if the C.I.A. was anything like it is today (and it was), firing on a ship carrying a bunch of them without clearance from my country, I'd fire on them too. Pretty arrogant of the U.S., especially Johnson.
Just getting around to emails this holiday and then I saw a ''substack message'' in my inbox... haven't used it til now so I delayed writing then saw this posting, so I'm ready to answer Elsa's question.. though not with documents and pictures... just recollections acquired over many years...
So here goes.....
Elsa, most of my contact with Israelis was in the 70s where they made it clear how they were trained and knew from experience to trust their orders as being made always to protect them so they can achieve their mission and survive..., Fighting in the cities was terrible but the rule was stay alive and get the site secured... shoot first, ask questions later...
Plus they seemed to think Americans were the good cowboys in the movies.. the theatres there in Israel are usually showing films a few years later than what we were seeing here. So that was their view of American military back then...
Then not quite so many years ago I encountered an Israeli pilot who actually was on that raid, and he was the one who told me about the mossad reporting to their Israeli contacts about the ''leaking'' data that needed to be stopped.. so the order was given... He said they didn't have any explanations at the time, only later....
The pilots were objecting to orders, saying they saw the flag themselves, but the response was the SHIP HAD TO BE deep-sixxed asap... The pilots didn't find out til later why... I think I also heard about a mossad operative who was punished for whatever it was that he did while on a mission into Egypt, but that story was from a different source...
So as I said, that was how I encountered these reportings from people in that war and what they were thinking...
Some have said, they thought [when I told them the true story from the other pilots] that the Israelis should have stopped and consulted their ''ally'' in the middle of the war, but that's insane if you are genuinely trying to save your brother troops and win a desperate war... Don't you agree?
Coincidentally, on the subject of LBJ and his openly lying and deceiving ways, a friend just sent me this video link about how actually LBJ was UNBEFREAKINLY EVIL... to see some perspective on today's Biden unrelenting story of billion-dollar money laundering, ghastly political crimes against Americans [who didn't vote for him] and the endless stories of sicko perverts in child trafficking, so we can compare traitor-Biden to gangster-LBJ... Enjoy it... if you can stand to see what a murderous killer and liar in our leadersip's pinnacle, we took part in under his orders and gambits..... So be sighing over endless evil...
I am a survivor of the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and serve my shipmates as Historian of the USS Liberty Veterans Association (LVA).[https://ussliberty.org]
I've tried reaching you on Twitter a few times, but you haven't responded.
As the Historian of the LVA I’m sure you can understand our interest in the comments “MJ” made about the attack on our ship.
Because you consider “MJ” an authority, we'd like to know how you verified his credibility.
Hi, I post occasionally on Twitter, but really don’t do anything there - and I somehow don’t get email notifications.
Here I am seeing your comment, and will look more closely.
I’m not online at the moment - obviously will be before I sent this. I don’t remember who MJ is. The only person I remember is Daisy Moses, who is not a survivor of the USS Liberty but a researcher who has come up with quite a number of soures of informaiotn.
This USS Liberty thing is too twisted to make sense of to me, but they say the first casualty of war is the truth. One thing l have no doubt about is LBJ. The look on his poker face when he took the oath to become the 36th president of the corrupted states of America after they assassinated Kennedy showed he knew about it in advance. It was the same look on George Bush Junior's face when told of the twin towers attack when he was in that Florida school. He didn't even wince.
Thank you Angel, Elsa, You have hit the nail on the head... There is a lot more about LBJ to be uncovered, although it may be best to leave the narcissistic psychopath in the dirt. He wanted to be president since he was quite young and willing to do whatever it took.
I witnessed live on WKBW TV JFK's assassination, at age 10, in my grade 6 history class. I was sitting right in front, 5 ft from the TV. Every split second of it was etched indelibly in my psyche. As I am empathic, perhaps due to the 2 week NDE I had following receipt of the MMR vax at age 2, I knew ALL the reports were lies and vowed to find the WHOLE truth to expose it. My life course was partially driven by this and is all relative to the history of Mankind and our current state, of living in the Apocalypse. It's the battle of good and evil. Good has power over the evil, yet most do not realize the power they have, and are easily coerced by FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real. We are the creators of our world by how we think, move and be. All we need to do is stand in our God given power of Love and state, "I do not consent!"
Here is my well researched 'nutshell' version of all that led up to the assassination of JFK and beyond. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve... God or mammon!"
There is so much more to it, which relative to the predicament the world is in today, which I am writing in my book and life story, which I started 30 years ago. Too busy living it to finish it.
