I will start with a huge thank you. I could not have done the exploration of what happened with the USS Liberty without those of you who commented, often had a long-standing interest in the subject. I learned so very much.
I have a special thank you to Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot, who has today come up with 2 more amazing pieces of truth. I will end with those.
But first, the fact-fantasy braid - something that we always need to be on the lookout for.
IIn this case, I started knowing none of the facts and none of the fantasies about the attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. I’d never heard about the event.
I will look at only the first instance of fact-fantasy mixture: Candace Owens’ interview with Phil Tourney, a survivor of that attack. Lots of facts: Tourney’s memory of his experience. Next came lots of non-facts presented as facts - one could even say it was fantasy presented as facts: Tourney’s account blended into Owens’ presentation of the attack as coming from a US-Israeli conspiracy to have the Israelis attack and sink the USS Liberty (which would mean the murder of the entire American crew), then present it as an attack by Egypt, which would increase American sympathy for Israel.
This fantasy disregards various facts, natably that there were 25 spies (as identified by Tourney) aboard the boat. Why would the US send spies and communication equipment to be destroyed by the Israelis? Also the boat was worth millions - maybe 40 million, if I remember right. Couldn’t the US and Israel think of a cheaper way to increase American sympathy for Israel?
As I found out, there was no US-Israeli collusion. This will be confirmed again in today’s findings.
But if one listens to the interview, the flow is so smooth from fact to fantasy that most listeners are likely to be unaware where one stops and the other begins.
And with that, MORE FACTS from Daisy Moses.
She came to the first new huge slew of facts on CanaryMission. You can watch (4 min) or read her summary:
1. The US promised NOT to come a certain distance from the combat zone (100 miles) an' BROKE that promise/undestandin' AND there are records that the US "reassured Israel that NO US ship was within 100 miles of the combat zone)--so naturally Israel had reasons to NOT think the ship was, at least initially, a US ship (indeed no US flag was up b/c there was just one left--finally it DID go up AFTER shots were fired. But imho Israel's TWO HOURS of recon. flights told them all they needed ta know...) FWIW how was this planned ahead "with" the US -- makes no sense with the "Reconnaissance Flight" to see what they were dealin' with... WHY do this if you've planned for that ship to be there? (eh, Candace?)
2. The IDF flashed AA signal at the ship which means identify yerself. The USS Liberty REFUSED an' flashed AA back. So I repeat--the USS Liberty would not id. itself as a US ship as it was NOT supposed ta be there!
3. At a certain point Israel offered medical help for the injured on the ship an' the USS Liberty REFUSED such help/aid. WHY? This reporter sez (proof? speculation?) that if Israeli medics came on board they would see the spy equipment an' thereby ascertain the true mission of the ship AND/OR confiscate it -- perhaps some recorded material remained that'd compromise Israel? WOULD lives have been saved HAD the USS Liberty let Israeli medics on board? Perhaps... Also WHY would Israel offer help if they wanted ALL the crew dead? Methinks they HAD TO take out the spy communications team an' once that was done (they could detect if the Liberty was still sendin' or receivin' radio signals--or if they were "out") an' once that mission was done they acted in a humanitarian way (of course if y'all think Israelis are only bloodthirsty murderers without any humanity ye won't buy this at all...)
4. in 1967 the US DOD released a document blamin' Israel fully for the event--Israel never denied it (but as I wrote previously, they "et crow" as it would be baaad to put the blame squarely on their American Allies--however they apologized gumpily b/c I think they knew they were coverin' up for what was a US spy mission...) The accusation fully framin' Israel, however, stuck an' the later quiet retraction...ignored...
As I write this Candace has become even MORE popular--an' Tourney & Candace are good Catholics callin' out the "evil joos"--that there IS an'nuther story which makes Israel look less irrational an' the US look more sneaky--the world will not hear it (Elsa is one of very few voices willin' to allow such questionin' of the popular narrative)
Wagons are circlin'....I'm watchin' the wolves with the other "kids"....
Finally, in the Candace Owens interview, Phil Tourney presents himself as just caring about the truth. Here is the truth about Jews, as he sees it, again dug up by Daisy Moses:
Tourney is a really virulent joo hater--at this link are screen grabs of his many quotes on the demonic/evil/zionist state an' how the evil Israelis "run" America... OK so he claims he's not anti-semitic... I'll let folks judge fer themselfs but it sounds like he's a real SOULMATE fer the sweet Candy poison... (I know that most folks agree with both've 'em but just sharin' the "bee-u-tee-ful" comments so one can judge if this guy is biased 'er not (an' again, I doubt the conclusions he draws an' not the facts he shares...nor those he selectively leaves out!)
curious ta see where this goes... Hamas has no better spokesperson than Candace Owens
One more bit from a com'mint on this same site:
The Liberty incident and indeed the Six Day War itself would have been prevented had President Johnson honored the commitment given by President Eisenhower to keep the Eilat shipping lane open to Israel against any hostile blockade. When Egypt did blockade the Gulf of Eilat in May 1967, Israel appealed to LBJ to honor that commitment. Citing his troubles in Vietnam, he stabbed Israel in the back over this even though not more than a few destroyers from the Mediterranean or Atlantic fleet would have been sufficient to break the blockade. The rest is history.
