Oct 11Liked by Elsa

I have followed Arthur Firstenberg's email messages for several years now. I believe he is right, but like he says, I am hesitant to give up my phone. I have not forwarded his messages to others because I have felt they were too long and that most would not read them. However, thank you Elsa for these videos. I will forward them because many are more inclined to listen to videos.

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In 2023, while attending RFK's conference in Savannah, I visited the vendor tables. Several offered ways to combat EMF. I bagged ther brochures but have not yet had time to read them!! Here are 3 contacts:

1. Inlight Therapy, adele.domo@gmail.com, tel 216-406-2334 ("devices are FD cleared").

2. info@homwbiome.org tel 202-670-5956 -- "comprehensive electromagnetic hoe evaluation and mitigation"

3. www.EMFFreedom.com tel 949-551-3397. sells an aqua dot for $50 to put on reusable bottle of water "to remove emf radiations from liquids" (or you may put the dot on your computer)

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Thank you.

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I do not think that Arthur Firstenberg is being targeted. Did you notice his last name? Did you know that he adamantly refutes the credibility of chemtrails? In other words, he refuses to consider that what is happening in our skies and the impact to those on the ground, is real. He says,"no. They are vapour trails." I worked for Arthur in 2019 on the issues of 5G and wifi and personally experienced him walking out of numerous meetings when someone brought up the subject of chemtrails and their existence, expressing his disgust at the ignorance of the concept. Now, maybe Arthur has had a coming to Jesus moment since then, but if not, then there is no way on God's green earth, that what he writes is anything but hocus pocus. Yet another distraction for us. Additionally, Arthur has been claiming his illnesses for years, all the while crying his sad tale to anyone who will listen. Sound familiar? When Arthur stiffed me for money owed, and a Santa Fe naturopath, too, it became very clear that the tally of all his symptoms was the cliche behaviour of smallhats rather than Firstenberg being targeted, so he says.

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Thank you for this information. I am amazed that someone so awake in one area is so dead in another - though it is something I have seen in many people. Thank you also for letting me know that, among other things he stiffed you (did not pay what was owed to you):

"Additionally, Arthur has been claiming his illnesses for years, all the while crying his sad tale to anyone who will listen. Sound familiar? When Arthur stiffed me for money owed, and a Santa Fe naturopath, too, it became very clear that the tally of all his symptoms was the cliche behaviour of smallhats rather than Firstenberg being targeted, so he says."

I'm sorry for your very unpleasant experience, including the financial rip-off. Very good to know of it. It changes a lot.

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Firstenberg's 2020 book, "The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life" looks honest to me. It runs almost 400 pages , followed by 160 pages of small-print notes and bibliography.

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It is an important book. I have. been reading it. So much information. So much research.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Elsa

Arthur is likely being targeted - that is my bet...Dr. Ana and I discussed it over two years ago when we were in constant contact, emailing back and forth...we were both being targeted simultaneously, sharing some dangerous information and comparing notes...it was obvious to me, having been aware of my own targeting for a little over two decades - so I shared what I knew about it with her. She finally realized what was happening to her...crippling neuropathy is a huge flag and will put you out of commission. It is one of the tells of a TI. Vertigo and heart problems usually follow.

Also, make sure that he has not taken any fluoroquinolone antibiotics - they will flox you and do the same. I have several substacks on fluoroquinolone toxicity, if he thinks that might be the cause. Have him think back on any antibiotics he's taken in the past 6 months.

They don't want his information out there....of course, it is the interface weapon and trigger device for the frequency interface to unload the nanocapsules in our bodies and mimic another more deadly fake pandemic...

We wish Arthur - a real hero - all the best for a full recovery, but it usually takes many months. He also needs serious EMF protection...EMF gear, blankets, Mercola has an EMF tent that I roll into immediately when I sense an attack. And red light therapy...if you can send him a message, get him on the red light, asap? I feel sure that it will help him.

Thanks, Elsa...you're the best!

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I will do my best to get your message to him. You are clearly way ahead of him on this. We need all the help we can get.

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He can get through his once he identifies what the deal is - he can then take some measures to counter it. I would get him under a red light lamp asap, no matter what.

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By the way, when I wrote that an email from him came into my inbox, I did not mean it was a personal email. I definitely did not intend to misinform. It was an email sent to his subscribers. A personal message. Anyway, now I have written to him. He is unable to answer emails - as he has written. But someone is taking care of the emails.

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I have messaged him. In fact, about his sudden severe illness, I'm astounded he has not been hit like this earlier. His new book must be incredible. Very powerful writer and speaker. No intensity (anyway, that I heard). Facts said simply and clearly.

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maybe I'll post this on his page too?

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😈 👉 💥 🐀 🐁 🐁 🪤 Support Todd Candeller's clouthub.com to get all the Satanic Ratts arrested Nuremberg 2.0 style globally 🕺 🎶 https://rumble.com/user/Vaxxchoice

share this to save the world 😏

All Jedi please email this to constructioncodes@buildings.nyc.gov copy the specific zombies at bottom and any injected police, doctors, congress, military, government workers anyone,...the public

To whom it may concern:

Please be advised that all of your covid experimental mNRA injections, 5G, energy laws, codes, rules, policies, procedures, and regulations are unconstitutional and are self-destructive. Do not follow orders from the people that made you self inject poison or be fired. We love you. Many of the people who took the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy are very sick or have died. We love you and need you to watch these video links.

If you want to save yourself, family, and country, please watch the following videos and stop complying with unconstitutional orders. Report corruption to save our children and families:

Todd Callender, Attorney Odette Wilkens, and 5G dangers in New York City:


Drink Chlorine Dioxide to save yourselves from the Covid mNRA bioweapons:







If you hear this message of love ❤️ please share with three other people. May God bless you 🙌 🙏 🇺🇸


Corruption should be reported to: https://www.nyc.gov/site/doi/report/report-corruption.page


Heavy metal detox masterpeacebyhcs.com with link https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=11225

All Jedi please Copy

















Todd.callender@cotswoldgroup.net, Lisa@vaxxchoice.com, melissa@vaxxchoice.com

Add anyone else you want

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🌞 I thank you for writing ✍️ 🙏 ❤️ our new laws in the Satanic USA 🇺🇸 😀 💙 ❤️

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Praying heroic Arthur Firstenberg recovers from what looks like a very obvious targeted Directed Energy Weapon attack by the Powers That Should Not Be.

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Me too.

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