Thank you Elsa for another great article. I am wondering about Ed Wackerman and if you have any recent updates on his case. Have a lovely day!

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Ed is hanging in there. He's fine, but it's not good at all, being locked up when innocent. I will be doing an update in a few days.

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Thank you Elsa. I am still sending him letters, it is the least one can do. Look forward to reading your update.

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You caring and kindness are wonderful!! Thank you. Blessings.

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Excellent commonsensical wisdom!

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A couple of thoughts. First, for a long time I grouped all Muslims with the toxic philosophy of Islam whose Qu'ran considers anyone not a Muslim, a "kafir" (Arabic word for cattle), essentially making them non human. Muslims only become a problem for non Muslims when they decide to become what I would call "observant" Muslims and behave like ISIS or Al Qaeda (which the Qur'an calls for) towards non Muslims. Unfortunately, this could happen at any time, where a Muslim living in a non Muslim neighborhood decides to follow the Qur'an and the Hadith to the letter, changing from a normally good neighbor to what we call a "terrorist". Because of Islam's extreme demands on it's followers, there is always the possibility of having a Muslim neighbor with a Jekyll/Hyde personality. As a side note, the inner conflict within these Muslims must be terrible.

When thinking about the axiom "the worst thing about Christianity is Christians", it's hard to argue against it, but the world would be a better place if everyone behaved like Jesus, which has been shown to be an impossible goal, which is why He did what He did to redeem us. With this in mind, it's important to separate the person from their ideology.

With the philosophy of Islam, would you want to be like Mohammed who was a murderer with no acceptance of a Golden Rule? Observant followers of that philosophy can't help but be violent, just like their founder. In comparing the two religions, I have concluded that the problem with Islam is not Muslims (as it is with Christians in Christianity); it's Islam.

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And the hand’s end the but.

In French there is this rule… no rais after a si.

Guess in English there is a rule too…no hand near a butt 🤪

My franglais brain is melting 😂

A good day to you dear elsa 🌷

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And a good day to you too, mon cher ami!!

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