Adam Allistaire Woodwiss Smith is an extremely brave man and he is being treated very poorly. While you give your love and attention to this man mentioned in the article, no one looks to this mans case. He found a way to reverse what the injection does, and he is being ignored by the populous. Distracted by many many events and the new scandal of the day. This man has the frequencies and methodologies to circumvent great calamities and atrocities. Coconino county, Flagstaff, AZ division 2 courts. They have made his case a complex case 182 so he can be held for over 40 months without a trial. If his bond is paid 75,000.00 they can say he is a danger to the public and keep him and the bond payment. This man is a graduate of Redding University with a bachelors in cybernetics, former ministry of defense IT administrator with arch linux. He tried so hard for everyone. The world does not know because of purposeful censorship. I have contacted FBI, Department of Defense, three branches of military, the office of the governor of Arizona Maricopa, the Arizona Attorney General and the sherrif of the county he is detained and all of them so far have either sent letter to say they will not take the complaint or hung up on me or told me they will not help me. Some of them bluntly. If people are this controlled by their technology they can not save themselves by listening and observing then destruction cometh quickly and like a thief in the night.

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How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely ​one of its ​many stalking horse​s.

After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.

The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is​: the​ UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.

Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.

If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.

The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.

If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com. If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".

We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.

Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.

The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.

By the way, at the same link, PreventGenocide2030.org, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.

Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.

And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.

​Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.

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Exactly, who are you to tell us - me and every reader - we are wasting our time?

Neither the WHO nor the USA are a becon of light or a navel to the world.

Be confident that we all know how to chose our priorities, and more so when we don't live in the USA but have to endure the policies the States deem opportune to enforce upon us.

The same way you consider the UN a 'country club of unelected nobodies' we can and do consider the congress a reunion of selected employees who obey to money.

Please, leave the world alone. We are not your subordinates.

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Arturo, did you cancel the First Amendment while we looked away?

I have no authority over what you ar anyone else does but I have every right to express my opinion, as I have done.

As a health freedom advocate over decades, I know the topic well and have every right to tell you and everyone else what that opinion is.

If you find it congenial, good. If you don’t, that’s fine.

The Congress, no matter how corrupt and compromised, has before it the means to extricate us from a well-organized destruction. And we have the means to compel them to do so.

If you find my tone offensive, ignore what I have said.

You’ll love living in an open-air concentration camp and eating meals of meal worms.

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“congenital” says it all! 🙂 (Sorry, I couldn't waste this one!)

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. But if you really want ‘followers’, it might be advisable not to blame us for our opinions.

Its funny how quickly us-americans invoke the first amendment just for being critizised! You see, I'm not a citizen of your country, as Mr Julian Assange is not. The whole world has just learned that us-american charta & amendments don't apply for citizens of other countries. Mr Julian Assange is not protected by them. So, why should I follow them? I do, because I believe in free speech without exceptions.

You see, you have posted your text all over the part of substack that opens for me. You may do so, but it simply gets boring.

Btw, I'm not only free to say what I want, I'm free to eat what I want, and, as I'm the cook, I indeed combine flavours to our liking. Welcome to the open air jail deluxe.

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Thumb error, now corrected: congenial, not congenital. That was funny. Thanks for pointing it out.

I have followers, thank you, actually hundreds of thousands of people, so I guess my communication style, while not your cup of tea, works for some.

If you find my message boring, skip it in a comments section, do not subscribe to either my newsletter or my substack , which has my name in it, making it easy for you to avoid (DrRimaTruthReports.substack.com) or listen to either of my podcasts (Dr Rima Truth Reports and Catalytic Conversations on PeopleForPeople.Ning.com) because you won't like them.

You asked who I was to tell people that they are wasting their time. That is actually, to be quite blunt, a stupid question. You may or may not be stupid, but the question is.

Not only are people wasting their time on the WHO issues right now, at this particular juncture in history, but, much more important, they are wasting political capital and man-power, which are in short supply on our side and are critical resources if we are to effect change.

Until about 7 months ago, I, too, thought that we had time and opportunity for political gradualism: first get out of the WHO and then, with the momentum that we had built, turn out attention to the real foe, the UN.

Then I wandered into the nightmare thicket containing the Pact for the Future and saw that their schedule, and their resources for enacting their schedule was much, much more rapid than I had imagined.

I realized we were very close to out of time.

