Yes, Elsa. There is indeed something “disturbing”, and it lies completely in your bizarre version of events which are, instead, visible to the entire world, except (apparently) to you and your Zionist friends who still have their blinders on.
I don’t know who nominated you official spokesperson for Reiner, but you are completely out of line in slandering Reiner Fuellmich just because you do not agree with him. To the fact that he was recently brought into the courtroom in shackles, you say, “So what!” What arrogance!
For starters, kindly refrain from referring to these sloppily written pieces as “updates” and start calling them by their proper name: cheap, rhetorical op-ed pieces which are entirely out of touch with reality.
The Hamas Charter says “Wipe out Israel”? Are you joking? Have you read the disgustingly horrific "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? There you will delight in 264 pages outlining, step by step, the diabolically meticulous plan of the Zionists to eliminate every "Gentile" (that means you, baby!) from the face of the earth, including the Jews themselves.
This explains Netanyahu’s furious, demoniac quest to fulfill the Zionist objective at all costs. Netanyahu couldn’t care less how many innocent persons are killed (to date, 35,000+ Palestinians, 75% of which are children and women), nor whether Israelis themselves are killed, either in combat within the murderous ranks of the IDF, nor by the lethal COVID injection forced upon the Israeli population by the leader you evidently esteem.
It may also explain why Israeli citizens are in the streets every evening, protesting against the genocidal government of Tel Aviv. Even Jewish rabbis in the U.S. are calling for peace in Palestine and an immediate cease fire. Are they anti-Semitist?
By the way, you can’t cite a so-called “poll” of undemonstrated and thereby dubious validity and then write a pathetic “Sorry, I could not find the reference”. Not in a 4th grade essay, and not now. You have no credibility whatsoever.
Since you obviously don’t give much importance to facts nor in doing your research before parroting certain vulgarly exploited phrases alluding to anti-Semitism, allow me to clue you and some of your readers in to the fact that the “Semiti”, that is, the descendants of Sem, are the ARABS. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Arabs. Who, now, fits perfectly in this category, my dear Elsa?
That Reiner, from his prison cell, has access to news which you, in your mainstream là-là land would never dream of accessing, I will paraphrase your pathetic “So what?”. So what if Reiner has the ability to view news clips and footage which are censored (with few exceptions) by western media, not exactly known for their credibility and objectivity?
I’m glad Reiner’s statements rocked your little boat floating in your comfort zone of see-no-evil/hear-no-evil/ speak-no-evil. The confines of your politically-correct prison cell, my dear Elsa, are far more capable of causing mental delirium than are his. It would certainly behoove you to remove your blinders --even though it will be painful— and open your eyes. Start by taking a lesson in intellectual honesty from Reiner, who has always been able to discern the truth from the lies, and has never lacked the courage to speak that truth. Even from a prison cell.
The majority of Jews would want no part of the New World Order a.k.a. "globalization" if they understood its undemocratic character and how they are being used.
The true Jewish spirit holds that truth and morality are absolute and cannot be trimmed to fit one's perceived self interest. G.J. Nueberger expresses this spirit in his essay "The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism."
"The Jewish people are chosen not for domination over others, not for conquest or warfare, but to serve God and thus to serve mankind... Therefore physical violence is not a tradition or a value of the Jews. The task for which the Jewish people were chosen was not to set an example of military superiority or technical achievements but to seek perfection in moral behavior and spiritual purity.
Of all the crimes of political Zionism, the worst and most basic, and which explains all its other misdeeds, is that from its beginning Zionism has sought to separate the Jewish people from their God, to render the divine covenant null and void, and to substitute a "modern" statehood and fraudulent sovereignty for the lofty ideals of the Jewish people."
The bankers obviously aren't concerned about true Judaism or racial purity and were quite willing to sacrifice millions of Jews to achieve their design by backing Hitler. They are sacrificing thousands more Jewish, American and Muslim lives in the Middle East in their Orwellian "perpetual war for perpetual peace."
Does the New World Order serve a "Jewish" agenda or a banker elite agenda?
I would venture that it serves the latter, and the Jewish people are an instrument of this agenda like so many other people.
By giving private individuals the ability to create money out of nothing, we have created a monster that threatens to devour the planet and with it the human race.
If the televised death of a Turkish politician immediately after placing a curse on Israel is any indicator of how God views Israel and those who bless or curse it (pretty plainly stated in the Bible) Reiner should be careful in expressing his views on Israel.. If this continues, it would not be surprising to see that his outcome is not a good one.