Yes it was ... and that was just the beginning! It's been a full life of witnessing, being guided by Jesus (who I met when I was 2) and being sent here for this time. Just as you are Angel. Keep on writing.
Your careful assessment and reporting on the USS Liberty had been valuable to all interested in truth. On LBJ, he lied about Vietnam and nearly everything else. Why would he not lie about the USS Liberty?
Agreed!!! It's almost a foregone conclusion that he lied. Brilliant liar, in this case. In this case, he has been generally believed - as if he were suddenly someone truthful!!!
Israel attacked it’s enemies preemptively on June 5, and by the evening of June 5 had completely annihilated its enemies air defences and infrastructure. The war was over, clearly won by Israel, except for mopping up enemy ground forces. The war was clearly decided two (2) days BEFORE the USS Liberty arrived on the scene. There is no substance to your reasoning that silencing and sinking the USS Liberty was critical to Israel’s victory. However, Israel had plans to expand its borders into its neighbouring countries in pursuit of The Greater Israel. Which is exactly what we again witness now in 2024.
Yes. That is dynamite, if true. What's the first hand source? Now I really need to tear the attic apart to find the interviews with the Officer of the Deck and Stephen Green.
Note (and this is easy to confirm) Israel paid reparations to the families of the sailors that they murdered. Note, there is multiple firsthand confirmation that Israel knew that the ship was American. The crew was waving American flags, also confirmed. Israel planned the attack well in advance, hence the sheep dip. Israel at first denied the attack (blaming Egypt), then claimed that it was mistake, then claimed that they tried to sink it on purpose because of the spying, then paid reparations.
An interview with the Officer of the Deck is available. I've seen one, and cite it. Maybe it's from Stew Peters. Don't remember. That this was a spy ship was know by Israel from the start.
"That this was a spy ship was know by Israel from the start." Yes, of course. No-one has argued that point. But there is only one reason why a staunch ally would try to sink it. I'm tired of providing that reason since it is so well explained in Stephen Green's book, "Taking Sides." And there is only one reason why LBJ wanted it sunk.
The officer of the deck on the morning of the attack was Lieutenant James Ennes. I've already posted an article by Jeffrey St. Clair of Ennes' writings, plus a link to Ennes' book on the attack, which is available on Amazon.
Here is an interview of Ennes. I haven't listened to it yet; but, I expect he will verify what he's already stated in his writings: that Israel tried to kill everyone onboard the USS Liberty to keep the world from learning that Israel had planned to go into the Golan Heights that afternoon. Instead, Israel held off for a day, while they destroyed the Liberty. In my view, this was a war crime by Israel in their continuing quest to form a "Greater Israel". As long as the U.S. government continues to kowtow to Israel, Israel will never be held to account for this war crime.
Israel's Assault on the USS Liberty with James Ennes
Stephen Green wrote the book on the attack called "Taking Sides." I knew him. I think the book was published in '83. Not sure. It's available in your library or via inter-library loan. My interviews with the Officer of the Deck are hiding somewhere in my attic on CD since we moved. I remember vividly much of what he told me many years ago. You can also google Stephen Green and "Taking Sides" and buy it online.
Green's 'Taking Sides' is available on Amazon. Published in '84.
How did you come about to interviewing Ennes? Are you former military?
I'm curious because I'm a former USAFSS, Chinese Mandarin and Korean voice intercept processing specialist (1968-72); so, I'm well aware of the signals intelligence that would have been conducted on the Liberty; and, Israel's attack on the Liberty and the U.S.'s response does not sit well with me.
New information previously not in my work from Susan Clarke
Most of what you wrote here is in my first link on the USS Liberty. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/10.html , but some of what you wrote here isn't. So I'm saving this to add to what I have in my work. Thank you so much Susan for what you have added to my knowledge.
God bless,
On 25 August 2023 at 22:02 Susan Clarke <s.1234567@ wrote:
The IZRLis would've sunk the USS except for ONE THING: The Captain and a few others managed to re-rig-up the antennas that had been taken out by the IZRLi planes FIRST, leaving the Ship with no comms.
Once they had comms back on if only briefly, they called out SOS for US military help and received some, resulting in other vessels witnessing the brutal IZRLi attack.
Long story - LBJ ordered the help away...because he was himself a zio-puppet. Orders got confused.
But the ship and some of the men were saved - and we even know the story today through the nearly miraculous re-rigging of the antennas.
The survivors are mostly in my area of the US, and every now & then they get together and tell their stories.
They were never honored, only denied due recognition.
Because the Plan was that they'd be DEAD.
