Bless Astrid Stuckelberger! She's been bravely speakin' out fer quite some time. I 'member when she was on stage at an important conference (in Sweden?) mebbe 2 years ago started talkin' about the graphene / 5G in the clot-shots an' Dr Ryan Cole just took the stage an' her mic an' started rudely talkin' over her--to silence her. I don't think Cole acted alone--they tried ta steer the narrative even within the "truth" community--thus backstabbers an' sadly I think Reiner experienced the same thing--this backstabbin'. So reprehensible. His "show trial" sounds like Trumps--nobuddy abidin' actual law (like he said, Law 101) but I'm SURE folks will notice--they will see that justice is not bein' served. I loved his new speech mentionin' some "rays of hope!"--an' the turnout in Geneva is heartenin' too!

Yup re Dr. Rima--she's been fightin' hard (for a loooong time!) an' she's right 'bout the UN. I think she rightly worries that too much focus has been on the WHO but I commend Dr. Nass & the tireless James Roguski for making us aware--fightin' the good fight!

Will keep Reiner in my thoughts ongoin'--an' am glad ta see that people in Switzerland (the belly of the beast at least in Europe) are awake! (May this come here too--I fear the USA is still sound asleep...)

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Jun 4Author

Great comments

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Thank you Elsa to keep us informed 😊 ❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Jun 4Author

A pleasure.

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Wached it I vould off be very disappointed if they didn't mention Reiner Fulmich name ,he started to open everybody's eyes in the very beginning 2020 with hes professional Dr's lawyers etc. Wish he was in that rally in Geneva and speak out , but he probably vould be in danger God bless him keep him safe and let him free 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The contexts portrayed in this article are critical. Assange and Fuellmich share a 'deep-faked infamy' due to the global state's powerplay,i.e., the tactical targeting of individuals that represent a threat to the techno-totalitarian objectives. I agree with the premise that Fuellmich represents a more timely iconic place in the 'current' elite's war on the masses. While Assange has been silenced, Fuellmich has been at the forefront as a primary whistleblower exposing the evil alliance comprised of WHO/WEF/UN players. His extensive interviews with credible witnesses, and the exposure of a criminal cabal intent on doing harm to many billions of human beings, cannot be understated. In a just and truthful world Reiner Fuellmich would be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.

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Jun 2Author


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Thank you once again Elsa for bringing this information to us.

I agree with both you and Rima. However, this is way bigger then the UN. These psychopaths (we've got to call them what they truly are by definition) will just start another "organization". They are good at creating fake organizations that's for sure! We've got to find a way to get to the very ones who have been behind ALL of this for centuries which includes but most likely these are still just puppets: vatican, city of london, bis (bank of international settlements). I say they are just puppets because the bis must be working for others. The vatican, well apparently there is the black nobility and the grey and black popes that are somehow higher up. These humanity, animal, and earth hating psychopaths have created a very intricate system of bribery, hatred, and destruction and THEY need to be stopped because they are literally destroying the beauty that is the earth, that is our countries, etc.

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Jun 2Author

Agreed: "THEY need to be stopped because they are literally destroying the beauty that is the earth."

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My dear Elsa, I must congratulate you for your courage and for bringing into light what the mainstream narrative tries to hold back. Assange and Rainer are top dissenters and exposers of the lies they try to make us swallow. Truth will prevail. All teh best for you, dear.

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Jun 2Author

Thank you.

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Tried to sign up, something is wrong with my key NR.Will do it next

Thanks for all you do

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Hi Elsa, I heard Astrid's speech and was so happy she mentioned Reiner (along with Assange).

I was going to forward you the recording of Astrid"s speech, but you got there first 👍

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Jun 2Author

Please put the link to the speech here. I haven't heard it, just read (and passed on) her powerful words.

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Hi Elsa, here is the whole recording:-


Astrid speech starts on 1:09:40

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Jun 2Author

Thank you so much!!!!

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Thank you for update Elsa!

I watched the rally too yesterday.

This morning I envisaged Reiner walking happily and free towards his wife.

We all have to imagine (with happy feelings - not easy..but it is the clue!) to turn the tide!

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Jun 2Author


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