I have crossposted this from "BLAZE" - as I think this statement from President Trump will greatly inspire Dr. Reiner Füllmich - as Reiners FAKE-trial was politically rigged from the very beginning to shut down the TRUTH on the origin & the source of that criminal Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 STEALTH BIO-TERRORISM on "We The People"!


(start of citation)

"Former President Donald Trump gave a brief statement after he was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Trump maintained his innocence and reiterated that the trial was rigged from the start.

"This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. The real verdict is going to be November 5 by the people. And they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here. You have a Soros-backed DA, and the whole thing, we didn’t do a thing wrong. I’m a very innocent man," Trump said.

It’s okay. I’m fighting for our country. I’m fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to move or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. And I think it’s just a disgrace. And we’ll keep fighting; we’ll fight to the end, and we’ll win. Because our country has gone to hell. We don’t have the same country any more. We have a divided mess," he continued."

(end of citation)

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Here is a great article from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts - and how he looks on Trump's criminal FAKE-trial - that little brother Neo-Nazi-Germany seems to copy by criminally trying to sacrifice Dr. Reiner Füllmich . . .


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Do not mistake me though - Donald Trump & Dr. Reiner Füllmich were fighting in OPPOSITE directions - Trump for the VAXX, and Füllmich for the TRUTH, regarding STEALTH Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERRORISM.


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Thank you 😊 blessings to Reiner Fulmich 🙏🏻🫂♥️

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Blessings from Qld Australia. Praying for you Reiner that God will intervene with a miracle as He has done many times before. May His angels surround you & bring these false accusers to justice as we too pray for our Aussie warrior, Julian Assange. Many Aussies love you Reiner.

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I didn't scroll down far enough to see the link. Sorry for the confusion.

I have seen the video. Thanks

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I love to hear Reiner speak about what's going on from where he sits.

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Thank You for posting. Wonderful to see how positive he is. Standing strong. This is encouraging to all of us.

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German police just roughed up a Mexican journalist who was reporting on a protest. This made news in Mexico. It seems unlikely the police knew the person they assaulted was Mexican. Even so, the Mexican government has reported they are supporting their national who was assaulted. Whether this could have repercussions for Reiner's situation, I do not know. Two lawyers in Belgium recently tried to hold Ursula to account for many corrupt behaviors. The last I read, somebodies tried to kick the venue to EU. I am not sure how that will come out.

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Thank you for the info. Yes, many things have repercussions on each other. We will see.

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I found it at the bottom of the page :)

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I have no idea what happened!!! The links both work for me.

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I surch for a answer I saw today here in your substack,its very important because the man wrote about some other man who is helping human from the jab,I didnt remember his name.You cancel any post from your substack today?Its really important.


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I did not cancel any posts from my substack. All the best finding the information.

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Sorry I find all the information.God bless you for your work.Hope Rainer come outside soon from prison.

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The video does not work I get a 404 page unfound splash screen

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We have increasing CENSORSHIP in the west - and the west is heavily pushing FALSE DATA about this - as you can verify on this FAKE-map, that pretends to be professional:



France pretends publicly to cherish "LIBERTÉ, ÉGALITÉ, FRATERNITÉ" (“LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY") but Rumble & Odyssee are BLOCKED, and NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW THIS IN FRANCE . . .


So you need to find out the SOURCE of an article or any video you are looking for, as well as the PLATFORM, the AUTHOR, the TITLE, and the exact DATE for any professional INTERNET SEARCH!


So whenever you are posting or linking any "hot" article or any "hot" video is posted or linked - PLEASE always, always, always add the above mentioned details for a better SEARCH-RESULT - so PLEASE always add the PLATFORM, the AUTHOR, the TITLE, and the exact DATE.

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I've discovered videos will play after I "like" my initial email....the email then goes to a substack page and the video works....I have Great admiration for Dr. Fuellmich! His tenacity and intellect, along with his lawyers, will see him through...I continue to pray for this outcome.♥️🙏

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