a near-death fall that broke his spine in late November. He's completely paralyzed an' cannot speak (been sendin' prayers his way). BUT they finally took him offa the ventilator (I know I know...now just the WORD makes my eyes pop). His brother is an MD an' gives sporadic updates...brother is in NYC but flies to LA ta see Dennis. He senses that tho' Dennis cannot yet talk (there's some kinda tube in his throat that lets him breathe), he's all fine upstairs. His brother thought Dennis's toe moved a teeeeny bit but he wasn't full on sure... Trooth is, the Med-Dicks have no idear IF Dennis will regain any kinda mobility or use of his arms or legs. The swellin' takes months ta go down enuf. He was put inta a coma I think fer a few days. So that's why I'm sayin' that I don't think he'll reply anytime soon... I'm hoping he WILL recover...ideally fully but at least enuf ta do the fireside chats.
So Prager U is still goin' on, but it's in "maintenance mode" while Dennis is in hospital.
I'd like ta add that really LOVE the guy, a gentle soul, a gentleman... my girls do too! We so enjoyed his fireside chats with Otto by his side (RIP Otto). I agree on most've what he sez an' any quibbles are minor... He's like a calm island that even in face of the haters never gits ugly or loses his humor an' wisdom. As a moral joo, his life an' work set a good example (imho)--of strivin' ta do yer best an' takin' time ta help an' advise others. It's sound advice--almost rabbinical lol.
I cannot fer the life of me git why folks hate 'im. He loves Christians an' reaches out ta people of all faiths with advice, free classes, an' JOBS!--of course Candace is one'a them that bit the hand that fed them, an' I heard his letter, he read it on viddeyo; he was so truly hurt, deeply. It's a 15 page letter!
Just read the ugly comments 'bout choos on Celia's stack t'day--the Fiddler one, it's a couple few weeks old. Ouch. AMAZIN' that of all the 200 whatever comments notta one said anythin' nice 'bout joos 'cept like 2 agreed that jooish jokes are funny but STILL joos gotta go! Notta one... Anywhoo, yer bringin' up Dennis after I just read such negative stuff wuz a nice balm, nay a little tonic fer all that negative energy floatin' 'round...SO it reminds me ta send 'im a little prayer which I do in the form've a "good energy ball" (yup, it's woo!) He's is worldly, charming, has a great sense of humor, loves classical music an' is well read, imho he sets a good example remindin' me ta stand strong as we ain't whut our worst ennemies think've us! Let's hope he comes out've it an' heals...
I liked Dennis from the first time I heard him - in my case, in one of his 5-minute videos. Later I discovered his warm and also with humor and intelligence fireside chats with Otto by the fire. Why hate him? Something is wrong with the hater. All that is happening makes me know this is important for me - to address the hate, irrational hate that blinds people from seeing - like also the amazing Judy Wood.
💯%! an' apparently with Corbett some of the real 911 experts (haha not the trust-the-experts but gen-u-ine eggcellent researches, many well known)--tried ta convince him--some have whole extensive sites devoted to it--an' no response. Gage is the unoffical "official" story (i.e. a spook) an' Corbett totally is with the A&E crowd.
The blind hate fer Dennis is just nuts! I've warched as rhetoric went from bein' only towards the evil anti-zionists (which fer most joos just means wantin' a homeland & self-determination an' has ZERO ta do with Mossad, BB, or the day to day vagaries of an imperfect gubbamint there--not unlike our own here the US of Eh?) TO next hatin' all Israelis an' callin' them names, an' now just general chew-hate...it duz seem like a blind hate. I cain't fight it... it's like an irrational demon...or a suck-u-bus like it sucks ye under the bus they wanted ta throw ye under! So I sometimes argue which well-intended but misinformed statements but ya cain't argue with name callin' or a long list've lies, mis-quotes an' other such... It's like a "virus"--intense! In some'a the viddeos they git so angry with their hate it's like blindin' hot, searin'--an' they "think" it's righteous! Sure they are on the right path.
I don't git it--I could list SO MANY writers I connected with early on durin' this plandemic mess that "turned!" (gotta run, my younger one has a voice lesson...) THANKS ever so MUCHLY fer keepin' yer own head on straight an' fer all yer plain ol' GOODNESS! ;-)
ps among the myths worth bustin' (as in two stories / two sides), I thought I'd send ya an'nuther myth buster ta take a look at (just a couple min watch)
1. story one: Israel is not sendin' food over to Gazans and is forcin' 'em to starve and die...
2. Israel has been sendin' food, clothing, warm jackets, blankets, medical supplies, diapers an' so much more but the UN & Hamas STOP them so it's all goin' bad--near 60K trucks waitin' to deliver their wares...
"TV cameras have been in Gaza to the holding area where aid is unloaded on the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing. Almost 60,000 trucks"
Scroll down on that X page to see the other clip that shows Hamas soldiers jumpin' on the trucks that DO git thru an' stealin' supplies from the Gazans.
It's estimated that SINCE 10/7 Israel has been getting 150 to 200 trucks INTO Gaza / day. The rest remain as you see in the clip.
Noozcasters have accused Israel of sendin' in just TWO trucks/month inta Gaza. Should one believe the news?
FWIW in most wars the attacker duz not feed the civilians on the "enemy" side... an enemy that wants 'em dead... feedin' people of all ages that want'em dead. I know at least one angry General said "Starve 'em" but nobuddy starved 'em. It's like DJT sayin' he'd "git Killary"....an' did NOTHING. Bluster (an' in both instances understandable anger but they didn't act on it)
Sigh. Israel will lose the PR war no matter WHAT folks show... people don't wanna HEAR this or SEE it... (not ta put a bee in yer already bizzy bonnet Elsa but thar ya go!)
I find this all very "pulling." As stuff with climate and Islam and the injections etc pulled me. What is being done here - around zionism and associated stuff - to have this happen, to create and maintain the hatred?
And as always, thanks for your wealth of information.
1. I didn't list this as "proof" of anythin' but I should state that James Corbett is good on many issues (an' oft funny) but is not neutral on Israel. He & Mint Press incl. Whitney Webb the paper's scion are def. pro-Arab an' STRONGLY anti-Israel (anti-Zionist) ...Does this affect the views of these journalists? I'd say so. disagree if ya'd like. He talks of genocide an' is cheerin' fer the arrest of NetAnYoohoo... Corbett has blind spots an' biases. He STRONGLY an' insultin'ly dismisses Dr. Judy Wood (who shows how 911 was a DEW hit...an' we've seen the same tech melt metal in Lahina)...SO Corbett report is (if I may say) not willin' ta look at certain people or their work even UNrelated ta Israel.
