Is there an English translation?

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I found only the one brief line - which I translated (the title of the post. Probably I will learn more later and post more.

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Oh Good! ...A sane ethically motivated attorney!

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Yes!! Wow!!!

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That’s great.,… Sure wish Mr. Misere and we, all of us could step up to the plate and file Criminal Charges against the despicable and Corrupt Court Systems…. EVERY WHERE, along with the despicable people in EVERY GOVERNMENT pretending to be qualified to govern “We the people. Clean House. As it’s been said before, “They are doing it all over again because We didn’t hang them the first time”. We have been too diplomatic for too long with these Evil Demons and they will continue to prey on our POLITENESS. I sense Hell is about to break lose everywhere. It just seems like there really doesn’t seem to be much choice left for all of us.

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That's a hoot, Christoff -- Goodonya! Elsa, your long article on Gaza made me re-read a book I published in 2023: "Elias Davidsson -- Palestinan Jew and 9-11 Truther." I was surprised to find that, on page 32, I offered a solution to 9/11, called "plankism":

"For those who were so arrogant as to think it was OK for them to kill the people in the twin towers, and then launch legislation that wrecks the dignity of the rest of us? I would take them to the top of a high building and make them walk the plank built out a window. No hurry to push them off, let them take as long as they like.

"'Plankism' is in the Constitution, by the way. Yes, the dear parchment says, 'If they knock down a building, making people jump 90 stories, they, too, will have to jump.' OK, OK, a little poetic license there, but Article III, section 3 of the US Constitution does say 'The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason' -- and Congress did legislate death as the punishment, codifying it at 18 USC 2381."

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Yay! Continued prayers for Reiner and Inka, Katja and Christoff Misere. May justice prevail!

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Prayers for Reiner.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Stealing from a retirement-aged person and accusing him of being too healthy is just too precious. Surely there are working people, even in a university town, who will get this? Ronald Reagan once said about a person whose politics he did not like that if that person appeared in California, he had better not spit on the sidewalk. I believe Reagan said this before a lone gunman attempted assassination.

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