Just one more evidence of how aggressively IZRL overtook the US Military...and achieved full charge of it by the mid-1990s...
Not a bad idea. Albert Pike predicts that WW III will be between the Jews and the Muslims with both decimating each other. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-17/07.html You need to scroll down until you see WW III.
Here's what I have on the USS Liberty, to which I'm going to add what you sent. Thank you so much.
New information previously not in my work from Susan Clarke
Most of what you wrote here is in my first link on the USS Liberty. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/10.html , but some of what you wrote here isn't. So I'm saving this to add to what I have in my work. Thank you so much Susan for what you have added to my knowledge.
God bless,
On 25 August 2023 at 22:02 Susan Clarke <s.1234567@ wrote:
The IZRLis would've sunk the USS except for ONE THING: The Captain and a few others managed to re-rig-up the antennas that had been taken out by the IZRLi planes FIRST, leaving the Ship with no comms.
Once they had comms back on if only briefly, they called out SOS for US military help and received some, resulting in other vessels witnessing the brutal IZRLi attack.
Long story - LBJ ordered the help away...because he was himself a zio-puppet. Orders got confused.
But the ship and some of the men were saved - and we even know the story today through the nearly miraculous re-rigging of the antennas.
The survivors are mostly in my area of the US, and every now & then they get together and tell their stories.
They were never honored, only denied due recognition.
Because the Plan was that they'd be DEAD.
Just one more evidence of how aggressively IZRL overtook the US Military...and achieved full charge of it by the mid-1990s...
if the C.I.A. was anything like it is today (and it was), firing on a ship carrying a bunch of them without clearance from my country, I'd fire on them too. Pretty arrogant of the U.S., especially Johnson.
Just getting around to emails this holiday and then I saw a ''substack message'' in my inbox... haven't used it til now so I delayed writing then saw this posting, so I'm ready to answer Elsa's question.. though not with documents and pictures... just recollections acquired over many years...
So here goes.....
Elsa, most of my contact with Israelis was in the 70s where they made it clear how they were trained and knew from experience to trust their orders as being made always to protect them so they can achieve their mission and survive..., Fighting in the cities was terrible but the rule was stay alive and get the site secured... shoot first, ask questions later...
Plus they seemed to think Americans were the good cowboys in the movies.. the theatres there in Israel are usually showing films a few years later than what we were seeing here. So that was their view of American military back then...
Then not quite so many years ago I encountered an Israeli pilot who actually was on that raid, and he was the one who told me about the mossad reporting to their Israeli contacts about the ''leaking'' data that needed to be stopped.. so the order was given... He said they didn't have any explanations at the time, only later....
The pilots were objecting to orders, saying they saw the flag themselves, but the response was the SHIP HAD TO BE deep-sixxed asap... The pilots didn't find out til later why... I think I also heard about a mossad operative who was punished for whatever it was that he did while on a mission into Egypt, but that story was from a different source...
So as I said, that was how I encountered these reportings from people in that war and what they were thinking...
Some have said, they thought [when I told them the true story from the other pilots] that the Israelis should have stopped and consulted their ''ally'' in the middle of the war, but that's insane if you are genuinely trying to save your brother troops and win a desperate war... Don't you agree?
Coincidentally, on the subject of LBJ and his openly lying and deceiving ways, a friend just sent me this video link about how actually LBJ was UNBEFREAKINLY EVIL... to see some perspective on today's Biden unrelenting story of billion-dollar money laundering, ghastly political crimes against Americans [who didn't vote for him] and the endless stories of sicko perverts in child trafficking, so we can compare traitor-Biden to gangster-LBJ... Enjoy it... if you can stand to see what a murderous killer and liar in our leadersip's pinnacle, we took part in under his orders and gambits..... So be sighing over endless evil...
Thank you!!! I've now included a link to this comment in the piece.
I am a survivor of the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and serve my shipmates as Historian of the USS Liberty Veterans Association (LVA).[https://ussliberty.org]
I've tried reaching you on Twitter a few times, but you haven't responded.
As the Historian of the LVA I’m sure you can understand our interest in the comments “MJ” made about the attack on our ship.
Because you consider “MJ” an authority, we'd like to know how you verified his credibility.
Warmest regards,
Joe Meadors
USS Liberty Survivor
Historian, USS Liberty Veterans Association
Email: joe@ussliberty.com
I do not consider MJ an authority, but I do consider what he says.
Hi, I post occasionally on Twitter, but really don’t do anything there - and I somehow don’t get email notifications.
Here I am seeing your comment, and will look more closely.
