I work full time at a pretty demanding job making me pretty much useless for Ed. He needs a lawyer, a really good one. Maybe try Brockovich, after all, this is an environmental issue as well as a frame up.

He also needs publicity, high level stuff. How about trying to get O'Keefe's OMG involved, see if they will do interviews? O'Keefe went to and filmed in Maui, he found the fires very suspicious, Ed's story could be a good follow on to his work in Maui.

And how about Taibbi, Tucker, Joe Rogan? There a a lot of other very visible alternative journalists. I am sorry I can't be more useful. :(

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Thank you. You are very useful. Yes, more needs to be done to get visibility. I've looked at Erin Brockovich - she only has a forum for issues. To contact her, she is looking for business opportunities. But the other suggestions - great. Yes, that all needs to be done. I will do it before the end of the weekend - ROUND ONE OF CONTACTING MAJOR VOICES!!

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There was a fire set and somebody needed to be framed for it; is that the situation.

Not surprised, asking to confirm.

What does it seem the purpose of the fire was?

Depending on my situation, I may be able to help, not if for critical time crunch urgent matters but for longer term on available basis, more flexible activities.

(* For me that means when my energy is available as my situation is irregular without a steady home base or the income to steady it).

If you need transcription, let me know. Cannot do a lot but can help with it.

Actually, I have a particular interest in people being set up and framed, and destabilised.

Does seem those who are vulnerable or those who appear they may be vulnerable are gone after.

That is despicable and low class, even for criminal behaviour. No pride or decency at all there, low level set ups...

Anyhow, I feel for him. It is additionally concerning about why a fire was set. So there are two issues.

Hoping a number of people will be found to volunteer and that you will have extra back ups as well.

Let me know if there is something flexible.

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Hi Gayle, I have 2 volunteers to type up Ed's story, plus a couple of other people with limited time. So thank you very much for your offer. Then, I'd love to be able to stay in touch with you, as well as the others who volunteered. I am interested in letting all of you meet, if that would interest you. Also, I would like some kind of team. I have no idea if there will be anything, But if this feels right to you, would you please send you email address. You can send to truthsummit@substack.com

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Elsa, thank you for messaging back and including the explanation. Your message was missed by me earlier. Had some on and off connectivity troubles. Seems okay at present. My email is at writersweave@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.


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Hi Gayle,

I'd love to have you help as is right for you - for example to transcribe Ed's writings. Let me know if you have both time and energy,

Then yes:

Does seem those who are vulnerable or those who appear they may be vulnerable are gone after.

There were not a lot of choices about whom to frame, in this case. Ed was the most vulnerable. Older (over 70), disabled, living alone, not well educated.

Why set the fire? There were about 40 unnatural fires in California the past 8 years - in contrast to max 5 natural fires in the previous about 20 years. Why set the fires? Land - to get low-income people off the land. That's one thing. The fires over the past 8 years may also have been preparations for far more fires - as is happening now. In other words, people learn to expect fires, and to believe the unnatural is natural.

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Aug 7Author

Hi Gayle, I got a message from you last night, but don't see it here. I answered and will paste the answer in here. I like your interest - your general concern.

Hi Gayle, who has a wonderful email address.

Then, I don’t know if you are volunteering.

I’ve had volunteers to transcribe Ed’s letter.

Recently he’s done a couple of phone calls (15 min each). I have a (very touch) automatic transcription, but would love to have them transcribed.

I’ve also, the last couple of days, been figuring out how to best shape the book - not only Ed’s story, but the story of Ed, Elsa, and the forces of good versus the forces of evil.

Please let me know that you got this as an email.

All the best to all of us,


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You had Robert Brame as a team member. He was the most important person to help. HIs testimony is KEY and the evidence is still there and now there is more since the town was just evacuated for another fire.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

Yes, I helped put together his information - he provided photographs of only the Oak Fire at my request. I organized the photographs and also added his list of 10 Anomalies at the start. I wrote a c.v. for him, with his input. I also wrote a letter to Ed's lawyer attaching the photographs from Robert. Etc. He was supposed to talk with a retired judge he knew, regarding some question. I have no idea what he did or didn't do.

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I wasn't aware you had been working with Barnes, did he just fall off the map? What happened? Sincere questions.

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ROBERT BRAME - I interviewed hm twice, once when he had just barely started being interviewed, and again more recently. The last I heard he was going to speak to a retired judge. According to what I knew, it mattered for him to get certified as a professional arborist (he had had this certification for 20 years), because Ed's court-appointed lawyer said that, if Robert had this certification, he could use Robert's testimony in court. Robert did not want to do this. I agree that it does not change the value of the information he has. But I know that certification can sometimes get someone to be recognized as an expert, and that may make a difference. I have not heard from him for about a month, though I have emailed.

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“Bearing False Witness” “malicious prosecution” these are so rampant in the World today !!! Those who ‘Know’ are either victims themselves currently or have been !

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