May 12Liked by Elsa

Elsa may I watch the online meeting about Reiner today? Where should I look?

I'm sorry I missed it.

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Here's the link. It starts at 38 min.


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May 12Liked by Elsa

Thank you, Elsa, for this time of guided meditation. So many others come to mind, especially my sister who lay on her death bed this morning, Donald J Trump, and the medical professionals (as Valerie named) along with many who testified to Reiner and are being punished. May the God energy release Reiner from the den of tyrannical and corrupt evil and let him and others be set free. Good energy and prayers are blessings. I loved the beautiful, peaceful demeanour of both Michelle and Valerie. Thank you so much for your good work. 😊

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God bless you, Elsa, for leading in this work. We must help Reiner. ❤️

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