Apr 1Liked by Elsa

First - there has to be an understanding that individuals - the world populace - have let their protective guard dissolve, bit by bit. The "enemy within" is a specific to every segment of Society - political / religious / educational / socially - et al. It's within families of every class because a family is a group of individuals. Each generation has new ideas. The question always should be - "Which Principle does this come from?" You don't wait for the result of the idea to decide after the fact - whether it's principled or moral according to the damage done. If we don't adhere to what / where our moral-compass takes us then where the World is now - is the result. Lax morals = weak people, men & women. The burden then falls on the person(s) who strove to keep God's law - to untangle, energize the others into exercising their own spiritual-strength. The answer is very simple & obvious. It's believing all the socially-acceptable "norms" & views being promoted. No one ever seems to ask first - "Who is this person saying this? Who are these organizations pushing this idea?" If the question isn't asked immediately - then one's moral-compass is askew because Intuition is our first protective.

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The man who did so much for humanity is well and sound ! I have proof ;

I fell off my chair today , when I received a reply letter from Reiner in my email .

My wife and I have cried of joy !

this is a sign , a good one !

Truth allways prevail ,

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My first response, joy. Then a question. Please let me know what email address it came from. Because someone else has written about receiving an email from Reiner - from an address which turned out not to be his. Also, as far as I have been informed, he has no access to the internet. So please be very cautious

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He has only a TV , no web access:

This letter was hand written , and transcrypt into an email ,

it says at the bottom with initial HF.

also the website www.fuellmich.com is valid,

the email address was directly on his website

which is also valid.


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It sounds good. I will also verify and get back to you.

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forgot to mention : in his reply he confirmed the proof that a Canadian scientist/ physisist declared in a conference here in Ottawa and later Roumania. Only the truth seekers knows about pr Denis Rancourt Phd. .That makes me think his reply is authentic...

the total mortality rate of Rancourt calculations was discussed on the T. Carlson channel( Rumble) and was a shock...

will see , tx for the heads up ...

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Inka can't find any handwritten letter from Reiner, but it would likely not have gotten to her in Mexico. And then, you are right, "Only the truth seekers knows about pr Denis Rancourt Phd." Wonderful that you heard from him. Of course if there is any suggestion for money, you would not go along. Sorry to be so doubting!! A lot of dangers in the world, including that one can use cloaking in sending an email.

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do you know about the initials <H.F. > that was indicated at the very end of that letter ? I assume this was the person that had the hand written note from him and transcript into an email.. and this is not his wife I guess ...




(Typed from Reiner Fuellmich's handwritten note. H.F.) >

tx, and happy Easter !

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Mar 29Liked by Elsa

We the culture forgot about satan and he is back with a vengeance to remind us that it is he who rules this world. Yes we are demoralized, dejected, and depressed, but perhaps of necessity to wake the heck up and run back to God? Do not give satan an inch in your autonomy or this world because he will take it all and that is what he has done.

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The monsters have penetrated not just "zee cabinets" but friends and family too.

The monsters' propaganda and censorship machines seek control of the entire mindspace, ours and theirs. So it is we and Reiner live in a real life 1984, unable really to know or trust anyone. It is a world I visited several times before the fall of the Iron Curtain, but never dreamed it was a world I would have to live in.

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We cannot believe anything anymore from our governments, justice, media - its all make believe and we the people need to stop it and look after ourselves, the criminals have taken over.

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