🥲😡that such a good man has to go thru this garbage! Just like Trump!


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It seems to me .. that VF is realizing her vulnerability .. bc of her untruthful statements and actions. I believe that is why she has tried to make her "adhesions" .. and the way of things is that a judgment made based on her statements makes the whole prosecution vulnerable as well. You begin your case/structure with a good concrete solid base .. then begin building. You don't come in later after the roof is shingled and say we need to add or subtract 2 more inches from this corner over here. This is going to have huge "EMOTIONAL" energy vibrations throughout the whole case!! This is probably another reason that the Judge wants to CENSOR the verbal testimony .. motions etc. in the courtroom. Very telling!!! Great insight .. all the best for Reiner!!!!

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We agree.

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Christof Miseré has fully understood, that Viviane Fischer is changing her story whenever she feels - that her basic story of lies is crumbling to dust - as she is lacking any hard EVIDENCE.

Ask any Crime-Interrogation-Specialist, what it means - when a SUSPECT CHANGES THE STORY - it means, that you have a REAL CRIMINAL in front of you, and to this CRIMINAL there is NO difference between a lie & telling the truth.

If I were Christof Miseré - I would turn THIS IRRESPONSIBLE JUGGLING of Viviane Fischer with alternating truths, with her confusions & with her blackouts & with her constant lies into the ONLY one REAL fault of Dr. Reiner Füllmich in the first place - as you could accuse Dr. Reiner Füllmich to having had TRUST in Viviane Fischer.

But trusting a person is NO crime.

And when that person Viviane Fischer turns out to be a TRAITOR, a LIAR & most of all an ENEMY of "We The People"- by TERRORIZING & SABOTAGING the Corona-Untersuchungs-Ausschuss - I would consider the old Japanese technique of "AIKIDO" - which means capturing ALL of that MALICE & TERROR of Viviane Fischer & sending it right back into her face!


Here is another piece of art out of Japan - regarding the REAL CRIME of CORONA - it is time the judge in Germany wakes up to reality!


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Yes, she is a huge part of the crime - for you, the only real criminal - with her speaking against Reiner, destroying the Corona Committee. Those who took the house money are minor players in comparison.

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Aug 28
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Long story. She was in the same small political party, had same ideas, and then Reiner thought he could manage everything.

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she's probably being paid a lot to keep Reiner locked up. Didn't she also take a loan on the CCS? But she isn't locked away?

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Aug 28Edited
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He was kidnapped from Mexico and has been doing his best, including by exposing the "justice" system.

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Aug 28
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This has been covered in detail earlier.

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