You are just wonderful,do interesting to understand the real "relation" between this and that

Thanks from France

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Tucker is controlled opposition—he wears a red string wristband just like Putin, and others. He is in the club.

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Love ACT! I get all there mail and i share your « malaise » when watching tucker and anyone talking to him. From putin to anyone he interviewed. Recently i saw him at sean ryan show the military guy. Was interresting altho it always seems to hide lots of stuff. thats what propaganda agents do anyway, and tucker i see him as such.

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Jun 9Author

Agreed. Show and hide at the same time.

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Hope it would not be so..I really don't know..maybe yes maybe no..it could be ...since we all find out

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Thank you Elsa!

Will watch this today, after voting!

This is very good too: a recent David Martin interview: https://rumble.com/v506gar-dr.-david-martin-reveals-how-global-drug-cartels-control-our-military-gover.html

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Jun 9Author

I appreciate David Martin's work, as you do. Thank you for this link.

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Gonna wartch tomorrow--looks fascinatin'--Communism rejects reality for "dialectic" from all I gather--what doesn't fit inta their equations (includin' 2+2=5 like in 1984) --they force like the bigger feet of Cinderella's sisters stuffed inta her slipper--an' in the original one gal cut off her toe to try to make 'em fit, so fierce was the competition to marry that prince!--so similarly, my take on Communism is they "make it fit"--friends 'o mine who grew up that way got used to it--They're told the lemon of a tin car they had ta drive was top drawer, they're told to revel in the great variety of options when there's little choice, of ample food when there was none, of carin' leaders--when they stunk an' were corrupt... (Thankfully most--figgered out how ta disbelieve "the official reality" an' find what they needed in the "imaginary" one of the black market or barterin' with friends--or they would not have eaten, had clothes on their backs... all this 'fore they escaped)

Then again, most of America got told a lotta lies too--we're all learnin'! I guess it's a matter of degree as we weren't gaslit as much as folks were under communism until NOW! recently! Now the lies are so blatant (but thankfully--silver linin'--I'm learnin' how much it was happenin' in the universities...for 2+ decades! I had no clue!) thirsty for more to fill in all the gaps of my "un"learnin'!

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