Lived in Lübeck my first 38 years as a German Ι really have No words left than Free all of thèse wonderful humains out lightworkers and good luck ,of course also for REINER...WE are many now!!

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Yes, Free all of these wonderful humans! Many wonderful humans being wronged hugely!!!

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Too many German officials seem to have forgotten the Nuremberg trials, where judges, doctors, politicians and others were prosecuted for crimes against humanity, including medical interventions conducted without informed consent. Some of those prosecuted were executed.

Those responsible for the corona measures need to answer for terrorising the population and forcing highly damaging measures such as vaccination, isolation, and mask wearing on unwilling subjects who were often damaged, both psychologically and physically by the measures.

That people who suffered in the face of the corona outrage and a doctor who tried to help them are prosecuted is an oppressive abuse of the judicial system, demonstrating the destruction in Germany of personal freedom and autonomy, and constitutional government: so a form of treason, for which the perpetrators should themselves be prosecuted.

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Dr Makis exposes the pedophilia agenda in Canada. Arrests MUST be made soon. Every day exposes more and more children to the abuses by the Health Systems in Canada.


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We agree. Plus we need to get to the root. Exit the monster UN, behind so much of this.

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