So glad this side of this event was posted. The truth always seems to come out eventually. Had that event happened today, the details of it would likely ave been posted on social media sites. As Elon Musk recently said, the legacy media has become a thing of the past and that (with the ubiquitous social media venuse) we are now the media. Even with that, Dan Bongino has a "three day rule"; if a story comes out on Monday, he doesn't comment on it until three days later, because more views of that story come out, often giving either context, or a different view of the event.
Tourney is a really virulent joo hater--at this link are screen grabs of his many quotes on the demonic/evil/zionist state an' how the evil Israelis "run" America... OK so he claims he's not anti-semitic... I'll let folks judge fer themselfs but it sounds like he's a real SOULMATE fer the sweet Candy poison... (I know that most folks agree with both've 'em but just sharin' the "bee-u-tee-ful" comments so one can judge if this guy is biased 'er not (an' again, I doubt the conclusions he draws an' not the facts he shares...nor those he selectively leaves out!)
curious ta see where this goes... Hamas has no better spokesperson than Candace Owens
One more bit from a com'mint on this same site:
The Liberty incident and indeed the Six Day War itself would have been prevented had President Johnson honored the commitment given by President Eisenhower to keep the Eilat shipping lane open to Israel against any hostile blockade. When Egypt did blockade the Gulf of Eilat in May 1967, Israel appealed to LBJ to honor that commitment. Citing his troubles in Vietnam, he stabbed Israel in the back over this even though not more than a few destroyers from the Mediterranean or Atlantic fleet would have been sufficient to break the blockade. The rest is history.
(...) Hell the LBJ regime went so far as to claim that the US never made that promise, until Israel produced their copy
THIS GUY (notta joo) in like 4 minutes offers even more salient points....(even if he goes with the mistaken id story his REASONS are worth hearin'!)
1. The US promised NOT to come a certain distance from the combat zone (100 miles) an' BROKE that promise/undestandin' AND there are records that the US "reassured Israel that NO US ship was within 100 miles of the combat zone)--so naturally Israel had reasons to NOT think the ship was, at least initially, a US ship (indeed no US flag was up b/c there was just one left--finally it DID go up AFTER shots were fired. But imho Israel's TWO HOURS of recon. flights told them all they needed ta know...) FWIW how was this planned ahead "with" the US -- makes no sense with the "Reconnaissance Flight" to see what they were dealin' with... WHY do this if you've planned for that ship to be there? (eh, Candace?)
2. The IDF flashed AA signal at the ship which means identify yerself. The USS Liberty REFUSED an' flashed AA back. So I repeat--the USS Liberty would not id. itself as a US ship as it was NOT supposed ta be there!
3. At a certain point Israel offered medical help for the injured on the ship an' the USS Liberty REFUSED such help/aid. WHY? This reporter sez (proof? speculation?) that if Israeli medics came on board they would see the spy equipment an' thereby ascertain the true mission of the ship AND/OR confiscate it -- perhaps some recorded material remained that'd compromise Israel? WOULD lives have been saved HAD the USS Liberty let Israeli medics on board? Perhaps... Also WHY would Israel offer help if they wanted ALL the crew dead? Methinks they HAD TO take out the spy communications team an' once that was done (they could detect if the Liberty was still sendin' or receivin' radio signals--or if they were "out") an' once that mission was done they acted in a humanitarian way (of course if y'all think Israelis are only bloodthirsty murderers without any humanity ye won't buy this at all...)
4. in 1967 the US DOD released a document blamin' Israel fully for the event--Israel never denied it (but as I wrote previously, they "et crow" as it would be baaad to put the blame squarely on their American Allies--however they apologized gumpily b/c I think they knew they were coverin' up for what was a US spy mission...) The accusation fully framin' Israel, however, stuck an' the later quiet retraction...ignored...
As I write this Candace has become even MORE popular--an' Tourney & Candace are good Catholics callin' out the "evil joos"--that there IS an'nuther story which makes Israel look less irrational an' the US look more sneaky--the world will not hear it (Elsa is one of very few voices willin' to allow such questionin' of the popular narrative)
Wagons are circlin'....I'm watchin' the wolves with the other "kids"....
Another comment. I believe you may have outgrown yourbeing more comfortable using the accept. I remember that long ago, as I was beginning to write about the content of Islam, I wrote under my own name, but also created a FB persona, Fifi Lafayette, who used a southern accent. I even did some videos.
And you will love what I just sent out. On Erdogan's mission. I didn't mention it - not relevant in this context - but it does kind of bring to mind someone called Hitler.
What does the USS Liberty being a 'spy ship' have to do WITH ANYTHING??????
And it's being used as a DISTRACTION.
A DISTRACTION to the FACT that the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel') MURDERED AMERICANS.
And the Khazarians/Khazarian State HAVE BEEN MURDERING AMERICANS, for DECADES!
By the way, the whole USS Liberty attack HAS BEEN KNOWN for DECADES.
REAL Independent News has been reporting on Truth/Facts for a very long time.
Those of us who turned OFF the MSM FAKE 'news', LONG ago.......all of this shit that is going on NOW, it's nothing new to us. We all knew this was coming; we all knew/know what the End Game IS.
ALLLLLL of those ignorant, brain-washed Zombies who used to scream.....'CONSPIRACY THEORISTS! CONSPIRACY THEORISTS!', about Alex Jones/InfoWars......aren't doing that now!