I watched a video where a person stated that he was told by a VERY GOOD source that the Israeli soldiers were told to "STAND DOWN" on October 7. Also, where was their great "Iron Dome" that day? Oh, it was hacked, they say? Yeah right
After havi g heard Reiner ,I was very surprised about what he was saying... happy and nervous too..but after I read many messages and yours I did not sleep quietly after all...what is going on with his treatment there?? Food etc
He must come out before Germany is going down more and more..Greetings from Versailles
Elsa, I'm behind in readin' (gotta lot on the home plate this week) but I for one am grateful ya noticed--as a "chew" and as a great supporter of Reiner's work-- I say thank you! I'm not too keen on Net'An'Yoo myself but I'm for Israel existing and not bein' "razed" or give to the "Palestinians" (not a people) from river to see. Not sure if Reiner is open to other angles but I'm glad ta share a few of note--
2. Andrew Barr-- -- a few good'uns there
3. Fransisco Gil White (not "chewish" but velly velly smart on the entire Middle East debacle!)--you'll have to skip around the Spanish--he does English too tho!...
4. an' one of your subscribers right here -- Karen Hunt Mezek-- many great postin's so search her archive for "Israel" or Hamas, etc. -- she's done a great service givin' voice to Iranian an' Arab women crushed under Islam/Sharia law
An' natch, there's Major Coughlin who "gits it"...
Like most countries (the USA TOO!) there were scoundrels behind the scenes along with the good guys... Israel is singled out for havin' the same clay feet as most nations--it's not fair. An' anyone, at this point, where WOULD the joos go? The USA is bringin' in those who'd kill 'em (that'd be my fam too)--an' THIS is what folks are celebratin'?! :
I think Reiner failed to see how "engineered" all the protests are--they are not "organic"--they have the same tents in USA, Europe, Canada too! Pallywood is no less skilled to show fakery as any other nation--and the numbers he cites are not right--even the UN (the UN that hates Israel!) walked 'em back
There are many "zionisms" an' folks don't see that--it's not a country of Rothschilds--most just want a safe home (clearly they ain't gettin' it now--) It's a hornet's nest over there but folks that simplify it all to compare it apartheid have no clue (as ya know) what they're sayin'...
I think the biggest issue is--we gotta LOT to readin' up on all subjects now---includin' history--hopefully Reiner will have time to read a little (?) an' temper his strong views... I still support his great work! (An' he did interview many "chews"--Naomi Wolf, others...) none of whom are monsters ;-)
Not to mention that about 30 percent of Palestinians are Christians. So it's not really Jews against Muslims, but the genocide of the Palestinian people, most of who are women and children.
They also happen to live on a small piece of land to which belongs a huge marine gas field...
I am glad Reiner is speaking out against a genocide which the Israeli regime has confirmed in many different ways (incl. by "mowing the grass" every now and then), and on which it has been working since the establishment of its state, as one can easily see by looking at the shrinking map of Palestine over the decades. They are in the process of removing the little bit that remained and making it uninhabitable.
Not to mention that the rest of the world is already pretty much controlled by them (and the creatures who pull their strings). Just look at the pathetic state of US politics (and media, and the financial/banking system, and just about any other system that's in their hands).
Now, before anyone calls me an antisemite, please understand that I consider anyone using that term, just like the term "conspiracy theorist", a mental midget. It's a nonsensical word (which could be called Orwellian or a Satanic inversion) that actually means being against any Semitic tribe and people speaking one of the Semitic languages, which include Arabic! Hence being antisemitic also means being against the Palestinians, and Egyptians, Algerians, Saudis, Lebanese, Somalis, Tunisians etc. etc. If it makes sense for anyone to use this term, it's Arabs!
That doesn't even cover the fact that most people in Israel today don't descend from Noah's son Shem, but are of Ashkenazy/Khazarian origin, nomads from the Eurasian steppe and Russia, incl. Ukraine (!). No relation with the biblical Middle Eastern tribes. But interesting that many Israelis are moving to Ukraine, where many of them actually stem from, isn't it?
(To anyone: Please only refute facts and don't bother slinging insults at me. That's the weapon of those who can't hold an intellectually honest debate. I have no dog in this fight, being neither Jewish nor Muslim nor living in that part of the world. My only interest is getting closer to the truth and exposing the lies that are destroying us and the world.)
