Unbelievable how Oligarch money and being unemployable can corrupt beaurocrats meant to serve the people, utter scum . . . So sad to read . . .

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what are we living in, priests hidden in chimneys, witches drowned, crosses on doors..............

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you're right

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Konfusion has surrounded Germany since it pulled itself up by its’ bootstraps after wwi to This Very Day ! Most Know Nothing of history but what has been written by those who’ve Destroyed the Accounts and the beauty of the Culture.

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I will do that today. Thank you Elsa xx

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

The punishment is extreme to keep others 'in check' and obedient. She has been punished for being a rational, caring doctor, as they all should be to protect the patients in their care. It is so evil. But if all the medical profession did as she has done then the covid scenario would not have been successful as they cant imprison everyone. And we have the fake bird flu in the wings with more killer shots in store.

Is there a way of writing to her and sending our support, Elsa, do you know?

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Yes, the poster even asks you to write to her. Please do a search, get the address and post.

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This ordeal striking of good people has to STOP!

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The old times have returned

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