(except those who are working for the Deep State/Globalists)
Khazarians/Khazarian is a construct used to distract. There is no such think as Khazarian person that has been claimed. They were a group of barbarian raiders. Yes there was a Khazarian Kingdom ruled by King Bulan, but is was not all occupied by Jews as such. There were many different people there including Muslims and GOK-Turks. They were Babylonian Radhantite merchant-banker pagans there too who never left Babylonia. The Jewish speaking merchants were the Radhantites
Ibn Khordadbeh a Muslim tells of "Jewish merchants called Radhanites," fluent in several languages, who "journey from west to east, from east to west, partly on land, partly by sea."
Ibn Khurdadbih describes the four different trade routes on which the Radhanites were active and his account makes it clear that Jews were active along all the world's major trade routes at that time, which implies the existence of diaspora communities of Jews living all along the various stages of those routes. The fourth route mentioned by Ibn Khurdadbih joined the Silk Route in Central Asia.
"Khazarians/Khazarian is a construct used to distract. There is no such think as Khazarian person that has been claimed."
"Yes there was a Khazarian Kingdom....."
A few thousand years ago, Khazarians roamed that lands, in the areas now known as the Ukraine (and pasts beyond). Khazarians went around raping/robbing/pillaging.
And so THEY (Khazarians) would not get the blame for these vile crimes, they started to call themselves JEWISH, so THEY (Jews) would get the blame. This was when REAL JEWS dubbed the Khazarians, NAME STEALERS.
Khazarians have done this, to this very day! They commit VILE CRIMES, pretending to be Jews, and THE JEWS GET THE BLAME! Except today (modern times), the FAKE JEW Khazarians get to HIDE BEHIND 'anti-semitism'! Now, isn't THAT CONVENIENT?!
HUMANS: "Hey! just bombed a school filled with children in Gaza!"
If you are NOT a Satanist, Methinks that you need to stop getting your info from Khazarian (Satanic) sources. Because it will discredit everything that you do.
James Ennes Jr. sez that Israel attacked the Arab States UNPROVOKED in a Land Grab. So he does admit that the ship was a spy ship--but I disagree with his assumption that Israel was attackin' THREE Arab nations to "steal land." This is the Norman Finkelstein (Israel-bashin') angle so sorry I myself cannot buy this-- Let's see what simple WickyWackyPaedia sez...I quotheth:
"In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian border. "
(note: after a very brief "moment" in the 1940s when the soviets were on Israel's side Israel had no WORSE enemy that the USSR so that they lied to Nasser--a rotten egg IMHO, a hero to many who wish Israel would go away--DID cause Nasser t act aggressively AGAINST Israel--daisy)
" Nasser began massing his troops in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19) and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran. Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or justification for war."
(note: Israel clearly told Nasser that AMMASSING TROOPS on Israel's Border an' CLOSURE of the Straits was an ACT OF WAR so that Ennes sez Israel just went an' attacked THREE Arab nations to GRAB LAND GREEDILY is just bullshart--sorry --daisy)
"Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping on May 22–23. On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan's invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan. They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent. "
(note: so ye see, Israel WARNED Nasser that gatherin' troops on Israel's border & closin' the straits meant war. NOW we see that Egypt, Jordan, & Iraq all joined forces to FIGHT AGAINST ISRAEL but still....sez Mister Ennes--Israel's pre-emptive attack that was the six day war was just a land grab... REALLY???? --daisy)
"On June 1, Israel formed a National Unity Government by widening its cabinet, and on June 4 the decision was made to go to war. The next morning, Israel launched Operation Focus, a large-scale surprise air strike that launched the Six-Day War. "
(note: so Israel warned they were gonna consider certain actions as acts of WAR an' when the Arab nations banded together to attack Israel, Israel moved FIRST... now if y'all think Israel should be destroyed an' the Arabs were just bein' all peaceful an' Israel was wrong to act, that's yer choice--it's how Ennes sees it too)
BUT I'll say here that I find that Israel in headin' off three nations at the pass was only actin' proactively as a threat was there. As they say on package labels...yer experience will differ. This means my argue-mint that Israel was like Daniel Penny--hearin' a threat an' dis-armin' that threat was how they operated. Team anti-zionist (Ennes included) would have it that Israel did nothin', let the Arabs attack--an' then bye bye Israel. Sure... that is a WAY to look'it this scenario but it's an' angle... not a fact.
Fact: Intelligence gatherin' ship
Fact: Israel was threatened and warned that said threats were an act of war if Nasser acted further
Fact: Nasser DID act further AND gathered other nations to plan for an attack
Fact: Israel attacked FIRST and...
Fact: Israel took out the USS Liberty
Spy ship testimony CORRECT, accusation that Israel just attacked three Arab nations because they are INSANE (what little nation would attack three bigger nation? c'mon) an' GREEDY an' WANTED ARAB LAND... --imho--just OPINION
Still listenin' an' again Ennes's testimony CLEARY states the US did NOT want Israel to act or attack the Arab states ABOUT TO ATTACK THEM... or at least gatherin' together in a way that Israel already warned them was "perceived" as an act of war by an aggressor...
HERE is what he sez--
"Secretary of state Dean Rusk (...) told me that they were afraid that Israel was going to do that (i.e attack in response to Nasser's actions) and they were trying to persuade them to hold back (...) urging them to keep their forces where they were and not to escalate the war because they were afraid the Russians would get into it so the US was neutral in this war officially we were neurtal. We "appeared to be" siding more with the Israelis than anything else BUT we weren't taking an active role"
IN FACT Ennes sez that Rusk was purdy clear that US was muckin' in Israel's wish to defend itself because the US feared this would piss off the USSR.
