I have heard so much about the power of vision, the need for a vision.
I have seen many people stuck, or anyway quite static, because they focus on the vision, especially when the next step they envision is to come from somewhere outside themselves. They are, say, waiting for a response to a job application.
I believe it’s great, phenomenal, energizing, to have a vision.
I know it’s vital to be taking a step day after day. Even if it’s the tiniest step. Even if we only put 5 minutes a day into that step.
That way we move.
Sure, it will take fifteen million steps to get even partway to the vision.
And so what if a lifetime of steps will not get us all the way to our vision.
Who knows what and who may come into our lives, what we may learn, and whom we may help - because we are taking steps.
And sure, great for the call to come. The job offer. Whatever.
In the meantime, we are doing what we can.
These thoughts link with my post on the importance of seeing not only one thing, but also seeing the big picture. In this case, the one thing is the vision. The big picture is more of a map, which shows the vision, and also shows us moving - or not moving - toward that vision.
My vision is of Reiner free, and of Ed free. So much of what I do is at least somewhat frustrating. Ed has not gotten anything like the medication he needs. Reiner is definitely not free, and neither is Ed.
So what’s the benefit of what I’m doing? I am in touch with a community of people who care about Reiner, and many people have come to know and care about Ed who would never have known of him. Ed knows he has support. Reiner almost certainly has at least a bit more support than if I had done nothing. (He already had much support.)
Also we have all learned more - anyhow I have learned more - about the power of those against truth, justice, freedom.
And who knows what may open up next.
All this links with my approach to personal development, the Full Flourishing Formula, where something absolutely core is taking the next step.
The drive to flourish fully is as natural
as the everyday hunger for food.
But so many of us aren’t flourishing.
The Full Flourishing Formula:
for taking steps to life as we'd love it to be.
Posted March 8, 2025
Thanks so much for your work.
Thank you Elsa much need I believe for many, many especially in a time like today!!