2. 2024 info de-classified:
US "Intelligence" (I know many don't believe the US) confirms Al Shifa was indeed a command center.
"The U.S. Intelligence Community is confident in its judgment on this topic and has independently corroborated information on HAMAS and PIJ’s use of the hospital complex for a variety of purposes related to its campaign against Israel," the declassified material stated, according to the Associated Press. Those uses, it said, included "to house command infrastructure, exercise certain command and control activities," and store weapons.
"Israeli special forces escorted Fox News Foreign Correspondent Trey Yingst and at least one other reporter into the tunnels beneath the hospital just hours after it was taken. Yingst saw evidence of a hasty withdrawal by Hamas forces including scattered supplies and small arms weapons."
So we have US Intelligence "satisfied" the medical facility wuz a command center AND we have a Fox Correspondent who seems to agree (FOX has hosted some velly anti-Israel comment-taters....includin' Tucker who wuz with the station at the time)
2. Captured Hamas Terrorists also say the hospital was used fer hidin' an' as a command center. Interview link on this site so ya's kin listen:
"During interrogation, senior member of Hamas who commands over 140 terrorists says hospitals used by group as shelters because of humanitarian law protecting them; Terrorists are everywhere, 'in all of the buildings"
Israel apparantly RELEASED parts of the investitation / intereviews with these particular terrorists who were in the hoss-spit-all (not all've 'em are here, all are alive tho').
They told interrogators that some 600 to 1,000 Hamas operatives had been hiding in the hospital and gave details about the weapons stored inside the medical facility.
One is sait to have told investigators he had been there for close to a month. He said armed operatives were in the medical residents' area and that Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives were in the neonatal ward,(NEONATAL? omg-daisy) which they are using as a command center.
When interrogators asked why he thought hospitals in the Gaza Strip were used by the terror groups he said it is because they are supposed to be off limits for attack. "There are a lot of people and much movement and also water and electricity," he said.
They also described the organized Hamas infrastructure in the hospital that was used by senior members of the terror group to plan and direct attacks. One of the prisoners said terrorists are everywhere in the sprawling hospital compound, "in all of the buildings."
"The terrorists have nowhere safe outside the hospital so they are in schools or similar places," a military spokesperson said.
A Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist who worked in missile production for the terror group said he had been in Al Shifa for nearly three months. "This is our shelter," he said. "Hamas and PIJ operatives don't have a specific command center. They are in all of the buildings, he told interrogators. "In the specialists' building, for example, there is a large Hamas presence. It does not mean they are not elsewhere in the compound. You may see someone who does not look like he is a nurse but is wearing a nurses' uniform walking around.
the above link shows a viddeyo of the interrogation of Islamic Jihad operative Nabeel Rajab Abed Shteiwi
Look at him an' tell me if you think he was beaten or harmed to tell the story the IDF "wanted ta hear?" I mean he looks OK.
3 Let's PAUSE an' look at LOGIC
Let's ask this... Israel would not target a huge hoss-spit-all fer no reason. There are other buildin's in Gaza that might harbor terrorists so if ya look at motivation, killin' folks that are, say, sick or in surgery would not be killin' vital strong soldiers. Would Israel do this just b/c they are evil an' wanna kill the sick /unwell? EVEN if ya hate Israel & the IDF, WHY would ya put her own men an' women at RISK in shootin' a target that contains ONLY sick, unwell, weak folks? Why take out doctors? No no, you take out strong young men who are also soldiers. IF the Al Shifa was a HUB which contained these young strong men AND their generals an' leaders only THEN duz it make sense for Israel to strike this kinda building. Otherwise it's wasted ammo and a wasted effort. HOW can folks not see this--you GO where the SOLDIERS are! Military bases... wull that hoss-spit-all was a base.
4. VISUALS -- actual footage:
1st Watch a video of the tunnels fer yerself & see if this is all fake AI.. some say such tunnels do not exist...
National Post is a conservative Canadian journal (Corbett is from Canada too)
I'm not seein' evidence that this is not a real tunnel...
What is yer proof this is fake an' that what we are seein' is not REAL?
My comments on the viddeyo...
Were there NOT a hospital above this tunnel, it's not easy ta 'splain bathrooms, small kitchens, an' runnin' water / plumbing, HEAVY DUTY electricity. First HOW would you get such infrastructure if this tunnel were not under a bld. that had major power, plumbing, resources. Also--WHY would you have such things in a dirty tunnel otherwise? It's clear this is not a "makeshift" residence or homeless shelter.
HOW would you create such things we see IF you could not tap inta the existing infrastructure of a hoss-spit-all (plumbing, air conditionin').
If you agree this is real, for what other purpose would a hosital create such space underground? It seems not to have any hospital-related services (eg. food prep or hospital equipment storage) that might be found. Also it's dirty (dirt floor) which is very UN-hospital-like so the purpose has to be something OTHER than helping run the hospital.
IF you think this is all AI or a soundstage or "Set" created by Israel I'm open ta that tho I don't see it but happy to see evidence. One thing would be imperfect green screen stuff like we've seen with Biden when his hand dissolves or with the "astronauts." I see none of that here. Also, these are really long shots an' I don't see cuts or edits so it would be hard ta claim it's a short hall an' the footage is just repeated.
If you watch this viddeyo 'til the end you'll see the soldier exits INTO the hoss-spit-all (and points out an'nuther exit onto the street where we see daylight). Here there is a secure "blast door" in case of exposions above (so the tunnel is blocked from the debris, fallout, whatever). Normal spaces would not have blast doors.
They show the stairwell that would go up inta the hoss-spit-all (there is debris so cannot be climbed). Then they go out inta the street parallel with the hospital ta show HOW a residential bld. has a tunnel exit (for those under the hoss-spit-all). NOW if this were all baloney, it would be easy ta disprove... Someone might have said, nope that's not X street 'cross from the hospital, why that's a street a mile away! (But nobuddy did--nobuddy debunked this footage). You see the children's classroom set up inside the apt. bld AND you see the substantial entrance INTO the tunnel. THEY ENTER INTO IT...
Mind y'all this is a matter of weeks after 10/7 so if this is a "set" they didn't have long ta build it! By contrast Hamas had YEARS to build this underground infrastructure...
