Thank you for this info Elsa.

Even though they say the court of public opinion isn't real law...real law has, in many places been corrupted and cannot be trusted (money, blackmail or coercion seem to work well to achieve this), therefore for us in the public, our court may well be justified!

The minions of the powers that shouldn't be, whether with malicious intent or from ignorance, unwillingness to see, or plain stupidity, have infiltrated themselves 'a la fbi/cia type style', into so many good hearted groups with view to getting information or to cause mayhem, as has happened so often, in for instance peaceful demos or the time some idiot policeman (can't remember all the details) insinuated himself into a protest group and even made one of it's member pregnant, really goes to show one how low people are willing to go, how easily some will cast aside ethics and truths to give strength to some ideology or agenda of usually nefarious. harmful or otherwise un-needed activity, that will in no way see to the long term welfare of those minions. Do they do so from an ego point of view, is it for monetary gain? Whichever, it certainly shines a very bright light on how sick our society is and how (and don't anyone dare tell me that it 'always been so', 'that's what people are like', or other junk thinking of that nature) we have allowed 'education' to make fools of us, manipulating the unwary, playing on well brainwashed feelings of needing to be admired, better than, bigger than, richer than or whatever other ego/fear driven feelings inculcated by said education has brought about in people taught at state schools to regurgitate, compete and obey. Time for mindset change, me thinks.

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Jan 1Author

You're welcome to the info. And yes, time for lots of mindset changes.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Elsa

Fantastic piece! Everyone is doing their "job" within their ability and insight. No one person can do it all - but as a portion of One whole, each individual has a very unique and important place. I think it's a marvel to witness it all unfolding. Thank you for posting this.

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I agree: "No one person can do it all - but as a portion of One whole, each individual has a very unique and important place." When i was copied on the letter, my thought was: I can be doing more of "my bit" by posting the letter (with permission, of course).

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Elsa

WOW! thanks for posting! It certainly brings some clarity to the situation.

Let the Truth Set Reiner Free and send the other 3 where they belong!

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the Truth will set us (and Reiner) Free 💥💥💥💥💥 Thank you for the clarity and details.. I send love to Reiner and all.. Peace, Justice, and Liberty for humanity!

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Great link you provide Leonard, and glad it included the English Subtitles. Did see it about a week ago and shared link with Elsa. Dr. Homburg seems to have his heart about it all in the right place……

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Grand theft is a pattern in Germany? RF is not the only person who has bwen imprisoned against dignity and human rights. Patterns of criminality will be regognized and dealt with, eventually. Interest accrues in the interim.

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