Very sorry to hear that no progress has been made towards getting him a new lawyer or allow him to be released on bail.

What is the new address for donations for him?

Also just as a thought, you might contact Texas AG Paxton, tell him about Ed and ask if he could help with locating a pro bono attorney for him in CA. Can't hurt to ask.

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I'm in the process of setting up a donation account. Thanks for the suggestion to contact Texas AG Paxton. What do you know about him? One major limitation - everything takes time, and I'm one person.

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Re Paxton

He appears to be a very focused, committed AG, very alert to issues beyond his borders, quick to take action. I think you may find his office helpful, there are other AGs who are capable, but Paxton is the most active and visible by far.

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Thank you for the information. Very positive. By the way, Ed Wackerman is manifestly innocent, could hardly walk, let alone run and set fires - that is aside from the fire being an unnatural fire.

By the way, do you know Paxton's stance on unnatural fires - microwave, etc? In the Texas panhandle I have heard there have been quite a number.

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Yes, he clearly needs the right attorney.

No idea on Paxton's stance on fires. I would keep it simple, tell them you are working with a man who badly needs representation as he is being charged in a highly politicized case. Explain he can't walk yet was charged with setting a massive range on fire. See what they say. I would not get into how it may have happened, just the basic fact of his case: he is wrongfully charged with arson.

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I agree re your approach.

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Wow, what a walk down Memory Lane!

1. Cops dramatically arresting Russell Pridgeon, although the Australian Federal Police knew he had been trying to tell the Minister of Child Safety who the pedo's are. (She blocked his emails.) Or cops in Savannah GA doing high-fives for "capturing" Troy Davis when in fact he had turned himself in. Hey, where is it permitted in law to beef up an arrest so as to humiliate a person and/or suggest that he's a fugitive?

2."Not a natural fire." Please see, urgently, the genocidal Lahaina Fire of August 2023. And London's "Grenfell Tower" wipe-out. They're coming for you next, K?

3. Killing his dog. Frequent examples, especially among truthers. Hey, where does the law permit the taking of your pet? Legal punishments are only what's listed in the relevant statute, e.g., "up to five years imprisonment for running a red light."

4. Public Defender not defending? Olympic Gold in this area goes to Judy Clark, defender of Jahar Tsarnaev, whose opening words to the jury were: "It was him." (Not even grammatical.) Silver medal to F Lee Bailey for twisting the trial against his "client", Albert deSalvo (the Boston non-Strangler).

5. "Ed Wacker too disabled to have done the arson." Martin Bryant at Port Arthur, Tas. Low IQ and not a gun-trained military type, snipes about 30 people hands down. Puh-leze.

Thanks, Elsa. Look how everything just repeats and repeats.

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Yes, enormous repetition. The goal here: to STOP and EXPOSE, following the trail. Same as with Reiner. Sting. Counter-sting.

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You are an angel, Elsa. Keep us posted on Ed. Such a heartbreaking story.

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I'm glad so many people care.

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Hola! Dane Wigington is another expert the framers would likely rather not tangle with. It would be face-saving for the framers to release Ed on "compassionate" grounds rather than have increasing international focus on what the framers have done to this point.

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They don't want to appear soft on someone who, they claim, set a huge fire

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