Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Elsa

Elsa!! Thank you so much for this interview with Cal Washington!! Haven’t even listened to the whole interview and we are absolutely totally inspired!!

Love and Blissings to you and all whom surround you 🙏

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Mar 7Author

Love and blessings to you too!!!

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There is so much good stuff on Substack, too much to work through every single day unfortunately. I read the pieces about Reiner Fuellmich when I find them because it is horrifying what happens to good people. THIS interview too is OUTSTANDING and SHOULD BE HEARD BY EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET! Thank you ELSA AND CAL! We just received a third warning, a harsh one this morning about our smart meters to be installed this month. I am in Belgium - Flanders. The brutal harassment is frightening. I read this terrifying (abusive!) mail and then I find your Substack piece, Elsa. and Whilst I listen to you both I receive an email in my inbox from Josh Del Sol! That's the guidance from above. Extraordinary!

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Mar 7Author

Yes, there is just too much good stuff on Substack!!! And also yes, sometimes we get exactly the right thing at the right time.

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THat is why I think we will be OKAY!

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Simply Awesome Elsa!!! Glad you got to have this conversation with Cal Washington.

After learning about some of the things he has explained .. I began to notice more pieces of everyday life that truly fit with what he has said. When we interact with others in our community and they "make offers" to come to your place and help you .. such as cut down a tree in exchange for something they want .. it's an offer of contract and so you must be on your toes .. even among friends.

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