So underneath a learnin' center / classroom which holds kids are tunnels. Children literally sittin' on top of the terrorists (or if y'all like Hamas, children sittin' on top of the "freedom fighters.")
Some incl. Ehud Barak, say Israel might have built this tunnel under the hospital but the current IDF explorin' it were not lyin', they did not know. HOWEVER Barak’s comments did not contradict Israel’s main argument — that Hamas has been misusing the spaces under the hospital for terror purposes. Here whut he sez here:
YET one part of his story makes no sense--he sez the current bunkers were built by Israel as "storage space" fer the hoss-spit-all. THIS I do not see--the rooms in the tunnels are bathrooms an' kitchens an' a few blank spaces with white walls, linoleum so they do not seem ta be fer "storage" or "hoss-spit-al use"
This an' all the other tunnels in Gaza used by Hamas (tho' I don't believe none were built by Hamas--if that's the case WHERE did all the $ go if not ta the tunnels? Not to the people livin' there...). Even if Israel built the tunnels back in the 80's, so what?--they left Gaza in 2005 an' if the tunnels NOW are bein' used ta hold Hamas, duz it matter who built 'em?
So the under the hoss-spit-all tunnel opens out inta a Mosque. (fwiw Israel would not have reason to build tunnels TO a Mosque!)--See this in the viddeyo below:
They also show guns an' gear & equipment pulled FROM the tunnel under Al Shifa AND from nearby cars. This is not IDF stuff. If weaponry was in cars near the hoss-spit-all it would seem that those drivin' those cars were connected with Hamas / headquarters. In the USA how many cars filled with military gear park near hoss-spit-alls? In Israel? Same. NONE.
4. NEW PROOF that even the (now-)strongly anti-Zionist NY Times admits is valid...(scroll down past the annoyin' AI interactive whatsis)--not so much NEW but footage kept from the public fer security reasons an' RELEASED to the NY TIMES which comments:
According to classified images reviewed by The Times, Israeli soldiers found underground bunkers, living quarters and a room that appeared to be wired for computers and communications equipment along a part of the tunnel beyond the hospital — chambers that were not visible in the video released by the Israeli military.
"American intelligence also indicates that Hamas fighters evacuated the complex days before Israeli forces moved into Al-Shifa, destroying documents and electronics as they left."
"Hospitals (...) uses for other acts that are “harmful to the enemy” can make them legitimate targets for military action. "
In the face of international opprobrium over its raids on hospitals, Israel has publicized evidence that it says shows that Hamas hid fighters among the ill and injured, and held hostages in the facilities. The Israeli military said that before entering Al-Shifa, it warned the buildings’ occupants, opened evacuation routes and sent Arabic-speaking medical teams along with the soldiers.
NYT mentioned similar activity at another Gazan hoss-spit-all:
"The Israeli military said it apprehended dozens of 'terror operatives' at Kamal Adwan Hospital in December, and released videos, at the time, of men carrying weapons. A spokesman for the health ministry in Gaza said that Israeli forces had asked the hospital’s administrators to hand over the weapons of its security guards."
One of the videos released by Israel showed troops rushing into the hospital and appearing to find explosives, weapons and the hostage room. In the other, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, chief spokesman for the Israeli military, showed off guns, explosives and other weapons that he said were found in the basement of the hospital. The video included footage of a piece of paper taped to a wall in the hospital’s basement. Admiral Hagari said the paper — a grid with Arabic words and numbers within each square — could be a schedule for guarding hostages “where every terrorist writes his name.”
The Gazan health ministry said it was nothing more than a work schedule. But the calendar begins on Oct. 7, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, and an Arabic title written at the top uses the militants’ name for the assault: “Al Aqsa Flood Battle, 7/10/2023.”
(some say Israel planted all this, again, all I kind say is HERE is the footage
5. PRECEDENCE (they dunnit before--so this is like a court presented with a guy accused of murderin' an' NOT bein' told that he did jail time fer murder 2x before!)
I quotheth fer this 2008 example:
"There is also established documentation that Hamas used Al-Shifa before the war to mask some of its activities. During Israel’s three-week war with Hamas in 2008, armed Hamas fighters in civilian clothing were seen roaming Al-Shifa’s corridors and killing an Israeli collaborator, according to a Times correspondent reporting in Gaza at the time."
2014 again--
if yer terrorists NOT usin' the hoss-spit-all as a command center WHY OH WHY would you hold yer interviews in a HOSS-SPIT-ALL--really? No other place than a medical ward?
" Six years later, during the next round of fighting, the militants routinely held news conferences at the hospital and used it as a safe meeting place for Hamas officials to speak with journalists."
Israel has also released video footage, taken by the hospital’s own security cameras, which it says shows two hostages being brought to Al-Shifa shortly after being abducted in the Oct. 7 attack.
You bring hostages to yer hideout...whatever it may be.
Per the NY TIMES that had originally sided with the nay-sayers: "There is substantial independent evidence that Hamas constructed a vast tunnel network across Gaza. Senior Israeli defense officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, estimate the network is between 350 and 450 miles — extraordinary figures for a territory that at its longest point is only 25 miles. The officials estimate there are thousands of entrances to the network."
6. Hamas RETURNED ta the Al Shifa command center in 2024
They figgered that once Israel "thought" they cleared out the tunnels the wouldn't expect Hamas to return. But return they DID an' 20 "militants" were killed by the IDF one of which wuz a Sr. Hamas Official...
SO (sez Daisy) -- if this was NOT / NOT EVER yer hideout spot--WHY would you go to a place that Israel bombed out that you don't know at all, that ya've never been to, that wuz never yer "command center?" Wull ya wouldn't--if were not already "your" center an' ye warnt already familiar...
The Israeli military said that it had launched the raid based on new intelligence that Hamas officials were operating from the hospital, four months after Israeli forces stormed the complex and found a tunnel shaft they said supported their contention that the armed group had used it to conceal military operations. Since then, Israel has withdrawn many troops from northern Gaza and shifted the focus of its invasion to the south.
During the operation on Monday, Israel said its forces had killed 20 militants. Among those killed, it said, was a senior Hamas official it identified as Faiq Mabhouh, the head of operations for the internal security forces of the Hamas government in Gaza, who was “armed and hiding in a compound” at the hospital
there is a ton of footage of Gaza tunnels but this is hoss-spitl-all specific...
WHO dug these tunnels? CHILDREN! Hamas loves the children so much they dig the tunnels? HERE is a doc. 'bout that from 2008
Apparantly many died diggin' the tunnels. Kids too? HERE are the interviews so this counters Ehud Barak's statement that Israel dug the tunnels. Who is correct? Did Israel dig a few an' Hamas the rest?
