Viviane Fischer has realized that she should no longer be prosecuted.

She or He ?

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VF. She. Mother of 2.

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Thank you for this update. Reiner Fuellmich deserves a fair trial. This is a travesty against a courageous, moral hero of our times.

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Yes, a blatant travesty.

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Casually hidden in the text: "Viviane, on the basis of whose statement the court wanted to convict Reiner, is now of the opinion that Reiner's behavior was not criminal."

I think we need some bold typesetting on that!

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Aug 1Edited

Agreed. I will bold it. I will also bold the reaction of the prosecution.

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All Reiner is guilty of is exposing truth.

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A massive crime, according to the Predators.

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more prayers 'n good wishes Reiner's way.... but what of this? :

"Viviane, on the basis of whose statement the court wanted to convict Reiner, is now of the opinion that Reiner's behavior was not criminal. "

I cain't fer the life of me see that if the person who pressed charges now sees she was mistaken... don't they drop the case wo/predjudice? this kangaroo court is impossible ta understand... (Was Viviane set up? Mentally unstable? Manipulated? What might we make of this / her?... or is it too little too late on purpose? An' what about W. Wodard? Is he recantin' too? )

I hope too sumbuddy can git Reiner a decent typewriter (a new ribbon?) or better yet one'a the oldskool world processors that can save an' store your work (they had no internet connection--I assume THAT is what they're worried about...)

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Reiner's lack of ribbon is very deliberate. They don't want him being able to type - that would make everything he writes easy to scan/read, rather than that it needs to be typed (and I can attest that his handwriting is horrible!). VF - I don't know - she is the most unpredictable (to be anyway). The others are more one-piece-villains, from what I see.

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yup, I figgered it was deliberate but if the court insists on written responses an' then the system does all it can to make this request near-impossible then the lawyers (Reiner's side) would have grounds (I would think?) to argue against such intentional sabotage... Ah, so nobuddy has the real lowdown on VF--what I WILL say is that durin' all the months of those interviews--she was not really engaged, I don't recall her ever askin' great questions or her bein' well prepared, as Reiner was, on the bkg or work of the guests--which makes me wonder how'd she git there? Wasn't she a miliner? (I daresay a mad hatter given' her behavior!)... Unless she was put up to it... either way there's stuff that hasn't gotten out... I'm jus' sending the good wishes along in spite of all these machinations!

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Good wishes - we can never have too much of those!!! Big thank you!!

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This is breaking my heart. Is there any hope for a just process and outcome?

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Where there's life, there's hope.

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It appears that this judge is creating the bars to his own prison cell.

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There are many who would like to see him within that!!! And yes, just as he took this case when an experienced judge said there is no case, now he cares only for the outcome, not at all if there is a case or justice.

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I wonder exactly WHAT information the powers that shouldn't be have on Judge Schindler??? He has probably been 'naughty', or plain evil, and is now toadying to the holders of whatever 'knowledge' they have on him

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Or maybe he wants to get higher up on the hierarchy and believe this is the way to do it.

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Yes! And he's certainly isn't going to admit anything honest publicly

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Total agreement.

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This sounds like 100% Kangaroo Court! Disgusted once again. Sharing to educate others

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Great that you're sharing. How low can you go!!!!

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Now that's a reptilian looking visage....

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