Germany needs to pull is head out of its fascist ass! Free Reiner!

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I just want to clarify, that according to the report of Nicole Wolf, (and later the phone interview with Roger Bittel) who has been extremely meticulous on reporting all the court hearings, The lawyer Edgar Siemund did not "just walk out"! He declared that he was ill after having seen his client, Reiner Füllmich in the morning in the basement cell from behind as he slurped with his ankles tied and wrists tied together and to the belt around his waist... it affected him so deeply, that he was not able to go on.

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Thank you, Katja, for this. I very much appreciate it. I will add this into the body of the report now.

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I think my guinea pig could have sorted and concluded this case by now.

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Yes but your guinea pig is not on the side of evil!!!

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A couple of months after his birthday I received a very strange letter, supposedly from Reiner, thanking me for his birthday card. The letter didn't make sense. I came to the conclusion that he didnt write or dictate it and this is why I'm reluctant to write to him again. Is it wise to include one's full postal address? I think not.

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I know a number of people who received, via email I believe, a reply that was definitely from Reiner. However, it is very possible that some addresses were somehow stolen.

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Yes, that's the conclusion I had come to. The letter says it is typed from Reiner Fuellmich's handwritten note, with the initials M.B. at the end of the letter. It also asks if I'm on signal, whatsapp, or do I have an email address.

No matter, it is irrelevant. The emphasis must remain on Reiner's safety. 🙏🏻

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Perhaps the person asked if you were on whatsapp or signal or had an email address as it is free send that way. I have asked Inka if someone with the initial sMB was typing up Reiner's letters.

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Thank you, Elsa.

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Inka has answered, that there is someone with the initials NB, and then:

for me her english writing doesn’t make sense rather. But she is very nice.

Can you send the conversation. I will figure out.


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Apologies for my late reply. Help needed as there isn't a facility to share the screenshot.

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This is highly treasonous & completely illegal MISUSE of Justice on political prisoners like the judicial abuse done by the American military at Guantanamo - where any real PROOF is missing - but pure HATE & REVENGE HAVE TAKEN OVER the American Justice System, that was even MISUSED multiple times to destroy former US-President Donald Trump, hoping to keep Americans away from voting for him.


Exactly the same MISUSE of JUSTICE is applied in Germany to the opposition as happened to Michael Ballweg and other political opposition or critics of our failing Government - being jailed without conviction for over 6 month - which is illegal.


Here is a great commentary in German by Austrian Radio-Host Stefan Magnet from AUF 1 who comes to the conclusion: "Hier stinkt etwas gewaltig!" which translates into: “Something really stinks here!” and he points to the German Government.



"Seit 11 Monaten Knast: Was macht das System mit Reiner Fuellmich?"


Magnet points out - that Germany violates it's own judicial laws systematically when it comes to critics of the Government ever since the global Cov-19 / SARS-COV-2 STEALTH Bio-Terrorism was enforced to great harm to "We The People" - and any RESEARCH on the TRUTH has become a STATE-CRIME, where ALL LAWS ARE SUSPENDED & CRITICS HAVE NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER & GET DESTROYED BY ANY CRIMINAL MEANS IMAGINABLE.

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The lawyers seem to be incapable and to attempt to declare him too ill to go to court seems like a dangerous move - what if they go for "mental capacities are now in doubt" line...

I have not read all Ins and Outs! But this is my gut response.

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Nov 2Edited

If this is what Reiner wants, I am for it. He is saying, I have been made currently unfit to stand trial. The conditions are intolerable. But you may be right. Just to note that I have a different gut reaction.

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I’m confused. What would happen if Reiner was declared unfit to stand trial?

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I do not believe this was meant to be permanent, just that he is unwell. How would you be after more than 4 weeks (by now) of hardly any sleep, someone screaming just a few feet away.

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Not well. I don’t understand how Reiner’s neighbor could scream so much. I would think it would damage his vocal cords eventually. Maybe they record him screaming so they can play it all the time as a torture device. Regardless, we MUST get Reiner out of there. I sense the tide is changing. I was just uncertain about if they found him unfit that it would end the court hearings…and then what? Continued prayers for Reiner and action.

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Interesting suggestion - that part of the screaming could be pre-recorded!!!

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Regardless of his guilt or innocence & independently of whatever corrupt processes & forced outcome there may be, I utterly reject as cruel and unusual treatment the conditions in which Reiner is reported to being held.

Is there a single person anywhere who regards the treatment of Dr Fuellmich as being appropriate?

Remember, we understand the charge brought against him is a “white collar” offense, involving irregularities with funds belonging to the limited company he Co-founded and led, before it was effectively sabotaged by others around him, plus the police and judiciary, who together Wu doubtedly beached numerous laws both of Germany and the international community. A senior German jurist recently opined that severe breaches of his rights had unquestionably been perpetrated.