This one I could not watch (I don't have a YT acct) but it shows the Hamas terrorists on CCTV bringin' in hostages--they are bringin' 'em to headquarters then
So if the tunnels are NOT bein' used by Hamas--unless y'all believe this is all fake--WHY would Israel waste weapons an' put their soldiers at risk bombin' sick folks who couldn't fight anyway? I'm waitin' fer a good reason...
ps Fer what it's worth, Israel's high tech kin remotely drone target entire buildin's that contain those they need ta target. To save money they used AI Lavender ta target "areas" an' sadly sometimes a cluster of buildin's were taken down when only one bld. contain the targeted men. The former is more costly so sadly some of the carpet bombin' was the latter which uses less of the weapons that are SO costly an' that they only have in ltd. number. It's awful... ideally they too would wanna be more precise.
Their tech kin single out an individual within a matter of inches. THAT is not the problem, it's takin' OUT that individual. There is no super high tech magic they got ta remotely "detonate" just the individuals if they are underground in a hoss-spit-all an' there are many of 'em. It's absurd ta say that Israel has some kinda mousquito-sized killer drone that kin fly under buildin's an' take out ONLY those that are guilty...
ALSO...they reached out ta the hoss-spit-all officials--they said (basically) we kin help you evacuate or work with y'all if you will (basically) just let us git yer underground terrorists an' the spokesfolks fer Al Shifa said NO. It's not like IDF kin just walk inta a hamas command center an' only pick out the "baddies." There were Hamas Terrorists (armed) disguised as male nurses an' some takin' up patient beds just ta be ready in case of IDF sneak attack.
Israel has good intel, decent arms, ltd. budget (even with what they purchase from the US)... what is imagined they could do... like some kinda remote magic takeout, just ain't possible OR they WOULD do that--it would save IDF lives too.
ALSO blowin' up individuals with pagers (not phones--only pages as only the military men of Hamas used)... waz a separate OP that took years in the makni' an' they were not doin' in Gaza at all an' could not do in this case under the particular circumstances...
What nation CAN fight the way suggested by one of the readers here...apart from Gang Stalkin' which is not appropriate in a war like this--what nation kin single out precise targets hidden underground an' ONLY take them out an' not bomb or hurt what is above? I dunno--not even the USA could (imho), not UK either...
If the Israeli Army knew they were there for fact why didn't the simply go into these hospitals and simply flood the tunnels or go in with their highly trained army personnel or just take these tunnels out but instead blow up complete hospitals with everyone bin them and as they already showed the world they have laser tech and robotics so either they don't work as great as they say or they simply wanted to slaughter and rob instead and history doesn't seem to be as taught but the opposite might be the opposite of what was taught instead and as we are all seeing played out around the world truth to facts must be reported by others than those who have the levers of power lurking always in the dark but today has come out into the light and light must by shined on them and fully documented regardless of what the masters say and slaughtering women and children no God Supports
I stopped listening to Corbett years ago. I didn't like him and found him condescending.
Below is a link unfortunately the author died a few years ago 2023.
You may find this interesting https://blog.banditobooks.com/an-open-letter-to-james-corbett/
Thank you so much for the links. You've given me evidence on Corbett. I have posted the links.
I am so pleased I could assist you Elsa.
I see that it takes all of us doing what we can. You knew of this brilliant article and sent it. That benefits all of us. I now have the definitive answer about Corbett.
Not only do I have the definitive answer re Corbett. My sense is that very many people - readers - have been given the answer, through this article from close to a decade ago, which likely otherwise most people would never find.
This is brilliant, absolutely brilliant: https://blog.banditobooks.com/an-open-letter-to-james-corbett/ So detailed, and so utterly fact-filled on Corbett's NLP manipulations of his audience. I learned so much!!!!!!!
Elsa, I know Daisy filled you in on Dennis Prager’s serious injury. I had been hearing for a while from Charlie Kirk that Dennis had a very serious accident. I had no idea until last night when I heard his son speaking about Dennis and his progress that it was a spinal cord injury. I believe his name is David. At any rate he said that Dennis can speak sometimes and that mostly his spirits are good. I know everyone is rooting for Dennis and keeping him in prayer. I believe his son said Dennis was now moving to Phase II of recovery.
I was so shocked - and very saddened - to hear of his near-fatal injiry. Just a few days ago I watched his 5-minute piece on the command to honor our parents (no demand that we love them). Thank you for this extra information.
Else, you want to know which "fact" is true. Why? I'm sincere, because I notice how little is really necessary to think about, I don't feel this knowledge you pursue brings peace. Truth is found within, not in the ever-changing world, which is too complex. With affection.
My 19th edition is about oil which was a post from a YahooGroups.com listserv called CIA-drugs. See
This is a small edition, because the thesis was so easy to prove. There are technical articles and easy to read articles.
Arlene Johnson
To access the rest of my work, which is top secret history that's internationally acclaimed, and free to the world, click on the icon that says Magazine.
With apologies fer what'll be looooong comments...here's my 2 cents plain on it...
Of course yer right Elsa, as always there's MORE ta any of these "stories" an' I got skin in the game so I'll take a whack at it. I'm sharin' all I got now on this... FIRST I'll summarize my "pernts" an' share links an' info. Folks are FREE ta discount anythin' I share or the sources. It's bascially which folks find more credible...if yer want'in' ta believe Hamas nothin' I share will change this as there is ALWAYS a way ta discount all pernts made one way 'er an'nuther so here goes:
A. US Intelligence in 2024 did its on investy-gay-shun an' wuz shown classified documents & AGREED that Hamas used the hoss-spit-all as a command source
B. Captured Hamas terrorists claim the same an' add in details about WHY (safest spot fer them) an' HOW it wuz used. I share one viddeyo in a link--there are others on the innertubes but I didn't git ta look fer 'em--this one wuz credible ta me
C. LOGIC--why would ya waste ammo on targettin' the sick & injured who pose not risk ta ya? NO you'd go lookin' fer military aged men an' command centers, not sick folks. The ONLY reason ya'd do this is b/c the hoss-spit-all wuz a command center. Otherwise it's a dumb place ta target.
D. VISUALS -- actual footage--15 min video of the tunnels--duzn't look like AI or fake ta me an' they would not serve medical use--they are dirty. You don't store medical supplies there. Why the bathroom? An' (we'll later hear) a computer room...