Thank you for speaking out. I mentioned your article here: Bird Flu Blues: It's not a question of if, but when. "Reiner Fuellmich.
Some of you may remember him. Completely discredited. I followed his work, admired the extensive research of his committee, and on one occasion we were guests on the same podcast. And then, down he went. All but forgotten. I have known too many instances like this, and I cannot help but wonder if it’s because he posed too great a threat to the “experts”."
Thank you for brining your piece to my attention. The Reiner saga is far from over, I would say. Yes, in prison now, but the evidence is overwhelming of his innocence. He has had courage and integrity all along.
So many opportunists took advantage of COVID and are still using it to make a lot of money. I admire and respect those who stood up when it mattered and suffered dire consequences.
Reiner has proven himself to be impartial / intelligent / disciplined et al. The conditions - mentally / physically / emotionally & spiritually he's now experiencing have to be considered. The Fact that he has - for some Reason - spotlighted this specific situation, both publicly & personally to you, must be for more the the "obvious" reason(s). If it is that "disturbing" then perhaps to alleviate the distress Reiner's Wife might clarity his thinking as no one knows Reiner better she to intuit for you. Although it may not be helpful / supportive to either Reiner or his Wife if they feel that at this moment his position on anything is being questioned for its validity. Reiner's Freedom & complete Vindication is the only Focus that warrants being supported.
THANK YOU!!! I was beginning to wonder if ANYONE was going to make your point. This man doesn't belong in any prison for Christs sake and that must remain the focus until he is free. To hell with the Globalistas and their forever wars!! They are all designed in part to destroy the focus of we the people.
So many assuming views. The guy is in Prison trying to set himself free…. !!!! Why such a display of reactive minds from so many ? God have mercy on us !
Yes, Elsa. There is indeed something “disturbing”, and it lies completely in your bizarre version of events which are, instead, visible to the entire world, except (apparently) to you and your Zionist friends who still have their blinders on.
I don’t know who nominated you official spokesperson for Reiner, but you are completely out of line in slandering Reiner Fuellmich just because you do not agree with him. To the fact that he was recently brought into the courtroom in shackles, you say, “So what!” What arrogance!
For starters, kindly refrain from referring to these sloppily written pieces as “updates” and start calling them by their proper name: cheap, rhetorical op-ed pieces which are entirely out of touch with reality.
The Hamas Charter says “Wipe out Israel”? Are you joking? Have you read the disgustingly horrific "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? There you will delight in 264 pages outlining, step by step, the diabolically meticulous plan of the Zionists to eliminate every "Gentile" (that means you, baby!) from the face of the earth, including the Jews themselves.
This explains Netanyahu’s furious, demoniac quest to fulfill the Zionist objective at all costs. Netanyahu couldn’t care less how many innocent persons are killed (to date, 35,000+ Palestinians, 75% of which are children and women), nor whether Israelis themselves are killed, either in combat within the murderous ranks of the IDF, nor by the lethal COVID injection forced upon the Israeli population by the leader you evidently esteem.
It may also explain why Israeli citizens are in the streets every evening, protesting against the genocidal government of Tel Aviv. Even Jewish rabbis in the U.S. are calling for peace in Palestine and an immediate cease fire. Are they anti-Semitist?
By the way, you can’t cite a so-called “poll” of undemonstrated and thereby dubious validity and then write a pathetic “Sorry, I could not find the reference”. Not in a 4th grade essay, and not now. You have no credibility whatsoever.
Since you obviously don’t give much importance to facts nor in doing your research before parroting certain vulgarly exploited phrases alluding to anti-Semitism, allow me to clue you and some of your readers in to the fact that the “Semiti”, that is, the descendants of Sem, are the ARABS. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Arabs. Who, now, fits perfectly in this category, my dear Elsa?
That Reiner, from his prison cell, has access to news which you, in your mainstream là-là land would never dream of accessing, I will paraphrase your pathetic “So what?”. So what if Reiner has the ability to view news clips and footage which are censored (with few exceptions) by western media, not exactly known for their credibility and objectivity?
I’m glad Reiner’s statements rocked your little boat floating in your comfort zone of see-no-evil/hear-no-evil/ speak-no-evil. The confines of your politically-correct prison cell, my dear Elsa, are far more capable of causing mental delirium than are his. It would certainly behoove you to remove your blinders --even though it will be painful— and open your eyes. Start by taking a lesson in intellectual honesty from Reiner, who has always been able to discern the truth from the lies, and has never lacked the courage to speak that truth. Even from a prison cell.
