
It may be wise for Reiner to no longer speak to his audience via videos, even though I enjoy watching and listening to his stories, as this may prompt the other side to misinterpret his messages or just don't like his messages, and then punish him as they please since they have the power to do so and have done so.

Furthermore, delaying court sessions is delaying justice for Reiner as he remains imprisoned for a longer time frame, but on the other side, this provides more time for his lawyers to decide on more motions to file or have more witnesses or not = double edge sword.

Is the judge in his case an impartial judge?

A bias judge?

All judges must be impartial, and if not, then someone needs to remove him or her, and then engage in impeachment proceedings.

Look what is happening in the Trump case with a judge that is not impartial issuing gag orders.

What happened to Trump's free speech?

It appears that Reiner is holding up in a positive manner even though he has been denied communication with his lawyers and his wife.

I am hopeful that Reiner will come out of this nightmare smelling like a rose.

God love him and his supporters of various sorts.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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About Reiner speaking. On the one hand he gives in to the forces against us.On the other, he speaks as much as he can. He has always chosen to speak. That's why we know of him.

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That is another avenue that is important in order to hear his side of the equation.

There are many sides.

I am concerned that the evil side will use his speech against him, and they have the means to do so = silence him in whatever way.

In this case, it was to isolate him.

His speech lets them know what he thoughts are, and they obviously don't like it.

Sad as well as hair-raising.

What happened to free speech?

When I discovered this, I was horrified by the evil people's tactics.

His positioning is such that he is in a very vulnerable position.

I share your articles about Reiner on this website www.activatehumanity.com

The more support he can get, the better.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Reiner's lawyers need to be vigilant .. don't let the court get away with their behavior. I would stir the nest and get everyone buzzing!!! Never tell the court you "UNDER - STAND" !!!

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I'm so dismayed by what is happening to Reiner and what must be the state of the judical system in Germany. It is all falling apart. In the US, Canada and beyond, people cannot get a fair and timely trial and be assured their rights will be protected. This is not democracy; this is totalitarianism and its growning unchecked. Prayers for Reiner--my heart is sickened. I can't send him a card right now because he will sense my disillusionment. This poor man who only wanted what was true and right to see daylight.

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Shakespeare: All's well that ends well.

Elsa: So may all end well for all of us.

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God bless him 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️

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