Thank You Elsa, Katja, Claudia and Nicole for bringing us this information on a consistent basis!!!

All your writings, reporting and videos are much appreciated.🙏💛

I hope and pray this latest testimony will finally wake the judge and others up.

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Me too.

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Thank you so much Elsa, for this great update. I will continue to write to Reiner until we hear from you that he's been released. I have no doubt that will occur because they have nothing but Truth on this brave hero & we all know that sets us free!

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I like this: " they have nothing but Truth on this brave hero & we all know that sets us free!"

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Whatever "happens" in this case - from the illegal October KIDNAPPING in Mexcico, to he ignorance of witnesses, who testify in favor of Reiner's INTEGRITY - it is a "SHAM TRIAL" to keep hiding that BIGGEST CORONA-BIO-WEAPON-TERRORISM ever against the global population under the rug!


Our German MASS-MURDERER Karl Lauterbach is still "Gesundheitsminister - and runs free - while continuing to confuse the population & to wreck the German HEALTH-system! The other global MAIN CULPRIT Christian Drosten, who started the global FAKE-TERROR-PANDEMIC with his FAKE-PCR-TEST runs also free and enjoys being acclaimed in criminal GERMAN STATE-TALK-SHOWS, that try to CAMOUFLAGE RESPONSIBILITY for this biggest CRIME ever against humanity.

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Honestly--I have not followed this case closely enough (there's a lot happening on the global stage as many are aware) to speak accurately re Viviane Fischer's actions within the purview of Reiner's case. All I will volunteer is that on some level, I get a bad feeling re VF's entanglement overall. The vital facts re Reiner's campaign to reveal the specific motive(s) for a global cabal's support of a pLandemic is what must be remembered--in spite of money changing hands, and 'who did what.'

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May the TRUTH prevail and set Reiner free!

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I’m very happy Dr. Fuellmich is proven innocent. Hopefully this will soon be over and those responsible will be properly punished!

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That would be great! Now, if only you were the judge!!!

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I’m glad this case against Reiner is looking pretty good for him. The ones who set him up need to be right where RF is now. I know he’s a threat to them and it shows. RF is a smart and great man. He’s needs to be released now!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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