Had Israel NOT been proactive--not headed the Arabs off at the pass--there would be NO ISRAEL which would'a suited Ennes just fine...
(I know some "not great" humans are involved on all sides here but I just cannot see this as greedy joos grabbin' land... I see a nation at perpetual risk actin' fearlessly--perhaps ruthlessly--to save it's own skin an' I say this knowin' that this may confirm what all the haters believe 'bout Israel--how DARE they act in their own interest an' NOT listen to the US... recent history in Lebanon shows that listenin' to the US means annihilation--the US punditz don't know squat an' even for those hatin' BB--I got my own gripes 'bout the man but do not wanna see Israel fall--an' Israel has arguably rid the world of some terrorists by NOT listenin' to the US... of course some find these terrorists heroes but that's an'nuther tale fer an'nuther time)
Ennes too clearly mentions the low an' slow-flyin' Israeli reconnaissance planes--he never said anythin' about them bein' "sheep dipped" or covered or anything--they KNEW they were IDF planes... at the 9 minute mark in the shared viddeyo you can CLEARLY see these planes an' the jooish star stenciled in the middle--they did have some green & brown paint on 'em but were hardly camouflaged--clearly IDF "Mirage" planes...
LATER he did say the "attacking planes were not marked--they did have a star of david on them but we didn't see that until later"... SO the recon planes were clearly IDF an' they started the attack...the ADDED jets that came had less clear markings... IMHO they were not stealth-marked "for" this one mission to take out the USS Liberty--they were marked as needed for the war that was goin' on an' IDF command sent those planes to take out the Liberty because such spyin' behavior compromised them.. (clearly)
NEXT... Ennes sez that "the attacking airplanes were jamming our radios"
YES of course they were --the US did NOT want Israel to keep fighting the war they were WINNING and MIGHT have stopped them in deference to the USSR so as not to tick off the USSR an' get the US embroiled either... So of COURSE they'd jam their communications... they likely intercepted/heard what the USS Liberty was recordin' and MIGHT have COMMUNICATED... So...if yer Israel do you "waste" a US Ship an' pretend it was an accident or do you lose a war that may mean losin' yer tiny nation?
AGAIN Ennes's testimony backs up Israel's reasons TO take out the USS Liberty (imho)--it's only his "opinions" that I take issue with b/c he condemns Israel. (FWIW those planes were a gift from FRANCE an' NOT the USA which "kept out")
I git where Ennes is comin' from--he's on a US ship, he's injured, an' our "ally" Israel is bombin' them ta smithereens which to him seems irrational since from his angle the US wasn't "in that war" at all... but that ship compromised Israel... AND per his own testimony--meant to! (an' spent ALL NIGHT tryin' to convince Israel to STOP...i.e. to LOSE the war, basically)
Did the Israeli's lie (that they made a mistake an' thought the ship was an Egyptian horse carrier--a totally baloney story)? HECK YEAH. Did America make 'em eat crow an' "apologize" fer that "error?" yup... THAT was a favor TO the USA... Israel covered for the US. I find it GALLING that the US--Rusk an' Ennes--state that they so magnanimously accepted Israel's "apology" but not their "explanation" / excuse b/c nobuddy there is acknowledgin' the elephant in the room--that the US sent that boat out to SPY on ISRAEL (& the USSR) with intent to LIMIT Israel in the war AND thereby prevent tickin' off Russia. The US --pahrdon my french--schtupped Israel an' then frowned upon the lame excuse Israel gave to cover up the entire scandal which the US caused... Had the US not sent the Liberty to spy on Israel no dead Americans...Israel would have just finished the job it felt it had to do... imho
YES Israel lied but it was to protect the USA... never stated "you Americans were spyin' on us an' could have lost us OUR war"--It was the USA which did somethin' rotten at least in terms of their so-called ally--
Ennes is totally blamin' Israel on this entire fiasco... He calls Israel "the bad guys" an' sez the US protected "the bad guys."
Ennes feels the US "covered for Israel" but has no clue--that Israel helped the US save face by never openly stating that they took out that ship because the US was puttin' their entire nation at risk...some friend.
ALWAYS many angles to each story... YES I'm biased NOT b/c I'm "loyal to" Israel but any nation that prevents another nation from actin' on its own behalf has some splainin' ta do. The US has done many nations "dirty" an' I hold their feet to the fire for ALL those acts.... May the poor souls / lives lost on this ship RIP...
The US acted sneakily an' shamefully an' put Israel at risk. Israel acted ruthlessly on its own behalf... but not as "greedy land grabbers" or "cold blooded murderers" because on that day--the US was actin' as "the enemy." nuff said!
I was only looking for confirmation that the vessel attacked, the USS Liberty, was a spy ship (intelligence gathering ship). Yes to what else you say. But the rest, from Ennes, is not fact, but his view on things. That it was a spy ship (intelligence gathering ship) was fact.
yup an' 100% agreed this is a great confirmation--I only add ALL my notes an' caveats as yer helpful poster seems ta side strongly with the opinions of Ennes.. that said, Ennes's added testimony that the US was indeed muckin' with Israel's war (which they were not supportin') is proof enuf why Israel would wanna take out that ship... Israel was ruthless in self-defense but they are now the "fall guy" coverin' for the US which tried to police 'em!