(...) Hell the LBJ regime went so far as to claim that the US never made that promise, until Israel produced their copy
I will end there. Truth. Quite something.
Much more complex than what’s all neat and tidy - and inaccurate - in the initial interview.
Posted December 19, 2024
Elsa, I greatly appreciate yer publishin' the added "facts ma'am" that I'm sharin'. I never doubted ANY testimony includin' that of Tourney--only the conclusions drawn.
I'm happy ta be DIS-proven, yet not one testimony so far disproves what I've shared. Is it untrue that Tourney has posted some ugly statements 'bout Israel? Is it untrue that the AA signal was ignored? That LBJ tried ta deny his written promise that the ship would NOT come inta those international warters? NOBUDDY has made any such statement...
They argue "me" with ad-hominem attacks that I'm a crackpot (100% true as I tend NOT ta believe the OFF-FISH-ALL nooze an' I wax/think heterodoxically")-- They say the fella from Canary Mission is lyin' because he's just some "dude influencer." SO what is Candace Owens? An actress! (Mee too!) Her headshot was on the innertubes for years. She is no historian. And again, nothin' I have said contradicts ANY of the testimony of the actual men that served on that ship, not one; it just sez that "stuff was left out. IMPORTANT stuff.
Life Site Nooz hates da joos & Israel an' they offer no new facts--they repeat Candace's "take" 100%--so how is zat better journalism? If someone "known" like Tucker Carlson were to repeat Candace's "take" on the matter would it mean it's true? (not fer me!)
Israel formally cannot admit what I believe IS the real truth that they were "screwed" by the US but had ta hush it up b/c they needed the US. The US/Israeli relationship has always been...thorny.
Anywhoo--most who say what I'm sharin' which to me is just questions.... but ones that make a heck of a lot MORE sense than the official story--come back with just a dose of venom. (btw there are NO Khazarians on the planet--the territory known as Khazaria existed for 300 yrs max and produced no joos b/c most livin' there were converted turks--joos have no ottoman genetics...'nuther story, nuther time)
I'm used ta the "haters" an' they seem to gravitate to any story where Israel EQUALS evil incarnate. So what I say--what yer also seein' with me here (that there is QUITE a different story)--falls on deaf ears. They see only what Tourney sees... an' sadly even Tourney was duped... he'll never know--entire crew kept in the dark. I'm an armchair detective an' clearly that ain't good enuf fer some readers.
But Elsa, I APPRECIATE yer puttin' this out there to your follerin' too... it's gutsy ta do it! Perhaps folks are not ready to hear a story that goes against the narrative and the beautiful truth tellin' talkin' head, Miss Owens. Really, folks SO WANT to believe her an' this is proof of what they wanna believe--it's da joos, always da joos, an' Israel "controlled" the US so it's the fault of the joos that Israel screwed the Americans...killed Americans "b/c of da joos"... So much tidier.
As ye know, I'm not an historian but I'm a curious "student" of hist'ry--an' I read an' research & dig up stuff--IF that is "insultin' " to the "intelligence" of yer readership then so be it... No offence intended--in fact I hope to appeal TO the innate intelligence of those who kin say stop, wait, listen... But fer some I guess only "recognized" pundits (pun-DITZ) are worth lendin' an ear to.
In my wacky world George Carlin'll tell you more 'bout how the world works than near-all of our elected officials. I couldn't fill his big boots but let's say I'm an admirer!
What I write is for the record (not the wreck-herd!)... one day if the truth does come out an' it resembles what I'm sayin'--what brainiac John Loftus is sayin'--what the Canary Mission guy (who is NOT jooish) is sayin' then I'll be glad I got it out there--an' grateful to YOU for also sharin' it.
NOBUDDY is forced ta listen... but keepin' an open mind is not a bad thing no matter WHOM one hates or WHOM they would "like" to blame...
Grateful as always!
Good work on this. Stephen Green covers it all in "Taking Sides." So did my interview with him and the Officer of the Deck.
Note that it was a Jew who saved the USS Liberty from sinking, and getting it back to port. And Stephen Green was Jewish.
As I said earlier, signals were impeded, but the excuse that Israel didn't know that the ship was American is a blatant lie, and one of many that they trailed out as the attack was being exposed.
Perhaps the most telling fact is that Johnson wanted the ship sunk once he learned of the attack. I explained that fact several times in other comments. No ship, no problem. No discussion on these pages. The world would have been told that Egypt sunk the ship. Mission accomplished.