Thank you for the information we all pray for him to come out free he's innocent man bless him 🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️

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Reiner Fullmich is NOT an activist, we MUST stop accepting these labels - he is a citizen that is questioning what is happening to citizens as a legal professional.

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May 16Liked by Elsa


If the judge in Reiner's case is bias, threatening, and NOT impartial, then why hasn't someone filed a removal of the judge from the case plus impeachment proceedings?

Passed your articles on www.activatehumanity.com

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Someone asked for the prosecutor, John, to be removed. No respponse.

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What about the judge himself?

According to Reiner himself in a video said the judge seeks to

sentence him.

How can the judge sentence anyone until found guilty by a jury?

This shows that he is NOT impartial.

He needs to be removed.

Thank you!

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No juries in Germany. I believe there is a panel of 3 judges. It was not the final judgement; it was a preliminary judgement coming from the judge's assessment of the evidence to date. Then, to remove the judge would take legal authorities who are not corrupt.

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Oh my!

Didn't know that there aren't any juries in Germany.

Sounds like dictatorship.

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One can have anti-human rights juries - as in traditional Southern trials, a few decades ago. What counts is 1) lack of corruption and 2) strong human rights laws.

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Thank you Elsa for all your efforts to keep us informed about Reiner.

I have been sharing your link and I invite readers here to do the same so that this case is in front of people’s attention.

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May 16Liked by Elsa


Where do you pass the links?

Thank you!

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May 16Liked by Elsa

As comments on other Substack articles whose topic has been covid related.

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Hi Elsa,

in this great overview of that German judicial scandal of epic proportions - you see a photograph of that JUDGE CARSTEN SCHINDLER - who is committing intentional "Rechtsbeugung" ("Infringement of the law") like seen in NAZI-Germany 80 years ago!


Back then it was the JUDGE ROLAND FREISLER - who's photograph is shown in his Wikipedia - who had turned German Nazi justice upside down!


Don't you think - the TWO LOOK ALIKE - like twins . . . ?

Or has reincarnation brought this scandalous Nazi-Justice back to Germany . . . ?

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May 16Liked by Elsa

Also I am going to send this to my MP here in UK and shame her and her Labour party of faux upholders of human rights when they know UK Tory Govt has had political prisoner Julian Assange prisoner of the British State for over 10 years and not a pipsqueak from the Labour party. Despicable and disgusting.

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I agree!! And great you will write. If everyone were active, the world would be massively different. Better.

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May 16Liked by Elsa

Thank you for this excellent overview. Not much I can do given all in the Justice system of Germany are bought and bribed and corrupt and have ditched any last moral fibre they possessed if at all, except pray that he will be acquitted of all these "trumped up charges". Will send him a supportive card. This is abuse of power by the elites of course. A witch hunt, a kangaroo court reminiscent of Communist states that still exist eg China and NKorea.

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God speed Reiner Fuellmich. Please God get this wonderful man out of prison and back with his wife and loved ones. The sickening reality of today’s jurisprudence. Reiner’s win against these globalist globs should surely open the floodgates to freedom

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