I should have noted that Ennes has many opinions and assessments which are outside the scope of my piece. One could go on and on - one could write a book, and some people have done so. I was just trying to understand why the USS Liberty was attacked. By the way, I still do not understand why 2 life boats were sunk and the third taken. I looks like the Israelis did not want the men on board the USS Liberty to have the chance to survive. Ok, they had stopped the possibility of the boat spying - but why destroy the possibility of surviving if the boat sank.
ye may be right--what we would need is a timeline b/c Israelis did offer to rescue the injured and offered medical assistance and it was refused... (seems ta be well documented). Refused why? b/c the shipsmen didn't want IDF on their boat seein' their spy equipment? That would read suspicious by the IDF... IF so THEN Israel might've surmised if they were refused humanitarian aid access then there was sumthin' mighty "wrong" to hide an' we may guess that if that was the case then the Israelis would not have wanted men who might have blown the cover on their operations... to leave ship... Did they bomb/hit further AFTER the life boats were wrecked? If not it means they just didn't want those men to get out until Israel's mission was DONE. If they DID bomb after it's yet another angle...
Now, that's inhumanitarian & ruthless to not let life boats help the survivors... But then again IF they were lookin' at this as an enemy ship that refused help, was in waters they did not belong in (the US promised IN WRITING that none of their ships were within 100 miles of the war coast--Israel had LBJ's signature on that promise....) an' if they knew there were "spies" aboard (all taken out? or not?) then mebbe they just said screw 'em, we cannot risk survivors...
I dunno, I cannot justify what they did not knowin' the timeline or their thoughts but I can say that they would not risk losin' that war to save some American spies... America likely would do the same (in fact) and has let good men DIE many times over an' far more than 34...
War is ugly. The stories that are bein' made up make no sense... Israel would not do such a thing (destroy the ship) to turn public opinion against Egypt. THAT I kin say with confidence--also Israel is not too keen on courtin' public opinion! ;-)
Do you have the written proof that the U.S. had promised Israel that there were no U.S. ships within 100 miles of the coast? I'd like to see that; because, both Ennes and Tourney claimed that the Liberty was in international waters (over 13 miles off the coast) and they both believed that made the Liberty NOT a war target.
What I see happening here is Candice Owens and Phil Tourney have reawakened the blatant war crime carried out on the USS Liberty by the IDF; and, Israel and the U.S government are now furiously trying to shut that down, any way they can. In my opinion, the CanaryMission video is pure propaganda BS. And, I also believe you, DMCC, are part of this shut down effort.
Also, I don't see you offering any explanation of Ennes' report that an Israeli fighter jet passed over the USS Liberty very early on; flew back to Israel and reported that the Liberty was American and that he refused to fire on it. I believe this is in the Ennes YT video and it's also written as follows in the Jeffrey St. Clair article:
"A few years after Attack on the Liberty was originally published, Ennes got a call from Evan Toni, an Israeli pilot. Toni told Ennes that he had just read his book and wanted to tell him his story. Toni said that HE WAS THE PILOT IN THE FIRST MIRAGE FIGHTER TO REACH THE LIBERTY. He immediately recognized the ship to be a US Navy vessel. He radioed Israeli air command with this information and asked for instructions. Toni said he was ordered to “attack.” He refused and flew back to the air base at Ashdod. When he arrived he was summarily arrested for disobeying orders.
I agree with Ennes and others that the Israelis were about to commit the war crime of going into the Golan Heights and did not want that land grab being stopped by the USS Liberty listening to all of Israel's air traffic and reporting the imminent Golan Heights incursion back to the NSC, which likely would have forced the Pentagon to immediately shut down that effort. We see the same thing happening currently with the IDF trying to occupy the Golan Heights, as part of its effort to form "Greater Israel".
Fabulous work! I never thought LBJ supported Israel, his interest was in getting the oilmen/bankers to keep backing him and keep oil cheap. big Oil never were supporters of israel, and LBJ was cut from same cloth.
Interesting that Candace Owen's has suddenly come forward to support the false flag for a story nearly 60 years. OK 57 years ago.
At this point know that all countries spy on each other and on VIPs as well.
But worse this crappy bidirectional nanotechnology transmission means us humans can be used to transmit info or be turned into video and listening devices from anywhere since Starlink is in the sky.
My sense is that Owens went for the story she did - US-Israel collusion to murder the crew of an American ship - because, while it's illogical, it is ANTI-AMERICAN and ANTI-ISRAEL. Tells you a lot about her.
ps an' since it's likely LBJ ordered the USS Liberty to do that spyin'--he had mud on his face when his little plan backfired & Israel would not play nice (no they don't--I'm first ta say it). Mistrix Krim likely held enuf sway (lol) to persuade him not to further backstab Israel by lettin' the rescue planes in... but that also gave her blackmail fodder on her lover too! In 67 that would'a looked baaad to most Americans if what LBJ did to his own ship--lettin' those men die--got released.
So glad this side of this event was posted. The truth always seems to come out eventually. Had that event happened today, the details of it would likely ave been posted on social media sites. As Elon Musk recently said, the legacy media has become a thing of the past and that (with the ubiquitous social media venuse) we are now the media. Even with that, Dan Bongino has a "three day rule"; if a story comes out on Monday, he doesn't comment on it until three days later, because more views of that story come out, often giving either context, or a different view of the event.
