Currently undergoing big problems ourselves, having lost a very large amount of money, but nowhere near what

Reiner lost, but I know something about this.

I think about God, about the Lord, and about Job. I found the scripture 'the Lord giveth, the Lord

taketh away' helpful because the Lord is in control, and nothing is taken 'by mistake'.

Although darkness attacks, overall, we know it is God who runs it.

Undergoing attacks from many fronts ourselves, myself, I am 'fighting the GOOD FIGHT of FAITH',

keeping my attention and focus on the Lord, not letting it slip over into 'problems'.

I pray that the JOY of the Lord will come through in this event, and it will 'start something.

Reiner I think needs encouragement, as does his wife, both strong people, both believers.

But help from others is useful.

And another area I find useful is thinking about the SACRIFICE of the Lord, in even coming here,

day by day, always being set up, some 'disappointments' eg. John the Baptist.

I find taking my focus off my own struggles helpful.

So very many people are suffering, and we can all help spiritually in many ways.

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I agree.

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Godspeed, all who join even if only in spirit, as the world of evil falls to the sound of freedom and joy once again!🚚🚜🇨🇦🌎🙏🏼❤️

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It's real challenge when the internet delay in transmission of voices becomes a bigger problem when the choir is challenged to sing every note in "unison". Gad!

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