I have heard so much about the power of vision, the need for a vision. I have seen many people stuck, or anyway quite static, because they focus on the vision, not on taking steps.
Eggzactly Elsa takin' steps is the way forward (havin' a plan or vision is nice when ye have the leisure ta build strategy... times like these we're all actin' in the moment!)... I'm with ya! (I have a few irons in the fire myself behind the "scenes")
Anywhoo... seems like Germany is bein' "uber hardt" on folks--this poor satirist (not unlike CJ Hopkins) is in the slammer fer TWEETIN'! (he's notta choo but he uses a jooish handle ta mock bigots... nottan issue with me). Feel bad fer the guy... this is ZO wrong!
(late ketchin' up with all yer great postin's--we had a death in the fam--my rotten schtepvater an' tho' I was soitenly not a fan've his...an' boy golly am I gettin' an earful 'bout more of the worst/wurst he dun did lol!.... my poor MA is now all on her own an' sumwhat beside herself with "to do" lists an' a memory like a sieve given her jab-damage--so, bless 'er--it's like Ive gotta new kid ta take care of! arrangin' fer all the many loose ends 'n details in her life an' tryin' ta keep her on even keel!)
I agree, no matter how small the step, it’s important. I like to make a list of things I want to do. I feel a sense of accomplishing a goal when I check each thing off. Believe me, I can be the world’s worst procrastinator.
Thank you Elsa much need I believe for many, many especially in a time like today!!
Yes, we agree.
Eggzactly Elsa takin' steps is the way forward (havin' a plan or vision is nice when ye have the leisure ta build strategy... times like these we're all actin' in the moment!)... I'm with ya! (I have a few irons in the fire myself behind the "scenes")
Anywhoo... seems like Germany is bein' "uber hardt" on folks--this poor satirist (not unlike CJ Hopkins) is in the slammer fer TWEETIN'! (he's notta choo but he uses a jooish handle ta mock bigots... nottan issue with me). Feel bad fer the guy... this is ZO wrong!
THEN today I hear this 'bout censorship, also in Germany
(late ketchin' up with all yer great postin's--we had a death in the fam--my rotten schtepvater an' tho' I was soitenly not a fan've his...an' boy golly am I gettin' an earful 'bout more of the worst/wurst he dun did lol!.... my poor MA is now all on her own an' sumwhat beside herself with "to do" lists an' a memory like a sieve given her jab-damage--so, bless 'er--it's like Ive gotta new kid ta take care of! arrangin' fer all the many loose ends 'n details in her life an' tryin' ta keep her on even keel!)
It certainly sounds like you have your hands full!! All the best with all on your plate, your many plates!
I agree, no matter how small the step, it’s important. I like to make a list of things I want to do. I feel a sense of accomplishing a goal when I check each thing off. Believe me, I can be the world’s worst procrastinator.
There are loads of contenders for that title!!!
Thanks so much for your work.