Thank you for all your updates Elsa. I am more time poor these days, and your effort allow me to keep Reiner's page semi-up-to-date, with the timeline of his amazing and disturbing journey of events.


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I would be surprised if the fake judge and fake prosecutor can walk the streets without body guards!

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They easily walk the streets without body guards. Our side is extremely non-violent. I believe they don't even get nasty comments. Also most people, outside those following the case, have no accurate information about what is going on.

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Elon Musk: Google "Polygraph test of Ella Gareeva"

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Keep seeing 👀.

Keep praying. 🙏

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Why have they picked on Reiner of all people...there's plenty others who fit the bill for persecution and torture by criminals in power...how come they're more 'offended' by Reiner than anyone else?

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Many others are targeted as well. As for Reiner, he was especially effective in reaching and helping people understand what was going on - so he was and is a natural main target.

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Wrote my comment to the German Embassy today. For a so called democracy it's operating more like the awakened Fourth Reich.

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Great!! And, yes - not much of a democracy!!

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First it was Reiner then Putin declaring the WEF as outlaws Now Trump is coming back snd the president of Romania declaring WEF as abominable pedo criminals bent on world domination. Two days ago Trudeau flew to Mara Lago to visit President Trump🤔

It’s all falling apart fast now as they scramble to save themselves. Tick tock Globalists times running out⌛️

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Hope so. But I am sure they ran a series of scenarios that allow them to bounce back...doing nuclear war, crash the global economy, spread a flea driven plague, create huge famines...

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Well done everyone, May G_d protect Reiner and ED may their freedom be speedy.. 🌹

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Even from prison Reiner shines a light on the depraved monsters attacking humanity.

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Praying for Reiner and Ed always, very thankful you are covering their cases as scapegoated political prisoners.

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Thank you Elsa.

All of this is a slow but very steady march towards a better world.


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That there are people like you in the world at this transformational period is joyful and inspiring. No matter what "they" do , "they " will not succeed. The light that a few are shinning at the moment will illuminate all the darkness eventually, it cannot be otherwise.

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This is such a tragedy and criminal at that.

Thank God for all the support that he is receiving.

He sounds great on the tape.

Hope that he can keep it up = survival.

God love him.

Posted on www.activatehumanity.com

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician).

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Thank you for your work Elsa.

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A pleasure. I see it as taking part in creating a ripple effect.

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Once again it’s great to hear Reiner’s voice. I only wish he was free. It’s utterly appalling how low the corrupt prosecutor and judge have stooped. They should be ashamed for being puppets. I’m encouraged by everyone writing to Reiner and working behind the scenes. Truth and light will expose the darkness behind Reiner’s false imprisonment. Praying for Reiner as always.

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Disgusting what RF has gone through. It’s to break him down. I’m hoping and praying for him. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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