Bravo....Sissi's efforts are very important and will increase in value in the future.

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Thanks for sharing this.

I sent Reiner a Christmas card from neighboring New Hampshire.

Is he allowed to respond to any mail?

Does he have an account at the jail for purchasing what he wants or needs?

If not, can it be accomplished?

I learned of Reiner and a female interviewer (forgot her name) when they both interviewed Dr. David E. Martin sometimes in May 2021 about the same time that husband was "kidnapped" at a local hospital's ER (Maine) using the "fake" PCR test announcing that he had "fake" covid and "locked up" for 9 days in a newly established covid unit until I could figure out how to advocate for him.

I later wrote a 15 page document citing various violations of laws regarding the kidnapping, body snatching, and human trafficking. and sent it to the Maine AG, the local, county sheriff and our representative requesting an investigation into this matter as we believed he was NOT alone being kidnapped but all to no avail.

Husband also had Anthem coverage, and some people claim that Anthem was in on this, too, providing "financial incentives."

No investigation took place.

NO one cared.

Hope that Reiner wins his case, talks about it, and perhaps write a book about his ordeal.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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I suggest you read the book: What the Nurses Saw by Ken McCarthy. The last chapter is extremely important because it explains how much money hospitals is each state were paid for covid+ diagnoses. Additionally, hospitals were richly rewarded for obedience to hospital protocols. Ventilation = bonus. This book matters!

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Thanks for the suggestion.

Will order the book.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Will order it later today and his other books, too, and maybe I can send them to the Maine AG, the local, county sheriff, our representative as well as the hospital where husband was kidnapped.

Need to actually see what the author discusses before I make my decision to do the above-mentioned.

If so, I wonder what the outcome will be.

More silence?

Once again, thank you so much for the suggestion.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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I agree - excellent book. Personal testimonies plus many vital facts, like those you mention.

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Hi Lise, Thank you for all you have done. To the best of my knowledge, Reiner cannot answer anyone. I have noted that he thanks people for writing, and tells people he reads everything he receives. If he could answer, I am sure all these people would have received a personal thank you. I know he is only allowed one 20-minute call per week with his wife. Everything needs supervision, and the prison claims not to have the funds to do more supervision. For what I know, he is allowed just about nothing - not even a sweater to be given to him. Yes, all who have had a hand in this merit major criminal charges and sentences.

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Thank you for the reply to let us know what is happening with Reiner.

I post your articles on this website www.activatehumanity.com

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thank you for reposting - one connection and then another!!

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Furthermore, if Reiner wins his case, then criminal charges need to be brought against those who conspired against him, and maybe a civil lawsuit for damages against all of them.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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