Doing a strategic Estimate of the Situation, I realized that as terrible as it is, the entire WHO game is just a feint while the real campaign is the horrific "Pact for the Future" resting on the rapidly emplaced Agenda 2030+..

I realized, too, that getting out of the UN was now more possible than ever for the US, still a huge player on the geopolitical stage, whatever the state of its orchestrated decline.

And so I shifted focus to supporting the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2030.

Not all of my colleagues did the same. It is my opinion, based on my strategic analysis, that they and their followers, no matter how well meaning, are wasting their time by fighting with a feint maneuver instead of dealing with the main threat.

And that, Arturo, is precisely who I am to tell people that they are wasting their time. Sorry if that is not to your liking, but I have a job to do, as I conceive it.

So, in summary, you do you and I will do me, leading as many people as possible in the direction where the greatest success and safety lie. And that is OUT of the UN Death Machine.

Have a great day.

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One thought I have - also expressed by Rima - is that priorities are so important. The ore there is urgency, the more important it is to put time where it is most effective.

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You see, I agree mostly if you put it this way.

I am sure it ads if we follow different strategies in a parallel way, empowering those who fight WHO, and those who fight Agenda 2030, and those who try with BRICS and the emerging multipolarity to redistribute the wealth flows that are currently happening.

Good luck for your part! We all need luck, too.

I'll continue to do my best avoiding bickering while actively searching for new ideas that may be promising for being granted again our human and civil rights.

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I will send this out as a post tomorrow. Then, we could also do a short (or longer) interview on this, and I could post that. Let me know.

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That would be perfect. Thank you, Elsa.

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Na, das ist doch schon was!

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Ja!!! Super!

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Great news, Elsa. There should've been more of us, but at least we got 2,000 names. 🙏

Thanks again to Gabriele for her complaint against the prison. 😘

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Sadly, I've been away from the Internet and didn't know anything about this. 😔

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We all need time away - plus sometimes there are other priorities. We do what we can. This time, many other people did the requested action. All fine.

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Fantastic news i was more than happy to help to get this amazing innocent man dr Reiner Fulmich get him out off prison set him free bless him 🙏🏻🙏🏻🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🫂

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This is such great news! It was an honor to sign it.

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Blessed are those who come with GREAT news!!!! All the BEST to you & ALL!!!

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I am pleased we have been able to help Reiner get close to being released. We know he has been railroaded by the blasted German authorities because he has gotten too close to exposing some of their corrupt officials. Now, we seem to be closer than ever to showing how these charges are frauds and Reiner should be released to continue his work, as it affects us all.

Please let me say, I am proud to support Reiner and that all of us together can make sure his release will be soon. There is much work we all must do in order to get the truth out about these 'plandemics' and the liars that try to create them, out of nothing. it seems now they are working on a Disease X, which many have determined is to be called "bird flu" as another scare tactic.

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Agreed. Re disease X, I hve also heard, from Geert Vandam Bossche, that he expects this is real, and mass deaths can only be prevented through injected people taking ivermectin as a preventative. He expects that the uninjected are safe, have build herd immunity. And notice that ivermectin is suddenly being presented positively.

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What is "herd" immunity? To my knowledge, it has never been proven.

Also, immune against what - a "virus" that has never been proven to exist?

Yes, of course there are toxins (virus = poison) all around us. But they are not the pesky tiny things (that nobody seems to be able to properly define, guess why) that we are made to believe in.

Reg. Ivermectin: I too thought it was a good prophylactic and cure. I just recently learned that it is more toxic than we are made to believe, and it impairs fertility... I am wondering whether it was a clever ploy to get the renegades who didn't buy the cov. narrative to sterilize themselves voluntarily by taking a medication that was poopooed and made difficult to access. It would make sense that the criminal perverts in charge would come up with a scheme like this, wouldn't it?

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Complicated situation. I knew people who got sick with whatever it was; ivermectin stopped whatever it was within a day. Yes, male fertility impact - but I believe linked to how long the man takes ivermectin and what dosage.

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Yes, I agree it's multi-layered, and there doesn't seem an easy, simple answer. I am still looking, in any case.

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Me too, always looking - and finding things here and there.

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Praying for Reiner's freedom

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💌💌💌💌📧📧📧📧 Fantastic!

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Awesome .. I'm so glad to hear this!! :-)

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