Thanks for your messages about Reiner Fuhllmich'efforts for all of us...
After I read about your little prayer , I played a song of peace on my guitar as an answer...
The truth is a feared case those days? It's so important that more people will see what's going on around covid.. It looks like if those who are responsible for this plandamic ( whole war on menkind), seems to be so feared, that they either prefer to start and contenue wars on earth, than to admit..their crimes..?
I wonder if those are still humans...or total captured by dark forces..
I took my most recent painting of the angel Michael, He knows best who are in charge...
printed a postcard of the painting, and will sent this tot the adres you gave us. Everyone in my neighbourhood I could find , who also cares about the truth, gave there names on this postcard.
How to strengthing each other? Forgive my Englisch , I am Dutch..
Wonderful the group effort - the names of people in your neighborhood who care about truth adding their names to the postcard of your painting!! So many bits of effort!!
And thank you for writing - being perfect in a language does not matter. The caring matters.
In this video Liz Larson (in his group) explains what we all have to do to get make things manifest better.
A slight unease or doubt on our part will undo our wish. In that sense we all have to be indeed on the same line: we strongly have to SEE Reiner being free.
Of course I do not want to impose things but I felt her explanation in how to do it right made sense to me:
Thank you for letting me know. I will listen (with dog panting background) and record later today - just on my computer mic, but without dog panting and car motor.
Hai dear Elsa,
You don't know me, but
Thanks for your messages about Reiner Fuhllmich'efforts for all of us...
After I read about your little prayer , I played a song of peace on my guitar as an answer...
The truth is a feared case those days? It's so important that more people will see what's going on around covid.. It looks like if those who are responsible for this plandamic ( whole war on menkind), seems to be so feared, that they either prefer to start and contenue wars on earth, than to admit..their crimes..?
I wonder if those are still humans...or total captured by dark forces..
I took my most recent painting of the angel Michael, He knows best who are in charge...
printed a postcard of the painting, and will sent this tot the adres you gave us. Everyone in my neighbourhood I could find , who also cares about the truth, gave there names on this postcard.
How to strengthing each other? Forgive my Englisch , I am Dutch..
A balloon filled with love for all of You!
Hopefull whishes
Wonderful the group effort - the names of people in your neighborhood who care about truth adding their names to the postcard of your painting!! So many bits of effort!!
And thank you for writing - being perfect in a language does not matter. The caring matters.
All the best to all of us
We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.
We Found The Cause.
Great point
A prayer for Reiner and all his supporters—“May the Lord bless you, and keep you, and make his face to shine upon you!”
And the doxology: Praise God from whom all blessings flow, hear ye creatures here below, praise God father, son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Thank you for your prayers.
I love your Reiner free song, Elsa! I will pray for Katya too and Attorney Misere.
I'm glad you like the Reiner free song. And thank you for your prayers.
Is there anything suspicious about Katja Woermer's illness? Could she have been targeted?
Yes, very likely she has been targeted. All the more reason for energy and prayer protection.
Dear Elsa, lovely idea!
I have been following Bill McKenna for a while.
In this video Liz Larson (in his group) explains what we all have to do to get make things manifest better.
A slight unease or doubt on our part will undo our wish. In that sense we all have to be indeed on the same line: we strongly have to SEE Reiner being free.
Of course I do not want to impose things but I felt her explanation in how to do it right made sense to me:
Thank you.
I broke out crying when reading the words of your song
Thank you for letting me know. I will listen (with dog panting background) and record later today - just on my computer mic, but without dog panting and car motor.