E. MOSQUE--the tunnels open up on a Mosque--Mosques are not just house of worship, they are political AND military centers. Nobuddy has "debunked" this phenomenon but if yer a hoss-spit-all WHY would ya have a secret tunnel to a mosque if it were NOT fer it bein' a command center? Patients that needed to attend their mosque would not be taken underground on narrow steps to a religious service...clergy would (I guess) come see THEM... so this makes no sense otherwise...
F. NY TIMES which as been super anti-zionist (an' anti-jooish too, just ask Bari Weiss who quit over that) CAME AROUND havin' doubted the story at first... they cite NEW EVIDENCE of Classified Docs shown to 'em... "According to classified images reviewed by The Times, Israeli soldiers found underground bunkers, living quarters and a room that appeared to be wired for computers and communications equipment along a part of the tunnel beyond the hospital — chambers that were not visible in the video released by the Israeli military." (understandably)
G. PRECEDENCE -- in both 2008 an' 2014 there were incidents of Hamas usin' the hoss-spit-all as a command center an' the 2014 incident had 'em doin' a press conference IN the hoss-spit-all! (WHY of all places THERE?)
H. Hamas RETURNED ta the Al Shifa command center in 2024 an' Israel had ta go in AGAIN an' kill the militants & one important commander. Why would you go DOWN UNDER a hoss-spit-all inta a tunnel if you DENY it exists an' never were there before? No, ye return ta yer command if ya think you can sneak in again (they counted on Israel not suspectin' they'd "retake" their fort / tunnel") this is old civil war tactics...
I. Other info--like the fact that back in 2008 there were boys--not men but boys--interviewed on HOW they dig the tunnels fer $$$ an' like the money too much ta stop. So if they dug tunnels fer Gee-Hawd THEN why is so hard ta believe in this tunnel?
OK that's NINE pernts towards say'in the tunnels are REAL an' showin' links an' more info. READ IT if yer interested 'fore sayin' just dumb ad-hominem attacks like "joos lie"... whatevah but just LOOK at what I'm sharin'--that's my own quick but deep-ish dive. Not 'spectin' ta change any minds but imho the story checks out ta me (an' I know ALL sides lie in war but this one would be illogical otherwise) Yer Experience May Differ :-)
Well, Daisy Moses, you have outdone yourself!! One thing that stuck out for me, on top of all the massive knowledge regarding the tunnels, is that like me, you have appreciated much that Corbett has done, but note his blind spots, including of Judy Wood and the dustification of the World Trade Center buildings as well as anything relating to Israel and Jews. A question: How does Corbett, such a fact-hound generally, miss knowing so much info about the tunnels? Also, thank you as usual. PS. I am curious if Dennis Prager will respond in one of his fireside chats.
shucks an' thx as always... SO...first, I have no idear WHY Corbett has biases, blindspots, 'er downright ornery aspects but I'm not so quick ta write off folks blindly as "controlled opposition" either... it's too facile by far. I truly dunno... an' wouldn't know how ta speculate...
Now as fer Dennis Prager, I'mma fan but he'll not be replyin' ta ya anytime soon. He's been in hoss-spit-all (that's whut I think've them insty2shuns!) after a near-death fall that broke his spine in late November. He's completely paralyzed an' cannot speak (been sendin' prayers his way). BUT they finally took him offa the ventilator (I know I know...now just the WORD makes my eyes pop). His brother is an MD an' gives sporadic updates...brother is in NYC but flies to LA ta see Dennis. He senses that tho' Dennis cannot yet talk (there's some kinda tube in his throat that lets him breathe), he's all fine upstairs. His brother thought Dennis's toe moved a teeeeny bit but he wasn't full on sure... Trooth is, the Med-Dicks have no idear IF Dennis will regain any kinda mobility or use of his arms or legs. The swellin' takes months ta go down enuf. He was put inta a coma I think fer a few days. So that's why I'm sayin' that I don't think he'll reply anytime soon... I'm hoping he WILL recover...ideally fully but at least enuf ta do the fireside chats.
So Prager U is still goin' on, but it's in "maintenance mode" while Dennis is in hospital.
I'd like ta add that really LOVE the guy, a gentle soul, a gentleman... my girls do too! We so enjoyed his fireside chats with Otto by his side (RIP Otto). I agree on most've what he sez an' any quibbles are minor... He's like a calm island that even in face of the haters never gits ugly or loses his humor an' wisdom. As a moral joo, his life an' work set a good example (imho)--of strivin' ta do yer best an' takin' time ta help an' advise others. It's sound advice--almost rabbinical lol.
I cannot fer the life of me git why folks hate 'im. He loves Christians an' reaches out ta people of all faiths with advice, free classes, an' JOBS!--of course Candace is one'a them that bit the hand that fed them, an' I heard his letter, he read it on viddeyo; he was so truly hurt, deeply. It's a 15 page letter!
Just read the ugly comments 'bout choos on Celia's stack t'day--the Fiddler one, it's a couple few weeks old. Ouch. AMAZIN' that of all the 200 whatever comments notta one said anythin' nice 'bout joos 'cept like 2 agreed that jooish jokes are funny but STILL joos gotta go! Notta one... Anywhoo, yer bringin' up Dennis after I just read such negative stuff wuz a nice balm, nay a little tonic fer all that negative energy floatin' 'round...SO it reminds me ta send 'im a little prayer which I do in the form've a "good energy ball" (yup, it's woo!) He's is worldly, charming, has a great sense of humor, loves classical music an' is well read, imho he sets a good example remindin' me ta stand strong as we ain't whut our worst ennemies think've us! Let's hope he comes out've it an' heals...
I liked Dennis from the first time I heard him - in my case, in one of his 5-minute videos. Later I discovered his warm and also with humor and intelligence fireside chats with Otto by the fire. Why hate him? Something is wrong with the hater. All that is happening makes me know this is important for me - to address the hate, irrational hate that blinds people from seeing - like also the amazing Judy Wood.
💯%! an' apparently with Corbett some of the real 911 experts (haha not the trust-the-experts but gen-u-ine eggcellent researches, many well known)--tried ta convince him--some have whole extensive sites devoted to it--an' no response. Gage is the unoffical "official" story (i.e. a spook) an' Corbett totally is with the A&E crowd.
