I will be meeting them soon! I was only referring to the safety of that platform, since in 2020 there were events in countries that I will not name. Thank you!

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Buenas noches desde Argentina..! Muy buena idea...! Cuántas personas lo están precisando en total? Han realizado envíos de Reiki con Maestro profesional? Estaría gustosa de colaborar. Tuve serios problemas de seguridad con esta plataforma.

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Jun 8Author

Right now it is only a very few people who attend. As for security, there is nothing said that is private. My thought: come and see if you like it. Also you can take part via livestream, just not comment

translation deepl:

En este momento son muy pocas las personas que asisten. En cuanto a la seguridad, no se dice nada que sea privado. Mi opinión: ven a ver si te gusta. También puedes participar a través de livestream, pero no comentar.

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Secret black hole no link 😞

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Jun 7Author

The link will be working on Sunday. There will be a livestream at that time.

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