I’m not online at the moment - obviously will be before I sent this. I don’t remember who MJ is. The only person I remember is Daisy Moses, who is not a survivor of the USS Liberty but a researcher who has come up with quite a number of soures of informaiotn.
My email: elsa@truthsummit.info
This USS Liberty thing is too twisted to make sense of to me, but they say the first casualty of war is the truth. One thing l have no doubt about is LBJ. The look on his poker face when he took the oath to become the 36th president of the corrupted states of America after they assassinated Kennedy showed he knew about it in advance. It was the same look on George Bush Junior's face when told of the twin towers attack when he was in that Florida school. He didn't even wince.
Thank you Angel, Elsa, You have hit the nail on the head... There is a lot more about LBJ to be uncovered, although it may be best to leave the narcissistic psychopath in the dirt. He wanted to be president since he was quite young and willing to do whatever it took.
I witnessed live on WKBW TV JFK's assassination, at age 10, in my grade 6 history class. I was sitting right in front, 5 ft from the TV. Every split second of it was etched indelibly in my psyche. As I am empathic, perhaps due to the 2 week NDE I had following receipt of the MMR vax at age 2, I knew ALL the reports were lies and vowed to find the WHOLE truth to expose it. My life course was partially driven by this and is all relative to the history of Mankind and our current state, of living in the Apocalypse. It's the battle of good and evil. Good has power over the evil, yet most do not realize the power they have, and are easily coerced by FEAR. False Evidence Appearing Real. We are the creators of our world by how we think, move and be. All we need to do is stand in our God given power of Love and state, "I do not consent!"
Here is my well researched 'nutshell' version of all that led up to the assassination of JFK and beyond. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve... God or mammon!"
There is so much more to it, which relative to the predicament the world is in today, which I am writing in my book and life story, which I started 30 years ago. Too busy living it to finish it.
I have just gone to your post. What an utterly powerful experience.
Yes it was ... and that was just the beginning! It's been a full life of witnessing, being guided by Jesus (who I met when I was 2) and being sent here for this time. Just as you are Angel. Keep on writing.
Your careful assessment and reporting on the USS Liberty had been valuable to all interested in truth. On LBJ, he lied about Vietnam and nearly everything else. Why would he not lie about the USS Liberty?
Agreed!!! It's almost a foregone conclusion that he lied. Brilliant liar, in this case. In this case, he has been generally believed - as if he were suddenly someone truthful!!!
Israel attacked it’s enemies preemptively on June 5, and by the evening of June 5 had completely annihilated its enemies air defences and infrastructure. The war was over, clearly won by Israel, except for mopping up enemy ground forces. The war was clearly decided two (2) days BEFORE the USS Liberty arrived on the scene. There is no substance to your reasoning that silencing and sinking the USS Liberty was critical to Israel’s victory. However, Israel had plans to expand its borders into its neighbouring countries in pursuit of The Greater Israel. Which is exactly what we again witness now in 2024.
Yes. That is dynamite, if true. What's the first hand source? Now I really need to tear the attic apart to find the interviews with the Officer of the Deck and Stephen Green.
Note (and this is easy to confirm) Israel paid reparations to the families of the sailors that they murdered. Note, there is multiple firsthand confirmation that Israel knew that the ship was American. The crew was waving American flags, also confirmed. Israel planned the attack well in advance, hence the sheep dip. Israel at first denied the attack (blaming Egypt), then claimed that it was mistake, then claimed that they tried to sink it on purpose because of the spying, then paid reparations.
An interview with the Officer of the Deck is available. I've seen one, and cite it. Maybe it's from Stew Peters. Don't remember. That this was a spy ship was know by Israel from the start.
"That this was a spy ship was know by Israel from the start." Yes, of course. No-one has argued that point. But there is only one reason why a staunch ally would try to sink it. I'm tired of providing that reason since it is so well explained in Stephen Green's book, "Taking Sides." And there is only one reason why LBJ wanted it sunk.
The officer of the deck on the morning of the attack was Lieutenant James Ennes. I've already posted an article by Jeffrey St. Clair of Ennes' writings, plus a link to Ennes' book on the attack, which is available on Amazon.
Here is an interview of Ennes. I haven't listened to it yet; but, I expect he will verify what he's already stated in his writings: that Israel tried to kill everyone onboard the USS Liberty to keep the world from learning that Israel had planned to go into the Golan Heights that afternoon. Instead, Israel held off for a day, while they destroyed the Liberty. In my view, this was a war crime by Israel in their continuing quest to form a "Greater Israel". As long as the U.S. government continues to kowtow to Israel, Israel will never be held to account for this war crime.