Last one (I think! ha ha)
Tourney is a really virulent joo hater--at this link are screen grabs of his many quotes on the demonic/evil/zionist state an' how the evil Israelis "run" America... OK so he claims he's not anti-semitic... I'll let folks judge fer themselfs but it sounds like he's a real SOULMATE fer the sweet Candy poison... (I know that most folks agree with both've 'em but just sharin' the "bee-u-tee-ful" comments so one can judge if this guy is biased 'er not (an' again, I doubt the conclusions he draws an' not the facts he shares...nor those he selectively leaves out!)
curious ta see where this goes... Hamas has no better spokesperson than Candace Owens
One more bit from a com'mint on this same site:
The Liberty incident and indeed the Six Day War itself would have been prevented had President Johnson honored the commitment given by President Eisenhower to keep the Eilat shipping lane open to Israel against any hostile blockade. When Egypt did blockade the Gulf of Eilat in May 1967, Israel appealed to LBJ to honor that commitment. Citing his troubles in Vietnam, he stabbed Israel in the back over this even though not more than a few destroyers from the Mediterranean or Atlantic fleet would have been sufficient to break the blockade. The rest is history.
(...) Hell the LBJ regime went so far as to claim that the US never made that promise, until Israel produced their copy
THIS GUY (notta joo) in like 4 minutes offers even more salient points....(even if he goes with the mistaken id story his REASONS are worth hearin'!)
1. The US promised NOT to come a certain distance from the combat zone (100 miles) an' BROKE that promise/undestandin' AND there are records that the US "reassured Israel that NO US ship was within 100 miles of the combat zone)--so naturally Israel had reasons to NOT think the ship was, at least initially, a US ship (indeed no US flag was up b/c there was just one left--finally it DID go up AFTER shots were fired. But imho Israel's TWO HOURS of recon. flights told them all they needed ta know...) FWIW how was this planned ahead "with" the US -- makes no sense with the "Reconnaissance Flight" to see what they were dealin' with... WHY do this if you've planned for that ship to be there? (eh, Candace?)
2. The IDF flashed AA signal at the ship which means identify yerself. The USS Liberty REFUSED an' flashed AA back. So I repeat--the USS Liberty would not id. itself as a US ship as it was NOT supposed ta be there!
3. At a certain point Israel offered medical help for the injured on the ship an' the USS Liberty REFUSED such help/aid. WHY? This reporter sez (proof? speculation?) that if Israeli medics came on board they would see the spy equipment an' thereby ascertain the true mission of the ship AND/OR confiscate it -- perhaps some recorded material remained that'd compromise Israel? WOULD lives have been saved HAD the USS Liberty let Israeli medics on board? Perhaps... Also WHY would Israel offer help if they wanted ALL the crew dead? Methinks they HAD TO take out the spy communications team an' once that was done (they could detect if the Liberty was still sendin' or receivin' radio signals--or if they were "out") an' once that mission was done they acted in a humanitarian way (of course if y'all think Israelis are only bloodthirsty murderers without any humanity ye won't buy this at all...)
4. in 1967 the US DOD released a document blamin' Israel fully for the event--Israel never denied it (but as I wrote previously, they "et crow" as it would be baaad to put the blame squarely on their American Allies--however they apologized gumpily b/c I think they knew they were coverin' up for what was a US spy mission...) The accusation fully framin' Israel, however, stuck an' the later quiet retraction...ignored...
As I write this Candace has become even MORE popular--an' Tourney & Candace are good Catholics callin' out the "evil joos"--that there IS an'nuther story which makes Israel look less irrational an' the US look more sneaky--the world will not hear it (Elsa is one of very few voices willin' to allow such questionin' of the popular narrative)
Wagons are circlin'....I'm watchin' the wolves with the other "kids"....
Another comment. I believe you may have outgrown yourbeing more comfortable using the accept. I remember that long ago, as I was beginning to write about the content of Islam, I wrote under my own name, but also created a FB persona, Fifi Lafayette, who used a southern accent. I even did some videos.
Wow. Extremely interesting. Wow.
And you will love what I just sent out. On Erdogan's mission. I didn't mention it - not relevant in this context - but it does kind of bring to mind someone called Hitler.
What does the USS Liberty being a 'spy ship' have to do WITH ANYTHING??????
And it's being used as a DISTRACTION.
A DISTRACTION to the FACT that the Khazarian State (aka 'Israel') MURDERED AMERICANS.
And the Khazarians/Khazarian State HAVE BEEN MURDERING AMERICANS, for DECADES!
By the way, the whole USS Liberty attack HAS BEEN KNOWN for DECADES.
REAL Independent News has been reporting on Truth/Facts for a very long time.
Those of us who turned OFF the MSM FAKE 'news', LONG ago.......all of this shit that is going on NOW, it's nothing new to us. We all knew this was coming; we all knew/know what the End Game IS.
ALLLLLL of those ignorant, brain-washed Zombies who used to scream.....'CONSPIRACY THEORISTS! CONSPIRACY THEORISTS!', about Alex Jones/InfoWars......aren't doing that now!
(except those who are working for the Deep State/Globalists)
And has been proven right, a million times over.
Khazarians/Khazarian is a construct used to distract. There is no such think as Khazarian person that has been claimed. They were a group of barbarian raiders. Yes there was a Khazarian Kingdom ruled by King Bulan, but is was not all occupied by Jews as such. There were many different people there including Muslims and GOK-Turks. They were Babylonian Radhantite merchant-banker pagans there too who never left Babylonia. The Jewish speaking merchants were the Radhantites
Ibn Khordadbeh a Muslim tells of "Jewish merchants called Radhanites," fluent in several languages, who "journey from west to east, from east to west, partly on land, partly by sea."