Wow! Amazing venom. On this post, I am allowing the venom - from both sides - to stand, to show it.
The majority of Jews would want no part of the New World Order a.k.a. "globalization" if they understood its undemocratic character and how they are being used.
The true Jewish spirit holds that truth and morality are absolute and cannot be trimmed to fit one's perceived self interest. G.J. Nueberger expresses this spirit in his essay "The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism."
"The Jewish people are chosen not for domination over others, not for conquest or warfare, but to serve God and thus to serve mankind... Therefore physical violence is not a tradition or a value of the Jews. The task for which the Jewish people were chosen was not to set an example of military superiority or technical achievements but to seek perfection in moral behavior and spiritual purity.
Of all the crimes of political Zionism, the worst and most basic, and which explains all its other misdeeds, is that from its beginning Zionism has sought to separate the Jewish people from their God, to render the divine covenant null and void, and to substitute a "modern" statehood and fraudulent sovereignty for the lofty ideals of the Jewish people."
The bankers obviously aren't concerned about true Judaism or racial purity and were quite willing to sacrifice millions of Jews to achieve their design by backing Hitler. They are sacrificing thousands more Jewish, American and Muslim lives in the Middle East in their Orwellian "perpetual war for perpetual peace."
Does the New World Order serve a "Jewish" agenda or a banker elite agenda?
I would venture that it serves the latter, and the Jewish people are an instrument of this agenda like so many other people.
By giving private individuals the ability to create money out of nothing, we have created a monster that threatens to devour the planet and with it the human race.
You should read and watch the work of Ole Dammegard
thank you!
This is an excellent documentary. 3 1/2 hours long but worth it
thank you.
If the televised death of a Turkish politician immediately after placing a curse on Israel is any indicator of how God views Israel and those who bless or curse it (pretty plainly stated in the Bible) Reiner should be careful in expressing his views on Israel.. If this continues, it would not be surprising to see that his outcome is not a good one.
I watched a video where a person stated that he was told by a VERY GOOD source that the Israeli soldiers were told to "STAND DOWN" on October 7. Also, where was their great "Iron Dome" that day? Oh, it was hacked, they say? Yeah right
After havi g heard Reiner ,I was very surprised about what he was saying... happy and nervous too..but after I read many messages and yours I did not sleep quietly after all...what is going on with his treatment there?? Food etc
He must come out before Germany is going down more and more..Greetings from Versailles
Very worrying to see you skewing the genocide this way.
? Doesn’t everyone know Hamas is Israeli formed and maintained?
And that October 7th was a false flag to initiate genocide ?
guess not. some info, if really uncomfortable just won't go in.
Elsa, I'm behind in readin' (gotta lot on the home plate this week) but I for one am grateful ya noticed--as a "chew" and as a great supporter of Reiner's work-- I say thank you! I'm not too keen on Net'An'Yoo myself but I'm for Israel existing and not bein' "razed" or give to the "Palestinians" (not a people) from river to see. Not sure if Reiner is open to other angles but I'm glad ta share a few of note--
1. Norman Fenton
2. Andrew Barr-- -- a few good'uns there
3. Fransisco Gil White (not "chewish" but velly velly smart on the entire Middle East debacle!)--you'll have to skip around the Spanish--he does English too tho!...
4. an' one of your subscribers right here -- Karen Hunt Mezek-- many great postin's so search her archive for "Israel" or Hamas, etc. -- she's done a great service givin' voice to Iranian an' Arab women crushed under Islam/Sharia law
An' natch, there's Major Coughlin who "gits it"...
Like most countries (the USA TOO!) there were scoundrels behind the scenes along with the good guys... Israel is singled out for havin' the same clay feet as most nations--it's not fair. An' anyone, at this point, where WOULD the joos go? The USA is bringin' in those who'd kill 'em (that'd be my fam too)--an' THIS is what folks are celebratin'?! :
NYC Subway:
I think Reiner failed to see how "engineered" all the protests are--they are not "organic"--they have the same tents in USA, Europe, Canada too! Pallywood is no less skilled to show fakery as any other nation--and the numbers he cites are not right--even the UN (the UN that hates Israel!) walked 'em back
There are many "zionisms" an' folks don't see that--it's not a country of Rothschilds--most just want a safe home (clearly they ain't gettin' it now--) It's a hornet's nest over there but folks that simplify it all to compare it apartheid have no clue (as ya know) what they're sayin'...