The blind hate fer Dennis is just nuts! I've warched as rhetoric went from bein' only towards the evil anti-zionists (which fer most joos just means wantin' a homeland & self-determination an' has ZERO ta do with Mossad, BB, or the day to day vagaries of an imperfect gubbamint there--not unlike our own here the US of Eh?) TO next hatin' all Israelis an' callin' them names, an' now just general chew-hate...it duz seem like a blind hate. I cain't fight it... it's like an irrational demon...or a suck-u-bus like it sucks ye under the bus they wanted ta throw ye under! So I sometimes argue which well-intended but misinformed statements but ya cain't argue with name callin' or a long list've lies, mis-quotes an' other such... It's like a "virus"--intense! In some'a the viddeos they git so angry with their hate it's like blindin' hot, searin'--an' they "think" it's righteous! Sure they are on the right path.
I don't git it--I could list SO MANY writers I connected with early on durin' this plandemic mess that "turned!" (gotta run, my younger one has a voice lesson...) THANKS ever so MUCHLY fer keepin' yer own head on straight an' fer all yer plain ol' GOODNESS! ;-)
ps among the myths worth bustin' (as in two stories / two sides), I thought I'd send ya an'nuther myth buster ta take a look at (just a couple min watch)
1. story one: Israel is not sendin' food over to Gazans and is forcin' 'em to starve and die...
2. Israel has been sendin' food, clothing, warm jackets, blankets, medical supplies, diapers an' so much more but the UN & Hamas STOP them so it's all goin' bad--near 60K trucks waitin' to deliver their wares...
"TV cameras have been in Gaza to the holding area where aid is unloaded on the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing. Almost 60,000 trucks"
Scroll down on that X page to see the other clip that shows Hamas soldiers jumpin' on the trucks that DO git thru an' stealin' supplies from the Gazans.
It's estimated that SINCE 10/7 Israel has been getting 150 to 200 trucks INTO Gaza / day. The rest remain as you see in the clip.
Noozcasters have accused Israel of sendin' in just TWO trucks/month inta Gaza. Should one believe the news?
FWIW in most wars the attacker duz not feed the civilians on the "enemy" side... an enemy that wants 'em dead... feedin' people of all ages that want'em dead. I know at least one angry General said "Starve 'em" but nobuddy starved 'em. It's like DJT sayin' he'd "git Killary"....an' did NOTHING. Bluster (an' in both instances understandable anger but they didn't act on it)
Sigh. Israel will lose the PR war no matter WHAT folks show... people don't wanna HEAR this or SEE it... (not ta put a bee in yer already bizzy bonnet Elsa but thar ya go!)
I find this all very "pulling." As stuff with climate and Islam and the injections etc pulled me. What is being done here - around zionism and associated stuff - to have this happen, to create and maintain the hatred?
And as always, thanks for your wealth of information.
1. I didn't list this as "proof" of anythin' but I should state that James Corbett is good on many issues (an' oft funny) but is not neutral on Israel. He & Mint Press incl. Whitney Webb the paper's scion are def. pro-Arab an' STRONGLY anti-Israel (anti-Zionist) ...Does this affect the views of these journalists? I'd say so. disagree if ya'd like. He talks of genocide an' is cheerin' fer the arrest of NetAnYoohoo... Corbett has blind spots an' biases. He STRONGLY an' insultin'ly dismisses Dr. Judy Wood (who shows how 911 was a DEW hit...an' we've seen the same tech melt metal in Lahina)...SO Corbett report is (if I may say) not willin' ta look at certain people or their work even UNrelated ta Israel.
2. 2024 info de-classified:
US "Intelligence" (I know many don't believe the US) confirms Al Shifa was indeed a command center.
"The U.S. Intelligence Community is confident in its judgment on this topic and has independently corroborated information on HAMAS and PIJ’s use of the hospital complex for a variety of purposes related to its campaign against Israel," the declassified material stated, according to the Associated Press. Those uses, it said, included "to house command infrastructure, exercise certain command and control activities," and store weapons.
"Israeli special forces escorted Fox News Foreign Correspondent Trey Yingst and at least one other reporter into the tunnels beneath the hospital just hours after it was taken. Yingst saw evidence of a hasty withdrawal by Hamas forces including scattered supplies and small arms weapons."
So we have US Intelligence "satisfied" the medical facility wuz a command center AND we have a Fox Correspondent who seems to agree (FOX has hosted some velly anti-Israel comment-taters....includin' Tucker who wuz with the station at the time)
2. Captured Hamas Terrorists also say the hospital was used fer hidin' an' as a command center. Interview link on this site so ya's kin listen:
"During interrogation, senior member of Hamas who commands over 140 terrorists says hospitals used by group as shelters because of humanitarian law protecting them; Terrorists are everywhere, 'in all of the buildings"
Israel apparantly RELEASED parts of the investitation / intereviews with these particular terrorists who were in the hoss-spit-all (not all've 'em are here, all are alive tho').
They told interrogators that some 600 to 1,000 Hamas operatives had been hiding in the hospital and gave details about the weapons stored inside the medical facility.
One is sait to have told investigators he had been there for close to a month. He said armed operatives were in the medical residents' area and that Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives were in the neonatal ward,(NEONATAL? omg-daisy) which they are using as a command center.
When interrogators asked why he thought hospitals in the Gaza Strip were used by the terror groups he said it is because they are supposed to be off limits for attack. "There are a lot of people and much movement and also water and electricity," he said.
They also described the organized Hamas infrastructure in the hospital that was used by senior members of the terror group to plan and direct attacks. One of the prisoners said terrorists are everywhere in the sprawling hospital compound, "in all of the buildings."
"The terrorists have nowhere safe outside the hospital so they are in schools or similar places," a military spokesperson said.
A Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist who worked in missile production for the terror group said he had been in Al Shifa for nearly three months. "This is our shelter," he said. "Hamas and PIJ operatives don't have a specific command center. They are in all of the buildings, he told interrogators. "In the specialists' building, for example, there is a large Hamas presence. It does not mean they are not elsewhere in the compound. You may see someone who does not look like he is a nurse but is wearing a nurses' uniform walking around.
the above link shows a viddeyo of the interrogation of Islamic Jihad operative Nabeel Rajab Abed Shteiwi
Look at him an' tell me if you think he was beaten or harmed to tell the story the IDF "wanted ta hear?" I mean he looks OK.