Ibn Khurdadbih describes the four different trade routes on which the Radhanites were active and his account makes it clear that Jews were active along all the world's major trade routes at that time, which implies the existence of diaspora communities of Jews living all along the various stages of those routes. The fourth route mentioned by Ibn Khurdadbih joined the Silk Route in Central Asia.
Here is some reading for you.
Sorry, you cannot have it both ways......
"Khazarians/Khazarian is a construct used to distract. There is no such think as Khazarian person that has been claimed."
"Yes there was a Khazarian Kingdom....."
A few thousand years ago, Khazarians roamed that lands, in the areas now known as the Ukraine (and pasts beyond). Khazarians went around raping/robbing/pillaging.
And so THEY (Khazarians) would not get the blame for these vile crimes, they started to call themselves JEWISH, so THEY (Jews) would get the blame. This was when REAL JEWS dubbed the Khazarians, NAME STEALERS.
Khazarians have done this, to this very day! They commit VILE CRIMES, pretending to be Jews, and THE JEWS GET THE BLAME! Except today (modern times), the FAKE JEW Khazarians get to HIDE BEHIND 'anti-semitism'! Now, isn't THAT CONVENIENT?!
HUMANS: "Hey! just bombed a school filled with children in Gaza!"
Khazarians: "You ANTI-SEMITE!!!!!!!!'
Convenient, INDEED!
"Sorry, you cannot have it both ways......" really but you can.
Really? Puleeeze get over it.
We have a very different understanding of the events.
No; you're spreading FALSE info.
If you're a Satanist, then just declare that you're a Satanist.
Full Disclosure, as it were.
Iran Ahmadinejad - Judaism VS Zionism
Judaism vs Zionism. Rabbi explains
If you are NOT a Satanist, Methinks that you need to stop getting your info from Khazarian (Satanic) sources. Because it will discredit everything that you do.
James Ennes Jr. sez that Israel attacked the Arab States UNPROVOKED in a Land Grab. So he does admit that the ship was a spy ship--but I disagree with his assumption that Israel was attackin' THREE Arab nations to "steal land." This is the Norman Finkelstein (Israel-bashin') angle so sorry I myself cannot buy this-- Let's see what simple WickyWackyPaedia sez...I quotheth:
"In May 1967, Nasser received false reports from the Soviet Union that Israel was massing on the Syrian border. "
(note: after a very brief "moment" in the 1940s when the soviets were on Israel's side Israel had no WORSE enemy that the USSR so that they lied to Nasser--a rotten egg IMHO, a hero to many who wish Israel would go away--DID cause Nasser t act aggressively AGAINST Israel--daisy)
" Nasser began massing his troops in the Sinai Peninsula on Israel's border (May 16), expelled the UNEF force from Gaza and Sinai (May 19) and took up UNEF positions at Sharm el-Sheikh, overlooking the Straits of Tiran. Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or justification for war."
(note: Israel clearly told Nasser that AMMASSING TROOPS on Israel's Border an' CLOSURE of the Straits was an ACT OF WAR so that Ennes sez Israel just went an' attacked THREE Arab nations to GRAB LAND GREEDILY is just bullshart--sorry --daisy)
"Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping on May 22–23. On May 30, Jordan and Egypt signed a defense pact. The following day, at Jordan's invitation, the Iraqi army began deploying troops and armored units in Jordan. They were later reinforced by an Egyptian contingent. "
(note: so ye see, Israel WARNED Nasser that gatherin' troops on Israel's border & closin' the straits meant war. NOW we see that Egypt, Jordan, & Iraq all joined forces to FIGHT AGAINST ISRAEL but still....sez Mister Ennes--Israel's pre-emptive attack that was the six day war was just a land grab... REALLY???? --daisy)
"On June 1, Israel formed a National Unity Government by widening its cabinet, and on June 4 the decision was made to go to war. The next morning, Israel launched Operation Focus, a large-scale surprise air strike that launched the Six-Day War. "
(note: so Israel warned they were gonna consider certain actions as acts of WAR an' when the Arab nations banded together to attack Israel, Israel moved FIRST... now if y'all think Israel should be destroyed an' the Arabs were just bein' all peaceful an' Israel was wrong to act, that's yer choice--it's how Ennes sees it too)
BUT I'll say here that I find that Israel in headin' off three nations at the pass was only actin' proactively as a threat was there. As they say on package labels...yer experience will differ. This means my argue-mint that Israel was like Daniel Penny--hearin' a threat an' dis-armin' that threat was how they operated. Team anti-zionist (Ennes included) would have it that Israel did nothin', let the Arabs attack--an' then bye bye Israel. Sure... that is a WAY to look'it this scenario but it's an' angle... not a fact.
Fact: Intelligence gatherin' ship
Fact: Israel was threatened and warned that said threats were an act of war if Nasser acted further
Fact: Nasser DID act further AND gathered other nations to plan for an attack
Fact: Israel attacked FIRST and...
Fact: Israel took out the USS Liberty
Spy ship testimony CORRECT, accusation that Israel just attacked three Arab nations because they are INSANE (what little nation would attack three bigger nation? c'mon) an' GREEDY an' WANTED ARAB LAND... --imho--just OPINION
Still listenin' an' again Ennes's testimony CLEARY states the US did NOT want Israel to act or attack the Arab states ABOUT TO ATTACK THEM... or at least gatherin' together in a way that Israel already warned them was "perceived" as an act of war by an aggressor...
