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It is called EVIL and illegal. It seems the EVIL STATE wins by being against the law and taking control. It is occurring everywhere worldwide. Humans must stand up for truth against this evil or all humans will be destroyed or become slaves. Call out to God Almighty, our only hope. Satan has taken over the souls and minds of many. Spiritual war. Decide where you want to go, when you die, and I pray you choose Heaven with God. Many are choosing evil Satan.

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He was set up with false accusations. His partner went to the dark side.

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Apr 4Liked by Elsa

How the truth is turned and twisted to fulfill an agenda. What happens now? Thank you again Elsa for your time and expertise

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Apr 4Liked by Elsa

If this dossier is legit, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, is far more than a "bombshell." It's equivalent to taking a nuclear warhead to the entire prosecution and to everyone involved in such a diabolically-criminal scheme.

Said dossier should immediately and effectively obliterate the entire case against Reiner and should immediately open up every single person involved in this apparent criminal witch hunt against him to being criminally prosecuted - to the absolute fullest extent of the law. Such cretins need to be tried, convicted, and serve a very long time in prison, and must also be banned for life from ANY form of public service in the EU in the future.

This is basically the height of reprehensible wickedness. It hardly gets more criminal than this, except perhaps if alleged perpetrators also indicated in the dossier that they intended to torture and assassinate him if their prosecution scheme failed. Perhaps such a suggestion might be found on another, still-hidden dossier, because these criminals will obviously go to any lengths to destroy someone un-democratically in the name of "protecting democracy," which is the equivalent to forcibly sodomizing someone to protect the principle of "virginity."

God - who is all wisdom, goodness and love - obviously sees this for what it is, and will certainly bring His perfect, righteous response to all involved. He, of course, has always seen this for what it is, and I believe has been allowing evil to show its hand worldwide on a massive scale before shining His Light on it and sweeping it away.

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is this true, this is bizarre... the court system does not need to replaced, it needs to be rebulit from the ground up........

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Apr 4Liked by Elsa

That dossier reaks of biased content portraying Reiner as a criminal.....totally judgemental no balance with truthful facts.

Cases in point: It repeatedly refers to the law but doesn't address Reiner's arrest/extradition without a warrent and even holding Inka no less!; it refers to the public prosecutors but doesn't describe how their court cross examinations were a train wreck with forgetting, not knowing vital information, and visibly stressed with questioning seemingly making their accusations/case written in jello; they omitted vital information under "current developments" that show the whole case appears to be crumbling. And how about the "recommendations" written Aug. 2021? For example the "educational work" needed which really means a propaganda campaign to publicly paint Reiner as a criminal in the public's eye. A lot has happened since 2021 and the dossier stops at December 2023.

Just like the global legacy news, one sided, negative/slanderous/ fear invoking/repetitive unhealthy content without factual data and not based in truth.....

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More evidence of "institutionalized evil." Twenty years ago I wasn't comfortable using the term "Satanic"--but not anymore. The word "Evil" is the inverse of the word, "Live." Interesting to see the demonic details everywhere in plain sight. Once we are awake, it's impossible to go back to sleep. These details re Reiner being 'set-up' are exactly as I had suspected all along. Utilizing a 'cynical filter' often leads to the source of any problem and the motive--which is usually: Power-Money-Corruption (and evil.)

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I am continuing to withhold judgment.

Either Reiner is a good guy, or he is a deep state chaos agent.

These papers are equally likely either way. Appearing to attack their own agents lends those agents additional credibility.

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...talk about the rats runnin' the ship an' the ship is the state?!--dang wally this is far wurse than the general "contrary to our agenda so let's shut him up" kinda effort I imagined (still abhorrent but this takes the cake--a full-out vicious an' covert attack...) I wonder if the AmeriKan "alphabets" were in on it? Wouldn't surprise me... the IOV--International Order (odor too!) of Vermin -- actin' under the WHO? WEF? I hope the discovery of this damnin' dossier helps Reiner's case (mebbe ketchin' some rats in their own trap? we kin hope, right?)

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Apr 5Liked by Elsa

To "protect" democracy and the "Corona Committee" those authorities have been plotting (and still are) a series of despicable crimes against Reiner Fuellmich.

I hope they are punished for all of their abuses of power and breaching of the Law.

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About the Dossier and the Reiner Fuellmich trial.

If you don't understand German .. enable the text to play .. and shut off the sound.


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Have you wonder why a search on Google (and other search engines) on R. Fuellmich brings back so many false stories ?

The Cabal is trying hard to put him under the bus. (or behind bars )

Well , one day his Biography will come out and bring us straight out the real story . C19theatre is only one chapter. VW Diesel emission fraud and the Deutsche Bank affair are some, but I cant wait to read the others.

but one thing , I guaranty you when Fuellmich comes out this world will see a storm of truth and many faces will turn yellow and will hide under kitchen tables .

Until then many have heads in the sand bucket !

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Apr 8Liked by Elsa

Reiner Fuellmich-May God bless this very brave man of such integrity who epitomizes the change I wish to see in the world!! Gandhi says, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” We are Crusaders for truth and what is happening on our beautiful Mother Earth by evil people is appalling and destructive! We must keep the vibration high and serve the truth!! “Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues.” I admire anyone who shines a bright light on the lies and darkness that is permeating our media, corporations, and governments. Reiner Fuellmich is a SUPER HERO. MANY OF OUR DOCTORS WHO ARE SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THE MRNA COVID VACCINE ARE ALSO SUPERHEROES. They serve truth rather than the darkness, and thank God more and more good Souls are waking up to the truth! Stay away from mainstream media if possible and independently investigate the truth! May God bless and strengthen all of us in this Spiritual war!!!💖😇🌎🙏

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Apr 9Liked by Elsa

Zersetzung - STASI made famous, now spread to most western countries. Total and pinpoint destruction of individual lives. STASI techniques plus all the digital/eavesdropping data available today.


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People are so gullible. Fuellmich was part of the scam. He knew exactly what he was doing. His job was to convince the world that the legal system would save them from Covid tyranny (ruling class attack). A bit like voting and 'democracy'.

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