3 Let's PAUSE an' look at LOGIC
Let's ask this... Israel would not target a huge hoss-spit-all fer no reason. There are other buildin's in Gaza that might harbor terrorists so if ya look at motivation, killin' folks that are, say, sick or in surgery would not be killin' vital strong soldiers. Would Israel do this just b/c they are evil an' wanna kill the sick /unwell? EVEN if ya hate Israel & the IDF, WHY would ya put her own men an' women at RISK in shootin' a target that contains ONLY sick, unwell, weak folks? Why take out doctors? No no, you take out strong young men who are also soldiers. IF the Al Shifa was a HUB which contained these young strong men AND their generals an' leaders only THEN duz it make sense for Israel to strike this kinda building. Otherwise it's wasted ammo and a wasted effort. HOW can folks not see this--you GO where the SOLDIERS are! Military bases... wull that hoss-spit-all was a base.
4. VISUALS -- actual footage:
1st Watch a video of the tunnels fer yerself & see if this is all fake AI.. some say such tunnels do not exist...
National Post is a conservative Canadian journal (Corbett is from Canada too)
I'm not seein' evidence that this is not a real tunnel...
What is yer proof this is fake an' that what we are seein' is not REAL?
My comments on the viddeyo...
Were there NOT a hospital above this tunnel, it's not easy ta 'splain bathrooms, small kitchens, an' runnin' water / plumbing, HEAVY DUTY electricity. First HOW would you get such infrastructure if this tunnel were not under a bld. that had major power, plumbing, resources. Also--WHY would you have such things in a dirty tunnel otherwise? It's clear this is not a "makeshift" residence or homeless shelter.
HOW would you create such things we see IF you could not tap inta the existing infrastructure of a hoss-spit-all (plumbing, air conditionin').
If you agree this is real, for what other purpose would a hosital create such space underground? It seems not to have any hospital-related services (eg. food prep or hospital equipment storage) that might be found. Also it's dirty (dirt floor) which is very UN-hospital-like so the purpose has to be something OTHER than helping run the hospital.
IF you think this is all AI or a soundstage or "Set" created by Israel I'm open ta that tho I don't see it but happy to see evidence. One thing would be imperfect green screen stuff like we've seen with Biden when his hand dissolves or with the "astronauts." I see none of that here. Also, these are really long shots an' I don't see cuts or edits so it would be hard ta claim it's a short hall an' the footage is just repeated.
If you watch this viddeyo 'til the end you'll see the soldier exits INTO the hoss-spit-all (and points out an'nuther exit onto the street where we see daylight). Here there is a secure "blast door" in case of exposions above (so the tunnel is blocked from the debris, fallout, whatever). Normal spaces would not have blast doors.
They show the stairwell that would go up inta the hoss-spit-all (there is debris so cannot be climbed). Then they go out inta the street parallel with the hospital ta show HOW a residential bld. has a tunnel exit (for those under the hoss-spit-all). NOW if this were all baloney, it would be easy ta disprove... Someone might have said, nope that's not X street 'cross from the hospital, why that's a street a mile away! (But nobuddy did--nobuddy debunked this footage). You see the children's classroom set up inside the apt. bld AND you see the substantial entrance INTO the tunnel. THEY ENTER INTO IT...
Mind y'all this is a matter of weeks after 10/7 so if this is a "set" they didn't have long ta build it! By contrast Hamas had YEARS to build this underground infrastructure...
So underneath a learnin' center / classroom which holds kids are tunnels. Children literally sittin' on top of the terrorists (or if y'all like Hamas, children sittin' on top of the "freedom fighters.")
Some incl. Ehud Barak, say Israel might have built this tunnel under the hospital but the current IDF explorin' it were not lyin', they did not know. HOWEVER Barak’s comments did not contradict Israel’s main argument — that Hamas has been misusing the spaces under the hospital for terror purposes. Here whut he sez here:
YET one part of his story makes no sense--he sez the current bunkers were built by Israel as "storage space" fer the hoss-spit-all. THIS I do not see--the rooms in the tunnels are bathrooms an' kitchens an' a few blank spaces with white walls, linoleum so they do not seem ta be fer "storage" or "hoss-spit-al use"
This an' all the other tunnels in Gaza used by Hamas (tho' I don't believe none were built by Hamas--if that's the case WHERE did all the $ go if not ta the tunnels? Not to the people livin' there...). Even if Israel built the tunnels back in the 80's, so what?--they left Gaza in 2005 an' if the tunnels NOW are bein' used ta hold Hamas, duz it matter who built 'em?
So the under the hoss-spit-all tunnel opens out inta a Mosque. (fwiw Israel would not have reason to build tunnels TO a Mosque!)--See this in the viddeyo below:
They also show guns an' gear & equipment pulled FROM the tunnel under Al Shifa AND from nearby cars. This is not IDF stuff. If weaponry was in cars near the hoss-spit-all it would seem that those drivin' those cars were connected with Hamas / headquarters. In the USA how many cars filled with military gear park near hoss-spit-alls? In Israel? Same. NONE.
4. NEW PROOF that even the (now-)strongly anti-Zionist NY Times admits is valid...(scroll down past the annoyin' AI interactive whatsis)--not so much NEW but footage kept from the public fer security reasons an' RELEASED to the NY TIMES which comments:
According to classified images reviewed by The Times, Israeli soldiers found underground bunkers, living quarters and a room that appeared to be wired for computers and communications equipment along a part of the tunnel beyond the hospital — chambers that were not visible in the video released by the Israeli military.
"American intelligence also indicates that Hamas fighters evacuated the complex days before Israeli forces moved into Al-Shifa, destroying documents and electronics as they left."
"Hospitals (...) uses for other acts that are “harmful to the enemy” can make them legitimate targets for military action. "
In the face of international opprobrium over its raids on hospitals, Israel has publicized evidence that it says shows that Hamas hid fighters among the ill and injured, and held hostages in the facilities. The Israeli military said that before entering Al-Shifa, it warned the buildings’ occupants, opened evacuation routes and sent Arabic-speaking medical teams along with the soldiers.
NYT mentioned similar activity at another Gazan hoss-spit-all:
"The Israeli military said it apprehended dozens of 'terror operatives' at Kamal Adwan Hospital in December, and released videos, at the time, of men carrying weapons. A spokesman for the health ministry in Gaza said that Israeli forces had asked the hospital’s administrators to hand over the weapons of its security guards."
One of the videos released by Israel showed troops rushing into the hospital and appearing to find explosives, weapons and the hostage room. In the other, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, chief spokesman for the Israeli military, showed off guns, explosives and other weapons that he said were found in the basement of the hospital. The video included footage of a piece of paper taped to a wall in the hospital’s basement. Admiral Hagari said the paper — a grid with Arabic words and numbers within each square — could be a schedule for guarding hostages “where every terrorist writes his name.”
