I just saw this too...from Childers?...so horrifying...and we know that will be us soon...the contamination and poisoning is ramping up and spinning out f control....might overwhelm and overtake us all sooner than we expected...heartbreaking and chilling...

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Yes. We do what we can, rescue and take care where we can, recognizing the forces going on - and our very different forces.

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Mar 22Liked by Elsa

It hurls out to me as similar symptoms to Mad Cow Disease.

Suzi is right every bit of positive thoughts and actions are important. All those bits sent globally add up and Oh what need there is to Right such dreadful, horrific wrongs in this world!.....I'm beat down with it all but Refuse to Give Up! I'm Very Grateful to all the Warriors writing and posting real world news. I pray every day that suffering will stop, wrongs will be righted, and old world values will surface again. Many Thanks to All the Valiant Efforts You do to shed light on such destruction...♥️🙏

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Mar 22Liked by Elsa

Good Lord!

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So much of life is in danger, it looks as if we need to send out protection and healing vibrations to all of life on the planet!

Besides that, we also need to be communicating with as many as will look or listen. Even harassing our political (supposed) representatives, if we feel we can.

Every action counts, that casts a light on the travesties (there's no nicer word!) being perpetrated, whether by mistake or purposely, their effect is the same.

But we need not give that knowledge too much time and attention, because 'Energy' always flowing where attention goes.

Rather we can turn our attention and energies towards manifesting what we desire...

There is a lovely meditation/visualisation from 'Era of Peace', that we could use if we so desire...

"I am my I AM presence (Higher self), and I am one with the I AM presence of every man, woman and child on earth."

"Together we invoke the Violate Flame* with the power and might of a thousand suns to Transmute back into LIGHT every thought, feeling, word or action not based in LOVE, in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown." (Repeat three times)


Beloved I AM that I AM"

~Patricia Cotes-Robles. Era of Peace

* The Violet Flame symbolises mercy, compassion and forgiveness. It has the power of Transmutation, Purification, Freedom, Opportunity and Victory.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by Elsa

Thanks for making us aware of this, Elsa! Since there was that 6 percent of the fish examined without a trace of these drugs in their bodies I could imagine that some kind of EMF is actually making them crazy/killing them and at the same time they're drugging them so it looks like the drugs are the cause. (25% having deadly levels.) Wouldn't put it past them, remembering 911 and the ostensible reason/real reason there.

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Lots of exploration clearly needed.

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So far it’s just been seen in the FL Keyes. I’m in PBC & we are looking out

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Mar 22Liked by Elsa


Not just 'pollution' as we normally think of it, but a mix of chemicals, medications, "viruses', etc, from all the stuff that ends up in the water. The Florida west coast have been plagued with red tide and other pathogens for decades...the beautiful fresh water springs are even being affected. I agree EMF is a problem, but underwater it is also sonar and all the other communication systems. And microplastics (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13157-024-01785-9).

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Mar 22Liked by Elsa

😞 very sad news.

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