Thank you for your updates!

For the third time, I have sent an online note to the German Consulate in NY asking for someone to help Reiner Fuellmich.

Isn’t that the least we can all do?

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Thank you for what you are doing!

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so, noone knows what the criminal accusation is, Vivienne now wants to change it to be a loan as she is off the hook - forgive me for my ignorance, but WHY is a man in prison? Why hasn't this been thrown out of court? Does ANYONE know what is going on?

If someone accused someone of attempted murder, so that person was put in prison awaiting trial, then the criminal accusation changed from murder, to manslaughter, then the accuser became the accomplice, then the accomplice is found innocent, then the accusation was changed to accused met someone one day for a coffee, to 'noone really knows' what the charge is - would the trial continue ???

This is how stupid the whole thing sounds to me, but what do I know, I'm just a normal person.

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Just like what they are doing to many of the Jan. 6 protestors. Many just walked into the Capitol and did NOTHING else and are still in prison 4 years later. The justice system around the world has been taken over by the New World Order.

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Agreed: MUCH OF the justice system around the world has been taken over by the New World Order. So very evident.

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they are beating us all into submission, they know we are onto them and their murderous deeds, so now shutting us down - oh, if only, people would be strong enough to say NO and stop obeying .

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They are trying to beat us into submission. Many of us are not submitting.

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You ask: WHY is a man in prison? It's not stupid, as I know you know. It's evil. The Predators don't like him to be free - an unwelcome presence, waking many people up. I know you know this.

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I do, it is one of many criminal activities that is going on against innocent people, to shut them up whilst an evil take over is going on.

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also, there are many awake people now, and the establishment are trying to close us down by hiding away 'leaders', but what they don't realise is that the awake are individual thinkers with empathy and positiveness and spiritual love - unlike themselves who 'obey their leaders'.

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"[ Reiner] asked the court where the criminal accusation could be seen and was told by the judge that he should ask his lawyers."

"The court has changed the criminal charges several times."

In any normal court the prosecution bring and argue the charges and supporting evidence. There is no mention in this report of Reiner, his lawyers, or the judge(s) referring their questions to the prosecution, who should be the ones responsible for the charges brought.

It seems the judges have become the prosecution, and despite demanding all the proceedings be conducted in writing cannot themselves supply a written statement of the charges and cannot or will not explain themselves, and refuse oral argument.

Without a separate jury the judges see no need to ensure the proceedings are intelligible to anyone except themselves. It means they can be as arbitrary and unreasonable as they please, because no one else is needed to reach a verdict and impose sentence, not even the prosecution.

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