Thank you very much, Elsa, for informing us and continuing to bring light and truth to society! From Argentina.

We are watching day by day for Reiner.... that soon everything becomes clear!

I send regularly via ICIC, my moral support for a long time. If it is a show trial, then, we would have another new Assange. You are not alone! We continue to make strength for the truth to come out! Free Reiner !

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Thank you, Marcela, for all you do.

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I am holding him in my prayers! I've sent cards from Australia in hope that he will be assisted by our love and care! God is watching...and He will help Reiner for justice to be served! So I pray! Thank you very much, Elsa! You are a soul of light and I am grateful for keeping us updated on Reiner's situation! God's blessings!

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Thank you.

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