Reiner, German justice has two black eyes ( Bhakdi and CJ Hokins ) and is about to get a bloody nose from you.

The Great Euthanizers ( that august public-private partnership masquerading as The Great Reset ) hijack justice like the m-rna sequence hijacks normal protein making within the cell ( nation ) and does it all under the veneer of good intention when it is malevolence of the highest order.

Thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice.

God Bless!

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Love the images: " German justice has two black eyes ( Bhakdi and CJ Hokins ) and is about to get a bloody nose from you."

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(typo: 'CJ Hokins' = Hopkins) - https://substack.com/@cjhopkins

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Thanks for Posting! Nice to hear from him directly!

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Hearing Reiner’s steady, strong and truth telling voice was such a gift to hear. He has an amazing spirit and he delivered this talk with clarity and conviction. I have kept him in prayer. I will continue for his wife, and for just judges and lawyers.

God sees it all!!! Thank you for posting this !!!!

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Thank you for the video Reiner. You sound strong and confident, and so you should. The truth is so blatantly obvious starting with procedural questions around your arrest; your diligent work interviewing countless people with varied fields of expertise in search of facts and truth; the fact that the loans were made for valid reasons and everyone's loan was above board with documentation; and your exemplary career shows you are a man of character who fights for peoples' rights with integrity and hard work...........

And that part about not allowing as evidence who's account Your money was deposited in from the sale of Your house is ludicrous and unconscionable.......

These are such Horrific times, as you well know. It's so far beyond alarming. I have faith in the belief that Good will win over evil and You are an outstanding example of Good Reiner!....God Bless you and your family with positive outcomes in this trial so you can resume your work and get your life back..... Thank you for being a Warrior of Hope for us!❤️ 🙏.....Loraine

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Love this update. Thank you for posting. 🙏🏻and❤️to you and Reiner.

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Love this update! It sounds like things are heading in a better direction for him now. Very good news.

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Things sound good so far .. I'm hopeful!

It will be interesting if we can learn who it was that originally came up with the plan to do this thing to Reiner. Was it Vivianne or was it someone else? Vivianne may have been taken advantage of .. convinced by someone else that Reiner was doing something wrong. If so .. Vivianne may be persuaded to explain who initially approached her.

Since Vivianne did attack Reiner .. but did not sign the papers charging him .. I am led to believe there are conflicting motives .. maybe we will learn more about that.

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Great resource!!!

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From an old man in America who followed the whole COVID saga from before they docked the Princess in California, I NEVER trusted a single person but Reiner on the committee. I'm a very good judge of character and Attorney Fuellmich couldn't hide that character from me even if he had tried. I have no doubt whatsoever that SOMEONE is going to jail for an extended stay but it won't be Reiner. Thanks for keeping us updated on this travesty and may it be put right forthwith.

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Love you Reiner and I know the truth will out. The tide is turning and we are winning. It’s also written in the stars! no joke!! Xx

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Prayers for justice and

God will prevail

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Here's the thing! Call it as is. The CIC was infiltrated and taken over as oppose to destroying it out-right. Dr. Fuellmich needs to be hampered and stopped at all cost. Does it not stink of the action today against anyone that stands for truth, justice, righteousness and peace?! Well maybe it's just me.

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Nice job re-posting this. Perhaps Reiner will file a couner-suit for harassment. Reading the summery it also appears that Vivianne was not involved in attacking Reiner....hmmm.

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She attacked him when she tricked him into not coming to a Corona Committee meeting, then did a huge online attack on Reiner - many allegations re money irregularities. And then, yes, she did not sign the papers charging hm. But she did massively attack him.

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Looks like she sees what's coming and doesn't want to go to jail. Not signing can't negate what she's done, but hopefully she has a conscience and will help Reiner's case after all.

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I have heard that the situation is different. That she is in fact attempting to do other damage.

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Traduction partielle deepl.com

Au début de la procédure principale, l'atmosphère s'est radicalement transformée, de sorte que pendant longtemps, je n'ai pas eu la possibilité de présenter ma version de l'histoire, de sorte que même le Staatsanwalt (procureur) s'est rendu compte que quelque chose n'allait pas du tout.

Ainsi, après un an et trois mois de démarches secrètes et d'entraves à ma possibilité de m'exprimer parce qu'il était sous la pression des autorités berlinoises, car on l'avait menacé de retirer les accusations si vous lui donniez de l'espace.

Une fois que cela s'est produit et que, malgré cela, j'ai pu parler, et que nos avocats ont eu suffisamment d'espace pour raconter notre histoire, ils ont remarqué que quelque chose n'allait pas.

Voici donc deux récits ou deux histoires côte à côte, l'une de Justus Hoffman et des autres, selon laquelle Reiner Fuellmich a pris des millions, 58 % des fonds, pour mener une vie aisée. Il l'a fait secrètement, dans notre dos.

Ma version est que Viviane et moi avions des dépenses réelles que nous avons prélevées sur le compte de dépenses. Nous l'avons fait en tant que chefs d'entreprise du Comité Corona, en tant que seuls à nous préoccuper des affaires du Comité Corona. Afin d'éviter ce qui est arrivé à Bhakti, car si nos fonds avaient été saisis, comme cela lui est arrivé, nous n'aurions pas pu continuer avec le Comité Corona, car nous n'en aurions pas eu les moyens.

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