Political Prisoner.

Is #AmnestyInternational helping?



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Thank you for the suggestions. I will pass on to ICIC, Reiner's group.

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The original national SOCIALISTS of NAZI-Germany were bad in plain daylight, the original SOCIALISTS of the Eastern Russian German Prison-Camp "DDR" were worse, as they were hiding their crimes behind SOCIALIST smoke screens & illusions - while the organized & engineered hypocrisy of the original global "WEF" SOCIALIST MARXISM is the worst nightmare that ever happened to Germany & the entire world, as that deranged German "Führer" KLAUS SCHWAB preaches: "YOU OWN NOTHING, AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!" - as this imbecile idiot is followed by totally confused & deranged Eugenicists like Bill Gates and other self proclaimed "philanthropists" who are brainwashed "Malthusians" from American Universities, that believe in "overpopulation" and other great FAKE-theories, that demand those billionaires to engage in a STEALTH WAR AGAINST NATURE & HUMANITY, in which the Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERRORISM-STEALTH-WAR was just the beginning . . .


As Dr. Reiner Füllmich is the most intelligent, courageous & highly professional PEACE-ACTIVIST - who blew out of the water ALL OF THOSE Cov-19 / SARS-Cov-2 BIO-TERRORISM-STEALTH-WAR LIES - with delivering & documenting PROOF, PROOF & even more PROOF in his unique "CORONA UNTERSUCHUNGS AUSSCHUSS" (Corona investigation committee) - those perpetrators of that biggest crime in history against humanity are in total CONFUSION & scared shitless now . . .


So except for perverse & insane medieval TORTURE - those shivering while GUILTY Government CRIMINALS don't know what to do - with this exceptionally enlightened & brave Dr. Reiner Füllmich.

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Thank you Elsa for keep us updating im so sorry for Reiner Fulmich he dont deserve this try to make him crazy can't even sleep properly its absolutely disgraceful hes innocent I pray to God 🙏🏻 let him free God bless him 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️

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Oct 17Liked by Elsa

I wrote and mailed a letter to him this morning. I included some easy ways he could keep his body energetically balanced or to restore balance if he's out of alignment. I'm a retired therapist. When I read this update I realized that he needed that information! I wrote him again, very quickly, and was able to get to the PO before they closed. I promised him that he's in prayer. That's how we can support him. As always, thank you Elsa for keeping us informed.

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Thank you for your quick writing to Reiner. So important - both the suggestions, plus seeing how people care.

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Oct 17Liked by Elsa

Thank you. I always tell him that I get information about him on your substack. Elsa, if it wasn't for you, I don't know how we'd ever know what was happening with him.

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I'm very glad to do it, to give people a stable place where they keep being updated.

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I plan to write Reiner ty for the information

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May be he should start screaming and acting weird, too. May be they will transfer him if he acts like he is losing it. Just an idea.

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Another innocent man in Prision please someone help him

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Oct 16Liked by Elsa

So sad. He does not deserve this. I pay to God he is released.

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Thank you Elsa most gratefully for your Keeping Our dear Reiner in view and memory to his Day Soon he will be back with us !

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So much injustice. They will not get away with this. The judge and prosecutor are just useful idiots of the deep state. I am praying that God will press down so hard on all of them that they

have to let Reiner go. I’m also going to be praying that the prisoner next door will stop screaming and that Reiner will be able to sleep. My heart is with him.

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All this ‘Crap’ was used on Ernst Zundel in Kanada&Germany___ The luciferians hate Truth !! And Don’t forget Gordon Kahl !! here in our u.s. !

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Reiner is exceptionally manly. I have just mailed him a greeting card which contains this old British joke: Question: What do you call the chap who swam the English channel with his hands and feet tied behind his back?

Answer: A clever dick.

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Shame on beautiful Germany and beautiful America for accelerating the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Everything is headed to the trashcan.

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deletedOct 17Liked by Elsa
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Great outcome: " this success was only possible thanks to the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists. It is clear that this decision constitutes an international precedent."

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I am just looking to authenticate the supreme court decision - I might have jumped the gun after being sent the article - and too much wishful thinking! Will get back.

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