Remember that, in The West, it is assumed that the defendant is innocent until proven guilty. Due to absurd & astonishing irregularities since his abduction and arrest, any fair legal & judicial processes ought long ago have led to his release, on bail if deemed appropriate and with the temporary holding of his passport (if he was regarded as a “flight risk”.

I fear that, at his age, Reiner will not be doing at all well, being cooped up for 23 hours daily in a small & featureless cell, unable to converse with anyone. I know I wouldn’t thrive there & we’re of similar vintage. I have no idea how he is coping & I offer my prayers often for his fortitude, health and release.

There are some people who regard Reiner with suspicion, and that he may in fact be playing a “lifetime actor” role in this global drama. I know of no way to definitely rule this in or out, so we can choose to take him at face value, pending emergence of any evidence that might tilt the scales one way or the other, or not to play the game of watching this mistreatment going on without comment.

If he’s playing a role, in which people invest effort and more importantly, hope that some kind of quasi judicial procedure is going to rescue us from the perpetrators, it isn’t working on me. I reasoned in 2020 that what we were then witnessing obviously required the connivance of the police, the legal profession & the judiciary.

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I agree:

I utterly reject as cruel and unusual treatment the conditions in which Reiner is reported to being held. Is there a single person anywhere who regards the treatment of Dr Fuellmich as being appropriate?

This is what I see as core at this point.

You argued in 2020:

what we were then witnessing obviously required the connivance of the police, the legal profession & the judiciary.

This is evident from this court case.

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Reiner clearly represents a major threat to the globalists.

Through the evidence of hundreds of expert testimonies and eyewitness accounts, Reiner exposed the falsity of the covid narrative and its part in a wider and long running plan to depopulate and enslave the entire world.

Worse, he identified many of the perpetrators and demands they stand trial for crimes against humanity.

Reiner is a beacon of light in the darkness, a source of truth and hope, and that is why they crucify him.

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A documentary or short investigative report on film, something with visual impact should be made. And then send around the world. So that everyone knows the names.

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Much has been done. It is a huge world with masses of voices.

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The whole thing as to what they are doing to Dr. Reiner is tragic and sadistic….. I find it hard not to feel despondent about our world today….. Our Hearts Sink in many ways….

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I understand this reaction and in my case, I choose to be blazingly angry about it, rather than downcast.

However, please be mindful that the perpetrators probably hope that many people will have this same reaction in many people. I invite you to set this aside, because it was NEVER even faintly possible that Reiners quasi legal activities were going to bring down the crooks. This because there’s no forum in which any kind of legal case could be launched.

Reiner’s loss of liberty is truly terrible for him & for his wife, Inka, but I honestly think if doesn’t change the position for humanity.

We can & must individually save ourselves by refusing to accept the mendacious narratives and freedom constraining moves by the powers that shouldn’t be! The power of millions of people refusing to cooperate with dark and crazy control measures. I remind myself every day that there’s no fallback position. We must resist that global coup, because any version of readily foreseeable future scenarios are all completely unacceptable.

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protests, petitions, letters to MPs etc just keep the people busy, distracted and thinking they are doing something to stop the crooks from tightening controls on us, the way to stop this tyranny, in my opinion, is to get control back in our lives by saying no to the perpetrators and stop obeying them. They are a tiny proportion of the world population and have no strength other than what we give them by obedience and fear. No one is above another. If we act like slaves, then we ARE slaves. I am keeping positive (just!) and sending out energy encouraging all to stand up for themselves and stop the fight and fear, just stop consenting to the takeover by the evil.

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You send energy. Other people GENERATE MORE ENERGY by getting together or signing petitions, etc. Please do not put down people who do something different from you.

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I did all those things for four years, got cut and pasted replies from MPs, went to see MP and was dismissed, signed petitions, went on protests. written to PM and sent mass cards to the king amongst others against the tyranny that is happening. Please do not put me down for having an opinion from personal experience that nothing is changing from these methods.

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you have clearly done more than enough. I strongly believe in listening to oneself. And now is very much a time for you to just send energy. It is a different time for other people. Mayb their experience will be like yours. Or maybe you in fact helped "soften" up things.

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I still spend hours a day trying to get the word out.

And mention the awful and corrupt imprisonment of Reiner whereever and whenever I can. But I keep a positive energy, something the psycopaths don't understand.

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Take care to RF because big brother always do that they want, and if need to use extreme actions like they do before with JFK, we have open eyes and care RF. Care the food and every thing, My best wishes to RF and all team , rgds and all the power from our heart’s

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