Be strong, be brave, and keep your sword sharp against The Evil ones!

Kind regards


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Hello Elsa,

Did you happen to see my post on the Sasha and Clayton Redacted interview

Tell me if I was spouting disinformation! I just asked her to show me the money. She seemed to short-circuit, before totally insulting me, banning me, and scrubin' my all my comments! 🤔🤣😎 Tell me what you think, please. Maybe even leave a comment on my post, and thanks 😊 so much for your pledge ,my dear. It is most needed!

Kind regards

Merrick 🙏🙏🙏🕉❤️ Om Swastyastu!!!

PS. Please be extremely cautious and aware that your so-called smart friend, the Globalist, is 100% percent Lying to you, my dear!!!

Curvature has absulutly never been seen!!!

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I am just too busy to go further than I'm going. I know there is so much more.

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Aren't we all and isn't it true! I just thought you might be interested since you are my only paid subscriber. If you're not still interested in my Substack published newsletter and would like me to return your paid annual pledge, I will do so immediately. By the way, it's my 65th birthday today, so please be nice. I have no friends or family that love me anymore, if you looked at my substack you know why! 😎🙏🙏🙏🕉 Om Swastyastu!!! Kind regards Merrick

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Thank you Elsa!!! Om Swastyastu 🙏🙏🙏🕉

Kind Regards always


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Prayers for Reiner 🙏🙏🙏🕉Om Swastyastu!!!

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I would like to know how the prosecution is financed, more than just German government funds. There is only one government from which funds can be drawn? Just the central government? Or are there levels of some kind? Are there public groups who carefully look at government-expenditure line-items, as some local governments have to put up with in US? For example, in large cities, some unions used to carefully monitor expenditures of public funds. Teachers' unions used to do this, until so many got stonewalled and largely gave up, against monied power.

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I don't know details about finance, but one thing I know: the German justice system is, by its very nature, not independent. For example, Reiner often emphasized that German prosecutors are not allowed to issue international arrest warrants (which is why Reiner's kidnapping from Mexico was illegal) because the prosecutors are "weisungsgebunden", which translates as "bound by instructions" or "subject to directives" from the politicians. Yes that's right, German prosecutors are bound to follow orders from whatever regime is in power.

Interesting anecdote: Following the recent great poll results of the only opposition party in Germany, the AfD, there were some high ranking judicial people (I forget who they were) publicly expressed concerns that they might soon have to follow orders from a "Nazi party". Well, "tell me the German judicial system is not independent without telling me it's not independent". 🙄

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What with generals trying to keep plans from the civilian head of government allegedly to give the head deniability, there are other things going on now that could distract from Reiner's situation. Reiner's situation is exposing brutal realities that were far more hidden before the eu bureaucracy was recruited to help with the rendition. Perhaps records can be found to show some of the costs? I wonder if Mexican records can be requested and produced. Mexico is requesting to join bricks. Maybe somebody from South Africa or one of the others could look into this part of the financial happenings?

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Good questions. Maybe someone knows the answers. Or maybe Reiner could answer when he gets out.

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Wow! VF's responses are flimsy. Reiner's skill and legal help is making progress .. even if it's slow now.

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