Thank you, dearly, for these updates. Prayers, prayers and more prayers. THEY WORK!

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Oh this is terrible news, I am so sorry to hear the lawyer for RF has been taken ill. Of course all the litigation hard graft stress has taken its toll on her. Wishing her huge get well soon best wishes and sending her lots of love and hugs. Hope she will stay strong focused and not give up the fight back to peak health as she continues to fight for RF's acquittal xx

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Thank you for your many good wishes. You write: "Hope she will stay strong focused and not give up the fight." She has been with Reiner from the beginning, first in the background, then a his main defense lawyer. She is not about to give up. But yes, sometimes a lot of stress.

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I visualised strongly again this morning at 5 a.m.

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If Katja can keep away from wireless signals it may help--'specially if she's being targeted (I hope not but I don't rule out ANYTHING these days...)--I think there is a LOT they can (an' might) do with the signals--an' most of it ain't good. Sendin' prayers an' good thoughts her way--more too for Reiner!

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Thank you. I will pass on the message about wireless.

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anything is possible, things we have no idea about, weather manipulation been done for 100 years, targeted fires as in Maui, it is so possible that Katja is being targeted. I hope there is a team around her to support her and Reiner.

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I believe we can also help

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Elsa, yes it looks like it is high time to bring in Spiritual resources.

May I suggest you and your readers contact this Christian Ministry with prayer requests, they do not require a fee, and they pray for your intentions for 30 days. They never bother you, never hound you for involvement or funds. I recommend them without reservation.


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I'll use it! THANK YOU!

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Awesome!!! :)

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Great that you give this link.

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Let's hope it is used :)

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i am sure it will be.

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