Where were the Deep State controlled satelites capable of DEW weapon deployment? I wonder why no one has come up with the satelite data as they did in Lahaina. We need more information on what HAARP and Ionispheric Heaters are doing every minute of every day.

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It would not take a satellite, I have been informed. There are small portable units that can be mounted on the back of any pickup truth.

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Probably true. However where is the evidence? Lahaina satelite locations were posted within days. Some people have access to satelites that could have identified the culprit in action. from ground, air or space. I would like to see that revealed.

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The evidence we have is from the person who went to the aftermath and took photos. Maybe you can take on doing this.

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I tried to send Ed 2 books in a package and it was returned to me today with a sticker attached (I am assuming from Mariposa County Det. Center?) with an "X and Other - Book" written in black sharpie. I guess this means that they are not allowing him any books to read ? This makes me so sad and angry to be honest. I will continue to write him letters and I hope and pray that there is some justice for him.

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They are as rigid as possible. Easy to get frustrated, sad, angry!!!

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One. Thank you for sending books. I know he loves to read, especially things like legends of First Nations people. Two. I know he is allowed soft cover (not hard cover) books from Amazon. I don't know if he is allowed any other books. Where did your books come from? Then I will check what is and what isn't allowed. Also letters now need to go to the new address, but I believe books need to go to the old address (the prison, not Texas).

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I am sending you an email

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Got it, and will check into it later today (unless nfo only available during the week).

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With someone ED's age, there would be a history of fire setting or other criminal record, which are traits common to arsonists. What would be his motive for setting the fires? CA governor Newsome was correctly criticized for poor forest management; policies like forbidding the removal of dead trees that have fallen. (It was once possible for firewood business to get permits to glean the down dead trees); stopping the thinning of small trees that during times of drought draw up much needed water for the big trees to use, generating protective sap to repel Bark Beetles. The lack of sap allowed the Bark Beetles to bore into the tree; killing whole hillsides of large trees, creating a preventable fire danger to all in its path. This is an example of the lack of good intentions coupled with bad policy.

When it comes to issues affecting our lives whether it's energy, national security, taxation, or public health, it's policies, not party that matter.

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Yes, there should be a history - and there's the reverse.

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I will write. Thanks for the address x

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Thank you for writing.

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Monica: Another (in)famous Monika Schaefer lived in Jasper Canada about 5 years ago. She played her violin in the streets of Jasper. Monika is famous for her imprisonment in Germany for ~10 months for writing her dead mother a Utube 3 minute letter that no one died in the alleged gas chambers in Auschwitz. Monika is happily back elsewhere in Canada. She just wrote me a personal email yesterday.

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