Free speech... In my sixty four years of walking this planet, never EVER did I even remotely ponder not having the ability to say. The intentional destruction of America and essentially the WORLD have accelerated now and I see no clear way to stall it, much less stop it. The dark cabal has painstakingly put every puzzle piece into place, decade by decade while their confederates in the intel agencies have been working hard to weaponize nanotechnology. Add in the totally controlled and treasonous main stream media (their most powerful weapon, IMHO) and we are facing the biggest threat since the attempted coup back in 1934. Our bacon was saved back then by a great soldier and patriot - marine corp general Smedley Butler.. The McCormick/Dickstein Commission created forty five hundred pages of content, finally concluding that General Butler was indeed telling the truth.. However not one single traitor (all the barons of American business who idolized Hitler) was interviewed or detained, much less arrested, tried, or convicted. Since Obama's (another selected and not ELECTED POTUS) purge of the military, we can't expect another hero in uniform to save us...The glaring omission of NOT executing the traitors (FDR claimed that doing so would likely destroy our economy - ironic, huh?) has now come back to haunt this once great constitutional republic and I cannot see us ever getting past it.... One last thing - a few years ago I emailed a friend who is a retired colonel in our USAF and wrote "I just want my America back" .. His reply was perfect - he said "No, you want the America you THOUGHT you had back"... so true... Napoleon famously said that the winners get to write history...

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Thank you Elsa for your steadfast reports for world freedom. My father fought in WWII, raided a German Camp in Holland in 1944 and found a stack of papers they left behind in their haste. He put them in his jacket and brought home with him. In 1965, he had them translated and late that night asked me to help him write a letter to the Governor General of Canada, Judy LaMarsh. These documents were from the 1930s about how the Khazarian Mafia were going to continue the war after the war by infiltrating all high governing positions in the US and rewrite the history via propaganda. That is exactly what they did, US Gov, NASA, CIA, Health, Education, Agriculture, Science & Technology, etc. Pharmaceutical ... Then they stealthily infiltrated into Canada and the world via the media and education in the schools. Humanity has been poisoned and programmed via Pharma and education dating back to the 1800s ... This is a spiritual war and always has been!

"Only those who consciously acknowledged God as the Source and Essence of their Being as Love will survive the Apocalypse that is to come!" - Given to me by the Pleiadeans, following a very close encounter in Niagara Falls January 1, 1971, in 4 lengthy astral vision dreams over 8 years. They showed me all world events that have passed since ... and what is yet to come. We must all raise our consciousness and know that we have the power within and are the ones we have been waiting for.


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The "Muslims" are not the source of the problem when it comes to censorship .. do you know who John Kerry is?? Give a listen to this .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3igBay6ndSs

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I know the Muslims are far from the only cause of the push for censorship. But in 2006, that is what I was learning about, and what Valerie also saw. The Predator class - I did not know about it at the time. I've now watched a bit of the John Kerry interview. Yes, there's much more to it than than Islam. But, when I read your comment, I hear you saying the are NOT THE SOURCE - as if there were only one source. From what I learned of Islamic history, Islam has been quite a problem since it came to be - but yes, far from the only problem - and of course one can ask: how did tney get into the West, why is "the West" listening, etc.

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When you say Muslims .. that's a pretty big box! Not all Muslims fit the description of wanting censorship .. instead many want the same thing most of us want .. "Freedom" in all it's forms .. as a human right. There are plenty of "Christians", "Jews", etc. who also want to censor all forms of "Freedom". There are plenty of Atheists too who wish to censor the Media. It is unfair to ALL .. to classify ANY of them .. as being a part of ALL of these groups. For instance .. not all Jews or Christians are Zionists .. but there are Zionists among both of those religious group ideologies. None of these groups would be effective if they did not have the backing of the powerful elitist class. When POTUS Bush stood before the world on TV declaring a "New World Order" .. we need to understand that "NWO" means "Censorship". The New World Order .. is all about doing away with the sovereignty of the US and it's Constitution and Amendments. POTUS Bush claims to be a Christian .. and a US Citizen .. but all these leaders are slowly shifting human consciousness as to the uniqueness of our nations and moving us to a global definition .. meaning that should I say something about Israel or Germany, or [ fill in the blank ] that they do not like .. I could potentially be deported to those countries to answer for my freedom of speech! The elites want the "regular people" fighting or afraid" of each other.. that destroys our unity from within.

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I did not say all Muslims were protesting for censorship - I was not generalizing. On the other hand, millions of Muslims were demanding censorship, claiming to be outraged by the Danish cartoons. Those people spoke as MUSLIM. I remember very well - including huge amounts of media coverage of these self-identified Muslims. I did not hear many people identifying as Muslim speak out in favor of freedom of speech - of course there were some, like Salmon Rushdie, who had had a fatwa issued against him for his book, Satanic Verses. Nor, by the way, did I ever suggest that only Muslims were for censorship. So you are going on and on about stuff that I never even suggested. Also you seem to be hyper-sensitive to stuff relating to Islam, lest anyone generalize, etc etc etc.

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I am defensive in regard to the innocent. When someone says .. Muslims .. it implies "ALL" in generalization. Trying to be "fair" and "clear" are sometimes difficult .. I understand. How is it that America is fighting Israel's enemies? If Israel stirs up trouble with one of their neighbors .. why should American blood be spilt?


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I believe you are hyper-sensitive. When I say women, I don't mean all women. When I say men, I don't mean all men. I agree, good to clarify that we are not speaking about everyone in a group.

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Thank You. Lets. Never. Give. Up

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Thank you Elsa! ❤️

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I tried to sign from Belgium, Elsa, but that didn't work. Frustrating cause we are ALL in the same boat.

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Thank you for trying.

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Only Canadian citizens or residents are able to sign this petition.

After changing my Country, I was required to "tick" the Canadian citizenship or resident box, which I couldn't, because I'm not.

So an error came up, saying "Only open to Canadian citizens or residents of Canada."

Would love to help, but I'm sorry I'm unable to.

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