Very important question: what does one do when one is faced with 2 opposing fact-claims from sources one considers likely to be reliable?
FACT-CLAIM ONE: Tunnels from Hamas open into hospitals and schools in Gaza.
I’ve heard that fact-claim for years, from many sources. I believed it.
FACT-CLAIM TWO: Those claims are false. They are fake news stories.
The second fact-claim comes from a source from which I’ve learned a lot, the CorbettReport, including about the history of oil and about (I believe) Bill Gates. I’ve also heard, more than once, that Corbett is controlled opposition - something I’ve heard about almost everyone.
Anyway, here is the link:
My response. I want to find out which fact-claim is fact-backed - in other words, which fact-claim is true.
So what to do? In this case, I am taking 2 immediate actions.
ONE. I am posting.
I am sure to get many interesting responses, some enlightening, caring to inform and perhaps also to explore - and others intending to denigrate.
TWO. I have sent a note to the Fireside Chats with Dennis Prager at Prager U
Dear Dennis, I have heard many times about tunnels opening into Gaza hospitals and schools. Now I read from the CorbettReport: these are fake stories:
I appreciate you and Prager U.
Could you please take this on.
Please help.
I had more to say - like that I’ve learned a lot from CorbettReport - but the limit is 300 characters.
Most likely some people, reading this post, will make negative comments about Prager U.
I have found Prager U a good source of information and ideas.
Will I accept whatever I hear back (if I hear back)? I will listen closely.
I expect I will hear from Daisy Moses, always an amazing source of information.
My posting and my reaching out go with a general approach: I search to see who might be both very knowledgeable in the area and truth-centered. So with Islam, while I did some investigation, I appreciated the work of people who showed amazing expertise, like Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, Mark Durie, David Wood.
My expectation is that I will learn, that I will end up knowing more than I know now.
Posted January 27, 2025
With apologies fer what'll be looooong comments...here's my 2 cents plain on it...
Of course yer right Elsa, as always there's MORE ta any of these "stories" an' I got skin in the game so I'll take a whack at it. I'm sharin' all I got now on this... FIRST I'll summarize my "pernts" an' share links an' info. Folks are FREE ta discount anythin' I share or the sources. It's bascially which folks find more credible...if yer want'in' ta believe Hamas nothin' I share will change this as there is ALWAYS a way ta discount all pernts made one way 'er an'nuther so here goes:
A. US Intelligence in 2024 did its on investy-gay-shun an' wuz shown classified documents & AGREED that Hamas used the hoss-spit-all as a command source
B. Captured Hamas terrorists claim the same an' add in details about WHY (safest spot fer them) an' HOW it wuz used. I share one viddeyo in a link--there are others on the innertubes but I didn't git ta look fer 'em--this one wuz credible ta me
C. LOGIC--why would ya waste ammo on targettin' the sick & injured who pose not risk ta ya? NO you'd go lookin' fer military aged men an' command centers, not sick folks. The ONLY reason ya'd do this is b/c the hoss-spit-all wuz a command center. Otherwise it's a dumb place ta target.
D. VISUALS -- actual footage--15 min video of the tunnels--duzn't look like AI or fake ta me an' they would not serve medical use--they are dirty. You don't store medical supplies there. Why the bathroom? An' (we'll later hear) a computer room...
E. MOSQUE--the tunnels open up on a Mosque--Mosques are not just house of worship, they are political AND military centers. Nobuddy has "debunked" this phenomenon but if yer a hoss-spit-all WHY would ya have a secret tunnel to a mosque if it were NOT fer it bein' a command center? Patients that needed to attend their mosque would not be taken underground on narrow steps to a religious service...clergy would (I guess) come see THEM... so this makes no sense otherwise...
F. NY TIMES which as been super anti-zionist (an' anti-jooish too, just ask Bari Weiss who quit over that) CAME AROUND havin' doubted the story at first... they cite NEW EVIDENCE of Classified Docs shown to 'em... "According to classified images reviewed by The Times, Israeli soldiers found underground bunkers, living quarters and a room that appeared to be wired for computers and communications equipment along a part of the tunnel beyond the hospital — chambers that were not visible in the video released by the Israeli military." (understandably)
G. PRECEDENCE -- in both 2008 an' 2014 there were incidents of Hamas usin' the hoss-spit-all as a command center an' the 2014 incident had 'em doin' a press conference IN the hoss-spit-all! (WHY of all places THERE?)
H. Hamas RETURNED ta the Al Shifa command center in 2024 an' Israel had ta go in AGAIN an' kill the militants & one important commander. Why would you go DOWN UNDER a hoss-spit-all inta a tunnel if you DENY it exists an' never were there before? No, ye return ta yer command if ya think you can sneak in again (they counted on Israel not suspectin' they'd "retake" their fort / tunnel") this is old civil war tactics...
I. Other info--like the fact that back in 2008 there were boys--not men but boys--interviewed on HOW they dig the tunnels fer $$$ an' like the money too much ta stop. So if they dug tunnels fer Gee-Hawd THEN why is so hard ta believe in this tunnel?
OK that's NINE pernts towards say'in the tunnels are REAL an' showin' links an' more info. READ IT if yer interested 'fore sayin' just dumb ad-hominem attacks like "joos lie"... whatevah but just LOOK at what I'm sharin'--that's my own quick but deep-ish dive. Not 'spectin' ta change any minds but imho the story checks out ta me (an' I know ALL sides lie in war but this one would be illogical otherwise) Yer Experience May Differ :-)
I stopped listening to Corbett years ago. I didn't like him and found him condescending.
Below is a link unfortunately the author died a few years ago 2023.
You may find this interesting https://blog.banditobooks.com/an-open-letter-to-james-corbett/