HERE is what he sez--
"Secretary of state Dean Rusk (...) told me that they were afraid that Israel was going to do that (i.e attack in response to Nasser's actions) and they were trying to persuade them to hold back (...) urging them to keep their forces where they were and not to escalate the war because they were afraid the Russians would get into it so the US was neutral in this war officially we were neurtal. We "appeared to be" siding more with the Israelis than anything else BUT we weren't taking an active role"
IN FACT Ennes sez that Rusk was purdy clear that US was muckin' in Israel's wish to defend itself because the US feared this would piss off the USSR.
Had Israel NOT been proactive--not headed the Arabs off at the pass--there would be NO ISRAEL which would'a suited Ennes just fine...
(I know some "not great" humans are involved on all sides here but I just cannot see this as greedy joos grabbin' land... I see a nation at perpetual risk actin' fearlessly--perhaps ruthlessly--to save it's own skin an' I say this knowin' that this may confirm what all the haters believe 'bout Israel--how DARE they act in their own interest an' NOT listen to the US... recent history in Lebanon shows that listenin' to the US means annihilation--the US punditz don't know squat an' even for those hatin' BB--I got my own gripes 'bout the man but do not wanna see Israel fall--an' Israel has arguably rid the world of some terrorists by NOT listenin' to the US... of course some find these terrorists heroes but that's an'nuther tale fer an'nuther time)
movin' right along...
Ennes too clearly mentions the low an' slow-flyin' Israeli reconnaissance planes--he never said anythin' about them bein' "sheep dipped" or covered or anything--they KNEW they were IDF planes... at the 9 minute mark in the shared viddeyo you can CLEARLY see these planes an' the jooish star stenciled in the middle--they did have some green & brown paint on 'em but were hardly camouflaged--clearly IDF "Mirage" planes...
LATER he did say the "attacking planes were not marked--they did have a star of david on them but we didn't see that until later"... SO the recon planes were clearly IDF an' they started the attack...the ADDED jets that came had less clear markings... IMHO they were not stealth-marked "for" this one mission to take out the USS Liberty--they were marked as needed for the war that was goin' on an' IDF command sent those planes to take out the Liberty because such spyin' behavior compromised them.. (clearly)
NEXT... Ennes sez that "the attacking airplanes were jamming our radios"
YES of course they were --the US did NOT want Israel to keep fighting the war they were WINNING and MIGHT have stopped them in deference to the USSR so as not to tick off the USSR an' get the US embroiled either... So of COURSE they'd jam their communications... they likely intercepted/heard what the USS Liberty was recordin' and MIGHT have COMMUNICATED... So...if yer Israel do you "waste" a US Ship an' pretend it was an accident or do you lose a war that may mean losin' yer tiny nation?
AGAIN Ennes's testimony backs up Israel's reasons TO take out the USS Liberty (imho)--it's only his "opinions" that I take issue with b/c he condemns Israel. (FWIW those planes were a gift from FRANCE an' NOT the USA which "kept out")
I git where Ennes is comin' from--he's on a US ship, he's injured, an' our "ally" Israel is bombin' them ta smithereens which to him seems irrational since from his angle the US wasn't "in that war" at all... but that ship compromised Israel... AND per his own testimony--meant to! (an' spent ALL NIGHT tryin' to convince Israel to STOP...i.e. to LOSE the war, basically)
Did the Israeli's lie (that they made a mistake an' thought the ship was an Egyptian horse carrier--a totally baloney story)? HECK YEAH. Did America make 'em eat crow an' "apologize" fer that "error?" yup... THAT was a favor TO the USA... Israel covered for the US. I find it GALLING that the US--Rusk an' Ennes--state that they so magnanimously accepted Israel's "apology" but not their "explanation" / excuse b/c nobuddy there is acknowledgin' the elephant in the room--that the US sent that boat out to SPY on ISRAEL (& the USSR) with intent to LIMIT Israel in the war AND thereby prevent tickin' off Russia. The US --pahrdon my french--schtupped Israel an' then frowned upon the lame excuse Israel gave to cover up the entire scandal which the US caused... Had the US not sent the Liberty to spy on Israel no dead Americans...Israel would have just finished the job it felt it had to do... imho
YES Israel lied but it was to protect the USA... never stated "you Americans were spyin' on us an' could have lost us OUR war"--It was the USA which did somethin' rotten at least in terms of their so-called ally--
Ennes is totally blamin' Israel on this entire fiasco... He calls Israel "the bad guys" an' sez the US protected "the bad guys."
Ennes feels the US "covered for Israel" but has no clue--that Israel helped the US save face by never openly stating that they took out that ship because the US was puttin' their entire nation at risk...some friend.
ALWAYS many angles to each story... YES I'm biased NOT b/c I'm "loyal to" Israel but any nation that prevents another nation from actin' on its own behalf has some splainin' ta do. The US has done many nations "dirty" an' I hold their feet to the fire for ALL those acts.... May the poor souls / lives lost on this ship RIP...
The US acted sneakily an' shamefully an' put Israel at risk. Israel acted ruthlessly on its own behalf... but not as "greedy land grabbers" or "cold blooded murderers" because on that day--the US was actin' as "the enemy." nuff said!