Israel's Assault on the USS Liberty with James Ennes
I interviewed him as well for an hour and a half. Thanks for the posts.
Two questions for you:
1) Is your interview of Ennes available online?
2) Who is Stephen Greene?
Stephen Green wrote the book on the attack called "Taking Sides." I knew him. I think the book was published in '83. Not sure. It's available in your library or via inter-library loan. My interviews with the Officer of the Deck are hiding somewhere in my attic on CD since we moved. I remember vividly much of what he told me many years ago. You can also google Stephen Green and "Taking Sides" and buy it online.
Green's 'Taking Sides' is available on Amazon. Published in '84.
How did you come about to interviewing Ennes? Are you former military?
I'm curious because I'm a former USAFSS, Chinese Mandarin and Korean voice intercept processing specialist (1968-72); so, I'm well aware of the signals intelligence that would have been conducted on the Liberty; and, Israel's attack on the Liberty and the U.S.'s response does not sit well with me.
This is what I published about the USS Liberty beginning with the edition that appeared in March 2009:
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/10.html US & Israeli Governments tried to sink
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/34a.html Russian Trawler towed to Cyprus Scroll down to the 14th item. This is my Did You Know? feature
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj33/24.html Scroll down to the 15th item; this is my Did You Know? feature.
New information previously not in my work from Susan Clarke
Most of what you wrote here is in my first link on the USS Liberty. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/10.html , but some of what you wrote here isn't. So I'm saving this to add to what I have in my work. Thank you so much Susan for what you have added to my knowledge.
God bless,
On 25 August 2023 at 22:02 Susan Clarke <s.1234567@ wrote:
The IZRLis would've sunk the USS except for ONE THING: The Captain and a few others managed to re-rig-up the antennas that had been taken out by the IZRLi planes FIRST, leaving the Ship with no comms.
Once they had comms back on if only briefly, they called out SOS for US military help and received some, resulting in other vessels witnessing the brutal IZRLi attack.
Long story - LBJ ordered the help away...because he was himself a zio-puppet. Orders got confused.
But the ship and some of the men were saved - and we even know the story today through the nearly miraculous re-rigging of the antennas.
The survivors are mostly in my area of the US, and every now & then they get together and tell their stories.
They were never honored, only denied due recognition.
Because the Plan was that they'd be DEAD.
Just one more evidence of how aggressively IZRL overtook the US Military...and achieved full charge of it by the mid-1990s...
More on the USS Liberty from Scott Bergeson:
There is no doubt about it. Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate, as was the US media blackout!
From Ken Rhoades
Duration: 1:10:41
From Scott Bergeson
Dear Scott,
Not a bad idea. Albert Pike predicts that WW III will be between the Jews and the Muslims with both decimating each other. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-17/07.html You need to scroll down until you see WW III.
Here's what I have on the USS Liberty, to which I'm going to add what you sent. Thank you so much.
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/10.html US & Israeli Governments tried to sink
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/34a.html Russian Trawler towed to Cyprus Scroll down to the 14th item. This is my Did You Know? feature
http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj33/24.html Scroll down to the 15th item; this is my Did You Know? feature.
New information previously not in my work from Susan Clarke
Most of what you wrote here is in my first link on the USS Liberty. See http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj31/10.html , but some of what you wrote here isn't. So I'm saving this to add to what I have in my work. Thank you so much Susan for what you have added to my knowledge.
God bless,
On 25 August 2023 at 22:02 Susan Clarke <s.1234567@ wrote:
The IZRLis would've sunk the USS except for ONE THING: The Captain and a few others managed to re-rig-up the antennas that had been taken out by the IZRLi planes FIRST, leaving the Ship with no comms.
Once they had comms back on if only briefly, they called out SOS for US military help and received some, resulting in other vessels witnessing the brutal IZRLi attack.
Long story - LBJ ordered the help away...because he was himself a zio-puppet. Orders got confused.
But the ship and some of the men were saved - and we even know the story today through the nearly miraculous re-rigging of the antennas.
The survivors are mostly in my area of the US, and every now & then they get together and tell their stories.
They were never honored, only denied due recognition.
Because the Plan was that they'd be DEAD.
Just one more evidence of how aggressively IZRL overtook the US Military...and achieved full charge of it by the mid-1990s...
More on the USS Liberty from Scott Bergeson:
There is no doubt about it. Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate, as was the US media blackout!
From Ken Rhoades
Duration: 1:10:41
On Friday, 13 December 2024 at 01:07, Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@ wrote:
Please see my comments, above.