The Gazan health ministry said it was nothing more than a work schedule. But the calendar begins on Oct. 7, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, and an Arabic title written at the top uses the militants’ name for the assault: “Al Aqsa Flood Battle, 7/10/2023.”
(some say Israel planted all this, again, all I kind say is HERE is the footage
5. PRECEDENCE (they dunnit before--so this is like a court presented with a guy accused of murderin' an' NOT bein' told that he did jail time fer murder 2x before!)
I quotheth fer this 2008 example:
"There is also established documentation that Hamas used Al-Shifa before the war to mask some of its activities. During Israel’s three-week war with Hamas in 2008, armed Hamas fighters in civilian clothing were seen roaming Al-Shifa’s corridors and killing an Israeli collaborator, according to a Times correspondent reporting in Gaza at the time."
2014 again--
if yer terrorists NOT usin' the hoss-spit-all as a command center WHY OH WHY would you hold yer interviews in a HOSS-SPIT-ALL--really? No other place than a medical ward?
" Six years later, during the next round of fighting, the militants routinely held news conferences at the hospital and used it as a safe meeting place for Hamas officials to speak with journalists."
Israel has also released video footage, taken by the hospital’s own security cameras, which it says shows two hostages being brought to Al-Shifa shortly after being abducted in the Oct. 7 attack.
You bring hostages to yer hideout...whatever it may be.
Per the NY TIMES that had originally sided with the nay-sayers: "There is substantial independent evidence that Hamas constructed a vast tunnel network across Gaza. Senior Israeli defense officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, estimate the network is between 350 and 450 miles — extraordinary figures for a territory that at its longest point is only 25 miles. The officials estimate there are thousands of entrances to the network."
6. Hamas RETURNED ta the Al Shifa command center in 2024
They figgered that once Israel "thought" they cleared out the tunnels the wouldn't expect Hamas to return. But return they DID an' 20 "militants" were killed by the IDF one of which wuz a Sr. Hamas Official...
SO (sez Daisy) -- if this was NOT / NOT EVER yer hideout spot--WHY would you go to a place that Israel bombed out that you don't know at all, that ya've never been to, that wuz never yer "command center?" Wull ya wouldn't--if were not already "your" center an' ye warnt already familiar...
The Israeli military said that it had launched the raid based on new intelligence that Hamas officials were operating from the hospital, four months after Israeli forces stormed the complex and found a tunnel shaft they said supported their contention that the armed group had used it to conceal military operations. Since then, Israel has withdrawn many troops from northern Gaza and shifted the focus of its invasion to the south.
During the operation on Monday, Israel said its forces had killed 20 militants. Among those killed, it said, was a senior Hamas official it identified as Faiq Mabhouh, the head of operations for the internal security forces of the Hamas government in Gaza, who was “armed and hiding in a compound” at the hospital
there is a ton of footage of Gaza tunnels but this is hoss-spitl-all specific...
WHO dug these tunnels? CHILDREN! Hamas loves the children so much they dig the tunnels? HERE is a doc. 'bout that from 2008
Apparantly many died diggin' the tunnels. Kids too? HERE are the interviews so this counters Ehud Barak's statement that Israel dug the tunnels. Who is correct? Did Israel dig a few an' Hamas the rest?
From UK's Times Radio (notta jooish station)
Soldier explains here why the bulldozers are workin' on the tunnel system of Al Shifa to prevent them from continual use..
Short describin' the weapons FOUND in a CAR parked "in" the hospital
This one I could not watch (I don't have a YT acct) but it shows the Hamas terrorists on CCTV bringin' in hostages--they are bringin' 'em to headquarters then
So if the tunnels are NOT bein' used by Hamas--unless y'all believe this is all fake--WHY would Israel waste weapons an' put their soldiers at risk bombin' sick folks who couldn't fight anyway? I'm waitin' fer a good reason...
ps Fer what it's worth, Israel's high tech kin remotely drone target entire buildin's that contain those they need ta target. To save money they used AI Lavender ta target "areas" an' sadly sometimes a cluster of buildin's were taken down when only one bld. contain the targeted men. The former is more costly so sadly some of the carpet bombin' was the latter which uses less of the weapons that are SO costly an' that they only have in ltd. number. It's awful... ideally they too would wanna be more precise.
Their tech kin single out an individual within a matter of inches. THAT is not the problem, it's takin' OUT that individual. There is no super high tech magic they got ta remotely "detonate" just the individuals if they are underground in a hoss-spit-all an' there are many of 'em. It's absurd ta say that Israel has some kinda mousquito-sized killer drone that kin fly under buildin's an' take out ONLY those that are guilty...
ALSO...they reached out ta the hoss-spit-all officials--they said (basically) we kin help you evacuate or work with y'all if you will (basically) just let us git yer underground terrorists an' the spokesfolks fer Al Shifa said NO. It's not like IDF kin just walk inta a hamas command center an' only pick out the "baddies." There were Hamas Terrorists (armed) disguised as male nurses an' some takin' up patient beds just ta be ready in case of IDF sneak attack.
Israel has good intel, decent arms, ltd. budget (even with what they purchase from the US)... what is imagined they could do... like some kinda remote magic takeout, just ain't possible OR they WOULD do that--it would save IDF lives too.
ALSO blowin' up individuals with pagers (not phones--only pages as only the military men of Hamas used)... waz a separate OP that took years in the makni' an' they were not doin' in Gaza at all an' could not do in this case under the particular circumstances...
What nation CAN fight the way suggested by one of the readers here...apart from Gang Stalkin' which is not appropriate in a war like this--what nation kin single out precise targets hidden underground an' ONLY take them out an' not bomb or hurt what is above? I dunno--not even the USA could (imho), not UK either...
OK that's it...
If the Israeli Army knew they were there for fact why didn't the simply go into these hospitals and simply flood the tunnels or go in with their highly trained army personnel or just take these tunnels out but instead blow up complete hospitals with everyone bin them and as they already showed the world they have laser tech and robotics so either they don't work as great as they say or they simply wanted to slaughter and rob instead and history doesn't seem to be as taught but the opposite might be the opposite of what was taught instead and as we are all seeing played out around the world truth to facts must be reported by others than those who have the levers of power lurking always in the dark but today has come out into the light and light must by shined on them and fully documented regardless of what the masters say and slaughtering women and children no God Supports