I was only looking for confirmation that the vessel attacked, the USS Liberty, was a spy ship (intelligence gathering ship). Yes to what else you say. But the rest, from Ennes, is not fact, but his view on things. That it was a spy ship (intelligence gathering ship) was fact.
yup an' 100% agreed this is a great confirmation--I only add ALL my notes an' caveats as yer helpful poster seems ta side strongly with the opinions of Ennes.. that said, Ennes's added testimony that the US was indeed muckin' with Israel's war (which they were not supportin') is proof enuf why Israel would wanna take out that ship... Israel was ruthless in self-defense but they are now the "fall guy" coverin' for the US which tried to police 'em!
I should have noted that Ennes has many opinions and assessments which are outside the scope of my piece. One could go on and on - one could write a book, and some people have done so. I was just trying to understand why the USS Liberty was attacked. By the way, I still do not understand why 2 life boats were sunk and the third taken. I looks like the Israelis did not want the men on board the USS Liberty to have the chance to survive. Ok, they had stopped the possibility of the boat spying - but why destroy the possibility of surviving if the boat sank.
ye may be right--what we would need is a timeline b/c Israelis did offer to rescue the injured and offered medical assistance and it was refused... (seems ta be well documented). Refused why? b/c the shipsmen didn't want IDF on their boat seein' their spy equipment? That would read suspicious by the IDF... IF so THEN Israel might've surmised if they were refused humanitarian aid access then there was sumthin' mighty "wrong" to hide an' we may guess that if that was the case then the Israelis would not have wanted men who might have blown the cover on their operations... to leave ship... Did they bomb/hit further AFTER the life boats were wrecked? If not it means they just didn't want those men to get out until Israel's mission was DONE. If they DID bomb after it's yet another angle...
Now, that's inhumanitarian & ruthless to not let life boats help the survivors... But then again IF they were lookin' at this as an enemy ship that refused help, was in waters they did not belong in (the US promised IN WRITING that none of their ships were within 100 miles of the war coast--Israel had LBJ's signature on that promise....) an' if they knew there were "spies" aboard (all taken out? or not?) then mebbe they just said screw 'em, we cannot risk survivors...
I dunno, I cannot justify what they did not knowin' the timeline or their thoughts but I can say that they would not risk losin' that war to save some American spies... America likely would do the same (in fact) and has let good men DIE many times over an' far more than 34...
War is ugly. The stories that are bein' made up make no sense... Israel would not do such a thing (destroy the ship) to turn public opinion against Egypt. THAT I kin say with confidence--also Israel is not too keen on courtin' public opinion! ;-)
Do you have the written proof that the U.S. had promised Israel that there were no U.S. ships within 100 miles of the coast? I'd like to see that; because, both Ennes and Tourney claimed that the Liberty was in international waters (over 13 miles off the coast) and they both believed that made the Liberty NOT a war target.
What I see happening here is Candice Owens and Phil Tourney have reawakened the blatant war crime carried out on the USS Liberty by the IDF; and, Israel and the U.S government are now furiously trying to shut that down, any way they can. In my opinion, the CanaryMission video is pure propaganda BS. And, I also believe you, DMCC, are part of this shut down effort.
Also, I don't see you offering any explanation of Ennes' report that an Israeli fighter jet passed over the USS Liberty very early on; flew back to Israel and reported that the Liberty was American and that he refused to fire on it. I believe this is in the Ennes YT video and it's also written as follows in the Jeffrey St. Clair article:
"A few years after Attack on the Liberty was originally published, Ennes got a call from Evan Toni, an Israeli pilot. Toni told Ennes that he had just read his book and wanted to tell him his story. Toni said that HE WAS THE PILOT IN THE FIRST MIRAGE FIGHTER TO REACH THE LIBERTY. He immediately recognized the ship to be a US Navy vessel. He radioed Israeli air command with this information and asked for instructions. Toni said he was ordered to “attack.” He refused and flew back to the air base at Ashdod. When he arrived he was summarily arrested for disobeying orders.
I agree with Ennes and others that the Israelis were about to commit the war crime of going into the Golan Heights and did not want that land grab being stopped by the USS Liberty listening to all of Israel's air traffic and reporting the imminent Golan Heights incursion back to the NSC, which likely would have forced the Pentagon to immediately shut down that effort. We see the same thing happening currently with the IDF trying to occupy the Golan Heights, as part of its effort to form "Greater Israel".
Fabulous work! I never thought LBJ supported Israel, his interest was in getting the oilmen/bankers to keep backing him and keep oil cheap. big Oil never were supporters of israel, and LBJ was cut from same cloth.
Interesting that Candace Owen's has suddenly come forward to support the false flag for a story nearly 60 years. OK 57 years ago.
At this point know that all countries spy on each other and on VIPs as well.
But worse this crappy bidirectional nanotechnology transmission means us humans can be used to transmit info or be turned into video and listening devices from anywhere since Starlink is in the sky.
There is no doubt about what you say ....
My sense is that Owens went for the story she did - US-Israel collusion to murder the crew of an American ship - because, while it's illogical, it is ANTI-AMERICAN and ANTI-ISRAEL. Tells you a lot about her.
ps an' since it's likely LBJ ordered the USS Liberty to do that spyin'--he had mud on his face when his little plan backfired & Israel would not play nice (no they don't--I'm first ta say it). Mistrix Krim likely held enuf sway (lol) to persuade him not to further backstab Israel by lettin' the rescue planes in... but that also gave her blackmail fodder on her lover too! In 67 that would'a looked baaad to most Americans if what LBJ did to his own ship--lettin' those men die--got released.