Thank you Elsa for all the videos and oral recordings of and re Reiner Filmish💗

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The Eurozone is baiting in a war to further destroy economic progress. The word that baits assassination is peace. A guy here reportedly threatend a neighbor with having his legs broken for saying something the contractor did not like. I am so jaded by now that I might have asked, "oh, is there a website for that? How much is an arm?" Belgians, in Belgium, brought corruption charges against Ursula for her blatant self-dealing. EU functionaries sailed in and announced they would take it over. Oh really, she will investigate herself with her appointees, so nobody else should worry their little heads? In the end, Crrator decides. It is such a discipline to wait.

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Maybe this EVIDENCE may help Dr. Reiner Füllmich & his DEFENSE, from the leaked protocols of the ROBERT KOCH INSTITUTE ("RKI") - which deliver the clear PROOF, that the Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 was a CRIMINAL OPERATION - secretly orchestrated by the Criminal German Government, and NOT at all backed by science!


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So thankful for the updates, Elsa. It’s good to hear Reiner’s voice. Tonight I sat down and wrote another card to Reiner. The past few days I suffered a loss of creativity, but tonight I was able to accomplish the job! Maybe knowing I have a day off tomorrow gave me a boost.

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Aug 7Author

Often it's hard to link to our creative juices. Glad you were able to, last night.

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Love this man. He sounds good.

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Aug 7Author


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