I think the biggest issue is--we gotta LOT to readin' up on all subjects now---includin' history--hopefully Reiner will have time to read a little (?) an' temper his strong views... I still support his great work! (An' he did interview many "chews"--Naomi Wolf, others...) none of whom are monsters ;-)
Thanks SO MUCH fer postin' this!
Perhaps you might read Vera Sherav's opinion:
Vera Sharav Is A Child Survivor Of The Holocaust. What Does She Feel About The Post Oct. 7 Israeli Bombardments Of Gaza? Has Anybody Asked?
I was just going to post this link as well.
Not to mention that about 30 percent of Palestinians are Christians. So it's not really Jews against Muslims, but the genocide of the Palestinian people, most of who are women and children.
They also happen to live on a small piece of land to which belongs a huge marine gas field...
I am glad Reiner is speaking out against a genocide which the Israeli regime has confirmed in many different ways (incl. by "mowing the grass" every now and then), and on which it has been working since the establishment of its state, as one can easily see by looking at the shrinking map of Palestine over the decades. They are in the process of removing the little bit that remained and making it uninhabitable.
The Israeli Zionists are also trying to implement the "The Greater Israel Project":
“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Yes, that too...
Not to mention that the rest of the world is already pretty much controlled by them (and the creatures who pull their strings). Just look at the pathetic state of US politics (and media, and the financial/banking system, and just about any other system that's in their hands).
Now, before anyone calls me an antisemite, please understand that I consider anyone using that term, just like the term "conspiracy theorist", a mental midget. It's a nonsensical word (which could be called Orwellian or a Satanic inversion) that actually means being against any Semitic tribe and people speaking one of the Semitic languages, which include Arabic! Hence being antisemitic also means being against the Palestinians, and Egyptians, Algerians, Saudis, Lebanese, Somalis, Tunisians etc. etc. If it makes sense for anyone to use this term, it's Arabs!
That doesn't even cover the fact that most people in Israel today don't descend from Noah's son Shem, but are of Ashkenazy/Khazarian origin, nomads from the Eurasian steppe and Russia, incl. Ukraine (!). No relation with the biblical Middle Eastern tribes. But interesting that many Israelis are moving to Ukraine, where many of them actually stem from, isn't it?
(To anyone: Please only refute facts and don't bother slinging insults at me. That's the weapon of those who can't hold an intellectually honest debate. I have no dog in this fight, being neither Jewish nor Muslim nor living in that part of the world. My only interest is getting closer to the truth and exposing the lies that are destroying us and the world.)
How apropos:
Thank you for speaking out. I mentioned your article here: Bird Flu Blues: It's not a question of if, but when. "Reiner Fuellmich.
Some of you may remember him. Completely discredited. I followed his work, admired the extensive research of his committee, and on one occasion we were guests on the same podcast. And then, down he went. All but forgotten. I have known too many instances like this, and I cannot help but wonder if it’s because he posed too great a threat to the “experts”."
Thank you for brining your piece to my attention. The Reiner saga is far from over, I would say. Yes, in prison now, but the evidence is overwhelming of his innocence. He has had courage and integrity all along.
So many opportunists took advantage of COVID and are still using it to make a lot of money. I admire and respect those who stood up when it mattered and suffered dire consequences.
Reiner is sending a message in a message
Reiner is sending a message in a message
Reiner is sending a message in a message
Reiner has proven himself to be impartial / intelligent / disciplined et al. The conditions - mentally / physically / emotionally & spiritually he's now experiencing have to be considered. The Fact that he has - for some Reason - spotlighted this specific situation, both publicly & personally to you, must be for more the the "obvious" reason(s). If it is that "disturbing" then perhaps to alleviate the distress Reiner's Wife might clarity his thinking as no one knows Reiner better she to intuit for you. Although it may not be helpful / supportive to either Reiner or his Wife if they feel that at this moment his position on anything is being questioned for its validity. Reiner's Freedom & complete Vindication is the only Focus that warrants being supported.
THANK YOU!!! I was beginning to wonder if ANYONE was going to make your point. This man doesn't belong in any prison for Christs sake and that must remain the focus until he is free. To hell with the Globalistas and their forever wars!! They are all designed in part to destroy the focus of we the people.
So many assuming views. The guy is in Prison trying to set himself free…. !!!! Why such a display of reactive minds from so many ? God have mercy on us !